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Do You Believe?

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
When I left the big city I had lots of good reasons. I hated having neighbors twenty feet from my bedroom. I hated that there was always machine noise; from cars, TV's, sirens, brakes, and leaf blowers. I liked that if I wanted something it was close. I hated that whatever it was I wanted I had to stand in line to get it. I was in my mid fifties and figured I'd spent at least a year in line! I got lucky. I came into some unexpected money. I decided that all the reading and work I'd done on me deserved a reward.
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The Mark of Jane

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
A young women returns to her hometown and uses her erotic charms to wreak revenge on her ex boyfriend and best friend the week of their impending wedding. I emerged from the shower with the moisture still trickling over my body, naked except for the fluffy white towel wrapped around my bust line. I had been planning this weekend for a long time; I wanted everything to be right. I opened my suitcase and surveyed the strategically sexy underwear I had chosen to bring with me to enhance my plan.
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