
This crazy, wonderful thing happened to me last summer. It happened when I went camping with a friend, just before school started. I thought I'd write about it. I hope you enjoy it...Kala
It was late summer when I was invited to go camping with my friend Debra and her parents. Debra and I attend the same high school and we shared a couple of classes together last year.
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It was late in the afternoon and there were only three people in our building at work. I know this because as one of the senior staff people, I had been assigned the task of working with the new security tracking system. Our insurance company had assigned all the employees with electronic keys that let us all in and out the doors. One of the claims managers had gotten a threat and with lawsuits today, the company had spent significant money to lock-down the building.
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I stepped away from the painting and arched my back to relieve the ache. The large canvas required me to stand, but the years and a legacy of arthritis from my father made it difficult. I always managed to become swept up in the brush strokes and the blending of subtle hues, and it wasn’t until I stopped that I knew I‘d been on my feet too long. The coffee was cold, and I poured it back into the pot to re-heat.
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