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Briana & Catherine

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Catherine was blushing furiously. Looking anywhere but at Briana she murmured, “You know, I feel like going for a drive somewhere…” “So have you?” Briana asked quietly, still grinning. Catherine looked up, her eyes wide. She had been hoping to change the track of the conversation. “Have I what?” She asked, pretending. Briana was a little flushed, but she was making lots of eye contact.
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Valentine’s Gift

Category: BDMS
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"What do you want for Valentine's Day?" I asked, innocent of the results this query would have. "What do you mean, what do I want?" Stacy asked back somewhat crossly. "You know, do you want jewelry, chocolates, lots of roses, what?" "You're supposed to surprise me on Valentine's!" she exclaimed. "I know, but it seems so trite to try to surprise you, when there's a predefined list of what constitutes a Valentine's gift," I hastily tried to explain.
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