
The Gate Attendant could barely focus as he compared the passport in his hand with the flight ticket. Both said, "Anny Santiago"...and the picture didn't do her justice. As he ripped up her ticket he managed out a meek, "Enjoy your flight".
Anny thanked the man and took back her ticket and dragged her bag through the corridor. When she passed by the gate attendant, she caught him doing a double take. She was used to it.
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Hindu Kush 04:06.
I whispered into the mike:
"Sierra Five Zulu, this is Four Delta Quebec. Do you have visual on targets? Over."
A little further down the valley, George, my opposite number in 2nd platoon, pressed his transmit button twice in rapid succession. The clicks in my ear confirmed that he had indeed seen the Taliban commanders we were waiting to intercept.
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Michael trembled imperceptibly as he wheeled his Ford Explorer into the narrow parking space in front of Suite 208, snapped off the radio and killed the engine. This is it, he thought. Both hands gripped the wheel as he sorted through complex emotions. No fighting it any longer. He had come to take charge of his life, and for once, finally after his 42 years, he was intent on fulfilling his desires in the only way he knew possible. No more lies, no more facades. This had to be done.
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I have never in my life ever had any kind of sexual feelings for other men. That is until this one time when a situation presented itself to me and I, without much hesitation, jumped right in. Neither of us was prepared for it. But it turned out to be one of the most intense sexual experiences I ever felt.
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I love cock. Can't deny it. Can't escape it. Not guys, as such, but COCK. I am married, love my wife and family, and will do nothing to endanger them or my marriage. But I love cock. Am I repeating myself?
With local University connections, I am able to make use of the 5 different gyms and work-out centers on campus, in addition to the 3 pools they have. I admit, that at the pools I spend way more time looking at the co-eds, than anything or anyone else.
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