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Poor Baby, Come to Daddy

Category: Fetish
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Daddy...could you just hold me for a while.. make love with me.. treat me nice.. I am feeling so sad right now.. can you comfort me? YOu don;t always play that role. Can you tell me nice things and stoke me and make me feel loved and cared for? When you see me in my photos do you see that I am vulnerable and need your attention and that I hurt inside?
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A Tale of Two Titties

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Alice brought Wonderland. I wasn't sleeping very well after a fall that I took which damaged my knee and hip and I was dosing myself with 2 painkillers every 4 or 5 hours. It was now just after 1 o'clock in the morning and I realized that I only had one pill left so I got myself dressed and found my walking stick then headed to the local all night convenience store. I knew it would cost more than the Pharmacy but they were closed.
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