Matt sat on the edge of the bed looking down at the steel tube which encased his cock. He'd waited so long for this moment, but still he was tremendously nervous. As he looked down he caught sight of his face, reflected in the highly polished surface of the chastity device. Could he really go through with this? He steeled himself and pushed the small padlock through the locking holes and snapped it shut.
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I arrive at Mistress's at the appointed hour. I brush lint off my navy blue suit. As I straighten my red tie I feel the black leather collar under my shirt. The small lock is positioned directly behind the knot in my tie.
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I met Lisa for the first time just after finishing a workout at the local gym. Over the next few weeks we ran into each other on a regular basis and ended up going to out for a few pints. Spending time together eventually put us in bed together and we decided out relationship was best left as a friends with benefits situation.
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