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Poker With Friends

Category: Group Sex
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David and I were spending the weekend with Tim and Angela at a cabin owned by Tim's dad. That morning, Angela and I went for a walk and she told me that Tom and Kristen would be here this afternoon and that Tom was bringing his video equipment. David and I had participated in some soft swings with Tom and Kristen so when Angela mentioned the video, I knew something was in the works.
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Plastic Becomes Real

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It was so strangely sexy, this new toy David had brought home. I'd secretly always wanted one, but never knew how to ask him for it. It's as if he knew that deep down inside, I did. Now, it was real; a real life-like strap on penis. It gave me the shivers the first time I put it on and I didn't get it fastened very well. I almost shook with nervousness. But that melted away as David sat on the bed and helped tighten it.
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