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Sucker Boys

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
We meet in a bar, me, my best sissyboy painslut & you. We are all dressed in everyday office attire; you boys look so professional in your suits. I have on a tight white blouse which strains a little at the buttons, the sheer lace of my bra clearly showing through; a straight black skirt, net stockings & heeled patent black pumps. There are other such groups in the bar & we don't look out of place as we choose a quiet corner table;
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Cancun Discoveries

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I met Jamie in a hotel bar while on vacation in Cancun. She was in her mid twenties and dressed in all black. She had several tattoos and piercing which is normally not my type but she was hot as hell. Her dark hair was pulled back in a pony tail. She had dark brown eyes with long thick lashes, a pierced nose, a pierced eyebrow and a pierced tongue. Her black tee shirt was tight and revealed firm b cup tits and a flat tummy which had a pierced naval.
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