
She was nestled up next to him tightly when he woke up. She enjoyed his warm embrace while she slept, but it was pure torture for him. His cock was harder than ever and ready to cum. He fought off the urge to hump her as she slept. He knew better. With every breath he took in the scent of her. He struggled desperately as his pent up sexuality fought for control and, of course, release. He knew she was a light sleeper and she expected him to be there when she woke up on his days off. He wondered how many hours he would have to lay here aching and struggling with his urges. Getting hard, going soft and then getting hard again. Over and over.
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Rob ran past the fountain in the courtyard and pressed himself into the building's entrance to get out of the rain. He found her name immediately, an apartment on the second floor. He pressed the button and waited, hoping. Just before he was about to press again he heard her voice. He recognized it at once, even through the tinny intercom. "Oui?" she said. "Qui est-ce?"
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The next day Salima and I were at lunch with Greg Samuels and Kate Thompson from finance discussing derivatives, equities and many other 'exciting' things. Now as important as this meeting was to my future progression within the company I honestly wasn't up to it in any way, shape or form. Salima had kept me up both in a mental and erectile state of frenzy until half 4 that very morning and I felt more like a walking corpse than a high flying corporate executive.
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