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Finding a Jewel

Category: Anal Sex
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The typical company Christmas party. Rented out the trendy restaurant downtown. Paid insane amounts of money to do so. Unlimited food, excellent food mind you. Free drinks. Sounds fun? Not tonight. Not for me. My father works for a successful law firm. Made partner not too long ago. He makes, oh, I'll just say that our family has never wanted. It was his firm's party.
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Jenna my Mother in Law in Africa

Category: Anal Sex
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The drive up was pleasant; small talk was made about the country and its politics, the farm and the old people as well as my son and her daughter. This trip was never supposed to happen but here I am driving 800km or 13 hours to my wilderness hunting area not with my wife but with my mother in law Jenna. I was originally planning on going ahead up North on my own as I usually do but at dinner the previous weekend the whole family decided that she should accompany me on the trip and see what it was like up there.
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An Awakening

Category: Anal Sex
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Dave and I had been married for eight years when he gave me an erotic novel. He had bought me the little short stories but this book was much larger than those were. I didn't want to seem too anxious to read it, so I made myself wait for a little while. I am an avid reader and the idea of a purely erotic novel had me excited so I finally gave in and kicked back to read.
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Norse Myth Models

Category: Anal Sex
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"Don't be such a prude Thor! Nudity is perfectly natural and doesn't have to be about sex. In fact, they'd be more likely to think of our bodies in a sexual way if we wore G-strings or tight jeans." "Easy for you to say, you're not likely to be ogled as the fresh meat." "For God's sake stop with this nonsense already, Thor. They're NOT interested in your body for sex.
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Take Two

Category: Anal Sex
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It had begun one night when Emma and Wayne were making love. As she straddled and then rode him in her usual energetic manner he had reached around and begun to play with her from behind, touching and probing until finally his finger had found its way into her anus. She was shocked at first, but then she was surprised to find it a strangely enjoyable sensation to have both a finger and a cock inside her at once, different but very pleasurable.
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