
It was our first vacation for just the 2 of us in more than 7 years. Marc and I had been married for 13 years and had 3 children. We were very happy, but we had lost some of our "couple-ness" in these years of parenting and really needed to find that spark again. I wanted to be sure that we would still have each other when our parenting job was done. I found someone to stay with the kids and booked our room and off we went.
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To the outside world Dave Blackwood looked like a conservative forty five year old accountant with a nice house two little kids a station wagon and a pretty wife. But to his wife Jackie he was the best sex she'd ever had.
Jackie wasn't entirely surprised late one evening after the dishwasher was packed and the kids securely in bed when her husband asked her if she would like to try 'back door' sex.
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Part One
With hot shower water still steaming off of him, he looks down at the clothes laid out on the bed -- the usual trousers, white shirt and tie, socks...
"Honey?" he shouts into the next room. A few seconds later his wife appears, poking her pale, bright eyed face through the doorway. She has a mischievous grin on her face already.
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Bill and I have been married now for nearly ten years. It's been a fairly good marriage, Bills a good provider and a kind husband. But over the last few years it seems our sex life has gone in different direction. At thirty-two my sex drive seemed to be increasing while Bill's was going the opposite direction. When we first got married we were both willing to try anything, even some of the kinky stuff like oral, mutual masturbation, spankings, role play, and even some anal sex.
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I had been interested in anal sex for a long time, but my wife and I never really talked about it. I slipped once (really) and my wife screamed in pain. It seemed obvious she wasn't interested in anal sex.
We had been married about seven years when I found a video in a parking lot. The video didn't have a label on it. I decided to take it home and see what was on it. I mentioned to my wife I had found the video, as I put it in the VCR (yes, this was a number of years ago).
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I was in the kitchen cleaning up when you got home from work. I heard you come through the front door, and I tried hard to stay focused on the task at hand and pretend as though I hadn't been waiting for you to come home all day. It was a blatant lie, of course, and my clothing fairly well advertised the fact. After all, who cleans kitchens in flirty, ruffly, short skirts and heels?
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Karen smoothed the sexy black nightie over her hips. She had been so embarrassed when she bought the nightie at a sex shop downtown. The nightie was sheer black silk with lace over her small, pretty breasts going down into a deep "V" past her belly button. The lace teased her sensitive nipples making them jut out. The hem of the flouncy skirt just barely covered her irresistible rounded ass. She wanted to pull the hem down but it bounced right back up.
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"All right, that's enough!" Jackie was pissed off with Andy trying to get her to agree to anal sex. He had been pushing to try it almost since they married and wouldn't accept that she found the idea both distasteful and scary. Nothing she had said had stopped him from asking again and again. Now she'd come up with an answer which she expected to settle the matter for once and for all! "I'll tell you what I'll do. Do you want to do a trade?"
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My lover has an Afrikaans accent. His breath whispers against my neck as he speaks gruffly in my ear, pinning me to the living room wall. I push my behind into his groin as he cups my tits, groaning he is "so glad he met me."
It's a rainy summer's night, all sticky and we're slick with sweat. We're both in singlets, he's in jeans and I can feel his thick length as he nestles it between my shorts clad cheeks.
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Lorna had reached the point of 'enough is enough'. She was sitting on the bathroom stool with her body covered in sweat, not from the rather mediocre climax she had just given herself, but from the effort she had put into trying to enjoy the sex that her husband had just inflicted on her. Derek was a good husband but an abominable lover. He just could not comprehend that filling her cunt with spunk did not automatically generate satisfaction in her, and as far as he was concerned the whole purpose of sex was to simply bring him to climax.
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