
Anya's fingers moved, and a deep thrum began to emanate from the speakers. It was a low, raunchy resonance, laying down the foundation for what was to come. The rest of the band soon added their instruments, and the slow funk slickly filled the hall air.
Now even the louder members of the audience were taken into a new stupor.
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It started out like any other day. I think it was a Tuesday in fact. I was reading the classifieds in yet another ill-fated attempt to find employment, while my boyfriend, Ryan, fooled around on the Internet. Every now and then he'd drop a random bit of web trivia on me, which often triggered a debate about the validity of said trivia.
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Lily was annoyed when she stepped through the front door. As much as she enjoyed hanging out with her girlfriends, the constant gossip and drama was grating. Holly was by far the worst of them, and while she was fun to hang around and sweet in her own way, she wasn't above calling a friend a cow behind her back, either out of jest or spite.
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I'm waiting for my wife in the mall, and watching breasts go by. There goes a cheerleader-type babe, now a mature woman whose massive breasts practically say "Ga-BONG, ga-BONG" with each step she takes. I take off my glasses to clean them, but am captivated by the sight of a woman coming this way. Even with my fuzzy vision, my cock is getting chubby from checking out this woman.
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June, her arms full of bags from the dealer's room, fumbled with the key card for the room before she managed to get it to slide the right way. She pushed the door open with her hip and managed to drop everything on the bed. It was not often she spent like this, but a convention vacation was a once a year thing for her and her girlfriend so she felt she could justify splurging just a little. The fact that most everything she had picked up were games, of both board and video persuasions, was also a mitigating factor.
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