
I’ve been married to you for about two years.
You are my dream man.
I came to you a virgin, you showed me the ways of love.
Sadly though our life together has been reduced to quick snatches of time spent together at dinner and in bed. Sometimes we’re both too tired to make love. I hate that. I want to be close to you, closer than your skin.
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We moved to New Mexico when my husband's father decided to retire early from his business and pass it on to his son. I had visited here many times but never quite took to it. My family is from Maine. Thanks to the exclusive country club membership sponsored by my in-laws and a ton of charity work, I was able to quickly adjust and make some new friends.
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Hi, it's me again...Crista. Well if you read my last post "Thru The Window", you remember how at 19 I caught my next door neighbor masturbating in her back yard and how that completely changed my entire sexual persona. From that point on I fantasized constantly about being with another girl. I had boyfriends yes and loved sex with them, but I just couldn't shake this fantasy.
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The air was alive with excitement as the Southwest passenger jet left the tarmac. My older sister, Alana, and I were seated together toward the back, huge grins on our faces as we looked out the window, watching the city lights drop away. It was a red eye flight that we had booked at the last second when we learned that our scheduled flight the next day would have to face a potential delay or cancellation because of a huge winter storm that was rolling in.
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The rhythm of your steps on the stairs announces your presence and I look up from chopping the peppers as you unlock the latch. Still dusted with flour from work at the bakery, you look just as juicy as that day last fall when I picked you up at the gym. You slip the bandanna off your head and shake free the mop of red-gold curls it contains. "I got the stuff you wanted from the market. Angelo is bringing it up." I raise an eyebrow, wondering what you are up to. That impish look is all over your face, and your cheeks are flushed. Girl, don't I know that look!
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