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Sharon Does the Swing Club

Category: Group Sex
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When my wife wants something, I can sometimes find it impossible to refuse her. We'd just got back from a weekend away where we'd met some friends and swapped partners. I'd always suspected that my wife, and mother of two children, was a whole lot hornier than most women. She was kneeling on the bed wearing nothing but a smile and casually stroking my cock to hardness when she asked me the question.
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Hitting the Jackpot!

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"Bingo, bingo, big money bingo! What's tonight?" "Bingo!" yelled the crowd of families and couples around the pool bar. "Oh Christ get me out of here!" muttered Julie from beneath her floppy sunhat. "I'm so bored!" "We picked the wrong hotel didn't we?" sighed her friend. "The hotel's gorgeous. It's the resort that's wrong." " looked closer to Ayia Napa in the brochure, didn't it?"
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Jenna and Joel

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Jenna woke to the aroma of coffee calling to her. She stumbled into the bathroom, resting her head on the vanity while she peed. She only stumbled once between the bathroom and the kitchen where Joel was shaved, dressed, and pouring her a cup of coffee. "I am so hung over," she groaned, leaning her naked butt against the counter as she cradled her coffee cup with two hands.
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