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Nympho Mom

Category: Incest
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Tiffany Dawson stepped into the therapist's office of a walk-in clinic on a rainy Monday afternoon after work. She'd made sure her son Michael knew dinner was wanting for him in the oven and that'd she'd be home by six o' clock. Tiffany was a tiny woman, just over five feet tall, but she had a curvy build. Men and women alike often complimented her on her generous breasts, slender midsection and thick thighs. Tiffany's long, dark hair was pulled up into a high ponytail. A few tendrils had escaped and they gently caressed her smooth shoulders.
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Craving Candace

Category: Anal Sex
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I couldn't decide whether it was love or lust at first sight. It couldn't have been love because we were in high school, so it had to be lust because it was lust central at Murrell Dobbins high school. I sat in the middle of Math class with a bricked up dick in my pants—and it was all her damn fault. Who was her, y'all would ask? She was Candace 'Big Booty' Jefferson. Candace was one of the baddest chicks in school and the captain of the cheerleading squad.
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