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The Bitches in the Basement

Category: Anal Sex
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The parties that went on at 69 Brentwood Street were legendary. When Luke Prescott received the invitation email by Blackberry during his final year at NYU, he had high expectations. The house was a three-storey brownstone on the Upper East Side, and was being rented by three of the hottest girls in university. Kendra, Lacey and Chloe were commonly referred to around campus as 'The Babes on Brentwood.'
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Alicia & Shelly, Swinging

Category: Group Sex
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I'm Alicia. I just turned eighteen one month ago. My very best friend, Shelly, is five months older than I. Not only have we been best friends since the fourth grade, we became lovers at the Log Cabin Motel two days after I turned eighteen.
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