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Unspoken Words: Prologue

Category: Gay Male
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My name is Christian. Most of the people I know call me Chris. Although my mom calls me Christian Edward Matthews whenever she's mad. I don't really like my middle name all that much, but of course, I never tell her that. Currently, I'm 19 years old and in my senior year in high school. I started a bit late into school so I'm older than most by at least a year.
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Business and Pleasure

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
“This is what I was telling you about.” My eyes opened wide as Adrienne handed me a magazine with her finger pointing to a picture of a black leather collar with chains attached to bind the users hands up around their neck. “I’m completely shocked,” I confessed. “I would NEVER have guessed you were into that sort of thing.” Adrienne smiled, a pink hue staining her cheeks in admission.
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