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Twice Burned

Category: Group Sex
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Leaning my head against the steering wheel I decided that I'd just lived the worse day of my life. At this point I couldn't think of any way possible for it to get worse, except for maybe a building falling on my head. As far as that possibility went I'd just make sure I stayed near only one-story buildings that way maybe it wouldn't kill me. Laughing at myself I closed my eyes thinking that all I wanted to do right now was sleep for about a year.
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An Awesome Weekend of Lesbian Love

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
The phone rang and I picked it up, not really caring who it was. I was in that kind of a mood. I had a restless feeling inside me, one of those not really knowing what was wrong, but the world sure as Hell didn't seem cheery and bright to me. Know what I mean? A shitty disposition! Yeah, that pretty well described it. My parents knew that disposition maybe too well, and got on my case about it. Maybe I deserved it, I didn't know.
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