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My First Time with Heather

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
My wife, Beth and her mother, Ruth, were flying to Colorado today to visit Beth’s brother. They were downstairs packing. We had to leave in about twenty minutes for the airport. After dropping them off I had planned to go to a party our firm was throwing for some clients. I was in my home office upstairs answering email when Ruth appeared in the doorway. I said, “Ready to go?”
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Slumming It

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Sometimes you have to struggle hard to get laid, and sometimes the sex just comes to you. I remember in my second year at Uni, my mate Greg and I went out for a night around the clubs in London. We knew our way around these places by that stage. The first place was pretty rough, but Greg and I were both in the karate club and had achieved black belt level, so we weren't worried too much by some of the more blatant male posturing going on.
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