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Two Participants

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"No, not for over two years." "Any encounters within this period?" The soothing hum of an air conditioner drifts through the office. "...yeah." follows a moment's hesitation in the girl's response. "If you care to say so, roughly, how recently was this?" A rustling of paperwork fills the moment's silence as the young woman averts her gaze.
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Eric Lacroix

BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
The Gash was the worst beat in town, and being the cop working it meant that you had three options: get promoted and get reassigned, leave the force, or wait to die. Cops had a shorter lifespan in The Gash than a white-girl's virginity did in a rap concert. I had worked this beat once, before I took done a cop-killing drug-dealing Puerto Rican slut named La Zorra and made vice. There was no need for me to come back to this shitty-ass place, but I wanted to. The Gash was my connection to someone I cared about. Someone who needed my help.
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