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Ex-Boyfriend Needs Solace

Category: Fetish
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The phone rings for the third time this evening. I know who it is – Gavin, my ex. He's already called twice since I got in from work. He's been dumped by his latest girlfriend and needs consolation. In the two and a half years since we lived together, he's now had four girls break off with him. Each time he is devastated and rings me straight away. Maybe he figures that because I dumped him, I must know the reason why he can't maintain a relationship.
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Afternoon with Her Friend

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It was one of those typical Saturday afternoons - Terri and I were sitting in her kitchen talking about girl stuff. We had been best friends for about a year. Our husbands worked at the same advertising agency. They were off golfing and her and I were catching up.
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