
My favorite teacher was my math teacher, Mrs. Gibson. She was in her late thirties, a wife and a mom, but man, was she sexy! She had long full blonde hair, a pretty face, was average in height, and had big tits. Like most of the teachers she dressed casual more than she dressed up, but whatever she wore, it was hard to hide her hot body. I wasn't much of a math student, and since I had math my last class of the day, I spent most of the period staring at Mrs. Gibson and having fantasies about her.
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My son is in the 2nd grade and his school was having their teacher/parent conferences. For those who might not know it is where parents are invited to spend twenty to thirty minutes talking with their son or daughter's teacher about their progress during the year. Now my boy is a good student and we hadn't received any complaints from the school so our conference was a formality at best. Knowing this my wife didn't reschedule her yoga class and opted to miss it.
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You'd think graduate students would be better behaved, right? I mean, we're adults, we've done the college partying thing. We're there to get our degrees, basically, and that's about it. At least, that's the theory. And while, for the most part, my experience doing graduate work was like that, there was one particular incident that veered so far off the path of "appropriate" it probably would have gotten all three of us kicked out if we'd been caught.
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When you're eighteen and having overly erotic dreams, to whom do you talk? Your girlfriends? They'd laugh and want all the salacious details. Your boyfriend? He'd want to act it out, and that wasn't going to happen. Your mother? Yes, Denise could just see herself going to her mother to discuss erotic dreams. Not in this lifetime. She sighed as she went to bed. Maybe she wouldn't have any tonight.
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"You'll have to take Sex Education today for 4C, Miss Martin."
Just the words I'd been longing to hear, I don't think.
"Why me? Doesn't Mrs Annot take that?"
"Normally," said the Principal with a grin, "but she just called in sick and you're the only one with free time for that period. Don't worry. The kids are only around fifteen. You can handle then with no problems."
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I celebrated my eighteenth birthday during the middle of my senior year in high school in 1988. Soon after this, I had an experience I will never forget.
Miss Pikes was my English Composition teacher. She had just recently turned 40, but she was hot. There was a rumor that at one point in her life she had posed for Playboy. I hadn't seen any of the glossy photos of her in print as proof positive, so I couldn't attest to the truth of the rumor. But I certainly saw how it could be possible.
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Miss Annabelle Nella was a high school teacher who really enjoyed her job and loved teaching her senior class. It was, for her, great to give all the students one last piece of education before sending them off to college, where many she hoped, would make something of themselves and enter the real world off to a great start.
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