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Turning Point

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Looking back on it now, it was a turning point for us. We had been dating for a little over a year, and things had gone from fairly fantastic, to routine, to downright ugly. We were arguing over every little thing, it seemed; completely at odds with one another. I can't speak for Rob, but for me, it wasn't purposeful or anything. Things were just unsettled between us, I guess.
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ANR Fantasy

Category: Fetish
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Friday morning. He will arrive home from work by four o'clock this afternoon. We've spoken often this week of our plans. I have errands to do this morning...first to the food market, then to my favorite boutique for sexy lingerie, last to the florist for a beautiful arrangement to grace our bedroom. Weeks ago I purchased exquisite nursing bras to surprise him.
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A Tale of Two Titties

Category: Fetish
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Alice brought Wonderland. I wasn't sleeping very well after a fall that I took which damaged my knee and hip and I was dosing myself with 2 painkillers every 4 or 5 hours. It was now just after 1 o'clock in the morning and I realized that I only had one pill left so I got myself dressed and found my walking stick then headed to the local all night convenience store. I knew it would cost more than the Pharmacy but they were closed.
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How Sadie Became a Cowgirl

Category: Fetish
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It started out like any other day. I think it was a Tuesday in fact. I was reading the classifieds in yet another ill-fated attempt to find employment, while my boyfriend, Ryan, fooled around on the Internet. Every now and then he'd drop a random bit of web trivia on me, which often triggered a debate about the validity of said trivia.
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Milking Jenni

Category: Fetish
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Jenni had come to work at my office as the payroll manager about a year ago. She was in her early thirties, married with a couple of kids. She had silky, straight brown hair, shoulder-length and cut in bangs, green eyes and wore glasses. She was hardly a great beauty, there was something about her face I found attractive.
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The Barter System

Category: Fetish
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Melissa was having a pretty good day. The baby actually slept through the night. Her asshole ex-boyfriend had managed the child support check and she finally fit back into her skirts. Blouses were another story. Her breasts had been so swollen for the last few months. She had enough milk to feed two babies. Between the baby and the breast pump, she felt her tits were hanging out all day. Not that she would have minded showing them off. She loved having the new figure. Since returning from maternity leave, all the men in the building took double takes.
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Nipple to Nipple Play

Category: Lesbian Sex
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It had been six months since Katie left to go back to South America. Six long months without anyone to play with – six months of frustration with only my own fingers to satisfy my sensitive nipples. – And now, back in my apartment, dressed in only a white cotton top and g-string, I rubbed my aching buds back and forth through the material, releasing my pent up and frustrated feelings.
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Helping Sasha

Category: Fetish
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"I really need some help. Can you come over to my cabin? Are you off for a bit?" Sasha and I had been friends for a few months now, but this was the first time I'd heard this tone of voice. "No problem, I've got nothing going on. Be there in a sec," I said. I'd been working on the Enchantment since December. She was a 2,500 passenger cruise ship, and we we'd been on a 7-day run to the west coast of Mexico out of Los Angeles, but that run had ended on Sunday, and we were currently on our way to Honolulu for a series of 10-day Hawaiian cruises. Tough life, I know.
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