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Psych Major

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
You knew exactly what you were doing, didn't you? You knew what you wanted and you knew from the beginning how it was going to be. I saw the look, I felt your eyes, even as you smiled with beguiling wit and alluring chivalry. You welcomed me back home after my second year at college and marveled at how I had grown, how much of a woman I had become, how mature, how easily mistaken for some cosmopolitan runway model or some professional volleyball player, with my long blond hair and clear blue eyes. You told me how much you missed me. You told me how amazed you were at how I had truly filled out and fully blossomed as a sophisticated college student on my way to possible med school.
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Must Be My Lucky Day

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes

He didn't move. He just sat on his girlfriend's bed and kept his eyes on her open closet. Eighteen-year-old Edward had only one thing on his mind. But his girlfriend would never accept it even if she was more open-minded than anyone else. The young black man tried to repress his temptation, but it always fought back and sought its victory. One look at Cheryl's beautiful red dress and he would do anything to wear it.

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My Birthday Present

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"Are you ready yet? These reservations cost me and they made it clear on the phone that we lose our table if we're late!" Steph called out to me. I'm usually the one waiting on her to get ready but tonight is different. It's not often that I get dressed up in a suit and tie but this was a special occasion.
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Why Men are Better than Boys

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Kevin & Lisa had met in college and fallen madly in love with each other when they were just 18. They had married on Lisa's 20th birthday, only 6 months after Kevin's 20th and now it was only a matter of days before Kevin's 40th. Both were successful professionals, Kevin was a photographer and Lisa a writer and they had decided very early on in their relationship that children would not be in their plan -- just a desire to experience as much as life could offer and they had managed just that.
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Holiday Love

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
For me, family holidays are always boring. So I'm sure you can understand that while sitting on the plane going to Cyprus, I was not too pleased. I hadn't been there in 8 years so was excited to see my family, but to be honest; there was nothing to do where I was staying.
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Poor Baby, Come to Daddy

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Daddy...could you just hold me for a while.. make love with me.. treat me nice.. I am feeling so sad right now.. can you comfort me? YOu don;t always play that role. Can you tell me nice things and stoke me and make me feel loved and cared for? When you see me in my photos do you see that I am vulnerable and need your attention and that I hurt inside?
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