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Prelude to a Kiss

Category: Lesbian Sex
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“It’s a girl, Mom!” My son-in-law Zack chirped exuberantly through the phone. “It’s a girl. You have a beautiful granddaughter.”

Pressing my cell phone firmly to my ear, I couldn’t believe how blank my mind had suddenly gone. Of all the things I thought I would say at this moment, I was at a complete loss for words and was finding it difficult to breathe.

Now, I’d known this moment was coming for the last nine months. I knew that this would be the defining moment of my oldest daughter’s life and one that she would never ever forget. After having three children of my own, I know this only too well. And as her mother, it should be one of the most memorable moments in mine as well. But, now that it has come upon me, why am I feeling so empty? Why do I feel so unmoved; so uninspired and even frail? Why am I not bursting with joy and happiness at the birth of my first grandchild? GRANDCHILD??!!

“BINGO!!!!!! Nancy, you’ve just become a grandmother! That’s right honey, you’re a Grandma! A Granny! A Nana! A Mamom!”

With the silence growing disturbingly awkward on the other end of the line, I managed to mumble my congratulations and mouth a few questions of motherly concern about my daughter’s condition. As my son-in-law resumed his excited rambling, I stewed silently in the warm and humid evening air of Houston, Texas; all the while cursing myself for being such a self-absorbed and vain cunt. If Zack had noticed the awkward silence and tension on my end, he made no mention of it. Instead he went right on and relayed that the baby was perfectly healthy, weighing in a 7lbs-9oz., 21 inches in length and was the spitting image of her mother. Thank God! He also reported that Jessica, my 22 year old daughter and his wife of nearly 11 months, had come through the natural birth like a true warrior and was now resting comfortably with her daughter, Brenda.

“Sure wish you could be here.” Zack said.

“So do I.” I heard myself utter and then sniffed.

It was then that I realized I had started to cry. But they were hardly tears of joy. They were tears of sorrow. My life had been changed forever; I was officially old. One of my children now had a child and the knowledge that this was only my “first” grandchild only seemed to make matters worse. It was all downhill from here.

As Zack listened to what he assumed were my tears of “joy” and then struggled through his own to continue our conversation, I wanted to gouge my eyes out with a screwdriver. But, I just couldn’t stop myself. I was now somebody’s Grandma. How can this be? Grandma’s are supposed to be old, gray and wrinkled; like my grandmother was. I can’t be a Grandma! I’m still young! I’m only 42 years old! Women my age are still having children of their own for God’s sake. Hell, my own mother was 42 years old when she had me. Of course, now she’s 84 and the grandmother of thirteen. As this battle raged inside my head, I managed to babble the following:

“Give my love to Jessie, okay? And tell her to call me in the morning.”

“Okay.” The big lummox replied. “Love you, Mom.”

Every time Zack calls me “Mom”, I get the tortuous sensation of mutant tarantulas creeping up my spinal cord. Where Jessica was only 22, her husband, Dr. Zackary Kenneth Addias, was 31 and an Associate Professor of Physics at the University of Notre Dame; where coincidentally, Jessica had gone to college. Jessica took a Physics course in the fall semester of her third year, which just happened to be taught by Professor Addias; they met, tutored privately and the rest is history. Needless to say, since the man is just 10 years and 3 months younger than me, it is very hard to swallow his calling me “Mom.” And I can’t really blame him. In the beginning, he called me Mrs. Schaefer and I asked him to please call me Nancy. Of course, after the wedding, Jessie only had to hear him call me Nancy once before she corrected him.

“She’s Mom now, silly.” Jessica had said in her angelic voice.

Personally, I think Zack was just as uncomfortable with it as I was, but all I had to do was look at Jessie; she adores the man with all her heart and would be deeply hurt if I didn’t accept him as my son. So, I live with it.

“I mean, Grandma.” Zack chuckled.

“Love you all, too. Bye.” I managed to say sweetly as I slapped my phone shut and slid it across the patio table. The magazine I had been reading prior to his call prevented my phone from sliding off the table and onto the marbled concrete. “Asshole!” I hissed viciously as I snatched my glass of chardonnay and drained it in three gulps. And as I’m sucking down some alcohol, now might be a good time to give you a little background before I proceed into a story that I hope will arouse your deepest carnal fantasies and will leave you tingling with unbridled lust and desire.

My name is Nancy Schaefer and I’m a 42 year old, divorced mother of three daughters: Jessica Lynn Schaefer-Addias, my eldest at 22, and who has just ruined my life. LOL! Then there is Laura Renee Schaefer, an 18 year old High School senior and co-captain of the varsity cheerleading squad. And last, but certainly not least, is Tiffany Jaclyn Schaefer; my baby at just 12. All three of the girls are vibrant, beautiful and dare I say, very sexual young women. Even though Tiffany is just beginning her journey into womanhood, she, like her mother and her sisters, is an early bloomer and is already far ahead of every other girl in her class. At least, her body is anyway.

I was born Nancy Denise Rutherford on a frigid February day in Albany, New York. The youngest of seven with four older sisters and two older brothers, a 46 year old investment banker for a father and a 42 year old housewife and part-time substitute teacher for a mother. Though we lived modestly, my father had a brilliant financial mind, invested wisely and made himself a multi-millionaire by the time I graduated from high school when I was 18. By then, he and my mother already had six grandchildren. Less than two full years later, Jessica would become their seventh. I had enrolled at Columbia University in New York City right after high school and even though my father was filthy rich, he was still a cheap bastard; so I had to work as a cocktail waitress at a high-roller bar near the campus. That’s where I met Martin Schaefer on a warm spring day at the age of 19.

Martin was everything a young girl could ever want in a man. First of all, he was nearly 15 years older than me. (I know, call me a fucking hypocrite since Zack is only 9 years older than Jessica.) Martin had impeccable taste in everything from cars to clothing and especially women. He was ruggedly handsome, broad shouldered, granite chinned, lean and muscled body, deep and mysterious sapphire blue eyes, an intoxicating laugh and a hypnotic smile. His hair was coal black, his skin was olive and his lovemaking abilities rivaled Don Juan Domingo himself. He was also the Senior Vice-President of a rapidly growing Oil and Gas company at just 34 years of age.

So, 15 years and three children later, Martin and I had moved to Houston, Texas where Martin had worked his way up to Chairman of the Board of that now very large Oil and Gas company at age 49. I had completed my bachelor’s degree in Business Administration several years earlier at Columbia University. Both Jessica and Laura were born in New York City and hired nannies cared for them as I went on to earn a Masters Degree in Business Management. Tiffany was born in Houston, and as much as I hate to say it, she was a last ditch attempt to salvage her father and I’s failing marriage. Martin had long since been ready to trade me in for another 19 year old, and that’s exactly what he did, at least officially, when Tiffany was just 4. Of course, he’d been test driving newer and younger models for several years prior to committing to one and hence, dumping me and the girls.

Okay, I confess: I wasn’t exactly faithful either. I had taken an entry level executive position with a local New York TV News station after completing my Masters. When Martin moved us to Houston, I transferred to the Houston network affiliate and sister station. I loved the job and busted my ass to move up the ladder. And when I say busted my ass, I mean that it every sense of the word. Hence, my infidelity. Today, that TV station is the number one in Houston, number three in the state and number eight in the nation and I’m the General Manager. For a time, I actually considered becoming an on-air reporter and was even offered news desk anchor; but there was a problem. Well, I don’t know if you can exactly call it a problem. Most of the time, particularly on the social and dating scene and most especially in the heat of passion, I consider it a blessing. But, from a professional standpoint – particularly in my field, it would be rather confusing. And as I have yet to describe myself physically, this shall sum it up in a nutshell:

I am either the identical twin sister or the genetic clone of CNN’s “No Bias, No Bull” anchor Campbell Brown. I mean everything down to the sound and tone of our voices is identical. I get stopped in public all the time and asked for an autograph for people think I’m her. Everything about she and I is identical: Hair color, hair length, hair style, skin tone, the facial structure, the cheeks , the chin, the nose, the pouting lips, the lipid eyes, the lean and slender body, the pert breasts, the long and sexy legs; everything is identical! Well, not exactly everything: Campbell Brown is just a year younger than me and she just gave birth to her second child while I just became a grandmother.


I was awarded full custody of the girls, along with our beautiful 5300 square foot home, two of the four vehicles, several stock and bond options in his company, 50% of his 401K, and an extremely handsome child support payment each month. Since Martin’s income is nearly 7 million a year; well, you do the math. Martin relocated to Boca Raton, Florida with his new love child (she’s actually only 18) and shows no interest in continuing to be a father to his daughters. Not that he ever had any in the first place. Yet despite their vain parents, our girls flourished beautifully. Jessica graduated Summa Cum Laude from high school and was accepted to the University of Notre Dame. She now lives in South Bend, Indiana with her husband and newborn daughter. I could have easily flown up to be with her as she had her baby, but as you will soon see, fate played a hand perhaps more than my vanity in not allowing me to go. Laura is now a senior in high school, co-captain of the varsity cheerleading squad and thus far, doing very well at keeping her sexual escapades safe and protected. Laura is me all over again. She is a cunning vixen hiding behind the face of an angel. She loves to fuck and based upon how she is built, is probably a tornado between the sheets. I know that sounds awful for a mother to describe her daughter that way, but as I said, she is me all over again. Like mother, like daughter. But despite her genetically inherited promiscuity, Laura hasn’t lost sight of her future; she’s already been accepted to Florida State University where she plans to major in Marine Biology.

And then there is Tiffany…Well, only time will tell with that girl. She’s already very stubborn, a little on the snobby side and way too smart for her own good. But she is also very cool, savvy and her smile is already magnetic. She can obviously see by her mother and her sisters what a beautiful and sexy woman she will be and it’s going to her head already. Okay, so I am a self-absorbed and vain cunt! Sue me!

….Oh well, back to my story:

I set the empty wine glass back on the patio table, eased my body back into the soft padding of the chair and stared aimlessly into my beautifully trimmed and manicured backyard. As dusk was giving way to night, the lights in the swimming pool came on automatically and the now illuminated surface of the water gently reflected and shimmered off they white siding of the house. A gentle breeze rustled through the towering pine trees just beyond my backyard fence and I could then faintly hear the distant cheers of an excited crowd and the blaring music of a marching band; the Friday night football game at Laura’s high school was in full swing. With a deep sigh, I rose to my feet, snapped up both the empty wine glass and my cell phone and carried them both through the back door and into the kitchen.

Plugging my phone into the charger on the counter, I stepped over to the fridge and poured myself another glass of chardonnay. Replacing the bottle and shutting the fridge door, I drained the glass in a few gulps as I listened to the grandfather clock in the foyer chime the hour – Nine o’clock. I set the empty wine glass into the sink and glanced at my watch: 9:10. Either it was fast or the grandfather clock was slow. I crossed my arms over my chest and glanced around the enormous kitchen and the desolate, cavernous house beyond. It was so deathly quiet. No TV going. No music playing upstairs. No girls fighting. No Xbox gaming. I suddenly felt dreadfully alone and utterly insignificant. Like an ant crawling through the Taj Mahal. Tiffany had gone with her best friend and her family up to Lake Conroe for the weekend and I wouldn’t see her again until I picked her up from school on Monday afternoon. Laura was cheering at the varsity football game I had just heard on the breeze and wouldn’t be home till late…If at all. She no doubt had some sort of sexual escapade arranged for after the game. She always did. On that thought, I began to recollect on my own sex life of late as I glanced out the bay windows in the dinette area that looked out onto the back patio and the swimming pool.

“What sex life?” I thought to myself.

Between the demands, details and deadlines of my career, Jessica’s impending motherhood, the management of Laura’s sex life and the early pruning of Tiffany’s, I had completely abandoned my own. How long had it been now? Nine months? A year! Oh my God, could it even be two years? I couldn’t honestly remember.

I soon noticed that I was twisting and tugging anxiously on my ponytail and feeling my body tense up more and more by the second as it overloaded with sexual frustration. I kicked off my flip-flops, slid off my watch, let down my hair and unfastened my belt as I returned to the patio. One of the beautiful things about living in Houston; even though it was the middle of October, it still felt like a steamy summer night – perfect night for a swim. Wearing only my one piece bathing suit and a pair of white denim shorts, I let the shorts drop down my long legs to the concrete and stepped out of them. Dipping my toes into the surprisingly warm water, I glanced up at the darkened, second story window of my next door neighbor’s house that looked directly down into my backyard.

Roger and Elaine Mackenzie had moved in about five years ago and they had two sons – Jason and Jeremy; identical twins, who were the same age as Laura. Geek Squad material to say the least, Jason and Jeremy were still very nice boys; but they were most definitely out of Laura’s social league. In fact, Laura, and even Jessica, before she left for college, complained constantly about those Mackenzie dorks spying on them through their bedroom window as they and their friends swam and/or sunned themselves. I told the girls that they shouldn’t let it bother them; that the boys had been watching me too and if anything, we should be flattered. Besides, boys will be boys. And while Jessica and Laura fumed about it, I found it almost comical; even cute.

As I gently kicked at the water with my toes, I continued to stare at Jeremy and Jason Mackenzie’s darkened window and wondered if they were up their right now watching. Again, while the Mackenzie twins were very nice and wholesome boys, neither one of them truly had a prayer of getting laid anytime in the near future….If ever. I wondered if they’d ever actually even seen a naked woman. At least, one that wasn’t in a magazine. I pondered this for a moment and made my decision.

“A Grandma, huh? Well, just have a look at how sexy a Grandma can be!”

I stripped off my bathing suit, kicked it away and dove into the pool. As the warm water engulfed and caressed my naked body, I exhaled slowly and let myself sink gently through the cloud of rising air bubbles. Coming to rest on the smooth concrete of the pool’s bottom, I thought of Jeremy and Jason Mackenzie watching me from above and for a few brief seconds, I entertained the fantasy of the two of them coming over and having their way with me. Of course, I’d probably have to instruct them on every single detail of lovemaking. But then again, sometimes the best lovers are the ones we least expect. Jason and Jeremy could be hung like rhinos and the thought of riding one young, hard cock while sucking on another filled me with a deep twinge of carnal lust. I kicked off the bottom, rose to the surface and began swimming laps to try and work off the tremendous frustration.

I swam laps until my body ached then flipped over and let myself float motionless on the surface. Gazing up at the star-filled sky, I caught sight of the full, harvest moon that was just rising over the enormous pine trees behind my house. No wonder I was so horny. Just like the tides, the full moon has a curious effect on a woman’s sex drive. At least it does mine.

“Holy shit! Mom!!!” Laura shouted.

The sound of her voice was muffled for my ears were just below the water surface, but her tone was unmistakable. I sprang to my feet, creating a considerable splash, rubbed my hands over my face and then stared into the flushed face of my middle daughter, still in her cheerleading uniform.

“Laura! I didn’t expect you home so soon.” I said.

“It’s ten-thirty.” She said.

I guess I had been swimming a lot longer than I realized. “Now would you mind telling me what the hell you’re doing?” She demanded.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” I asked nonchalantly.

“You’re fucking naked!” She bellowed.

I glanced down my body to find that I was standing in just barely waist high water and that my daughter had a clear view of my wet, glistening, naked body from the waist up. I was just about to inquire why she was getting so upset; after all, with just us girls living in the house for the last eight years, we’d seen each other naked countless times and were never bashful about our bodies, when I suddenly noticed that she wasn’t alone.

The girl standing beside my daughter was without a doubt the most beautiful and exotic looking young woman I had ever laid my eyes on. If femininity and sexuality oozed from every fiber of Laura’s being, then by comparison, they were gushing from every fiber of this Goddess. Jessica and Laura’s combined physical beauty and sexual appeal couldn’t hold a candle to this gorgeous creature. I was completely mesmerized by her. Entranced! As Laura continued to shout at me, all I could hear was the sound of her voice; my mind had tied itself in knots as it was struggling to interpret the millions of erotic thoughts and illicit feelings that were now racing through it regarding this exotic stranger.

Dressed in a pair of skin tight, faded blue jeans and an even tighter pink top that divinely accentuated her curvaceous, statuesque figure, all the while exposing her perfectly flat, ripped tummy, she stood with her lean, almost willowy arms held casually behind her back. Her skin was a hue of light Carmel and her stunning dark brown hair encased her perfectly chiseled, gorgeous face as it flowed beautifully over her sexily toned shoulders. As I studied her more carefully, I felt my cheeks begin to flush and slowly rubbed my hands over them again. Though I had never seen her with Laura before, I somehow got the feeling that I had seen this beauty before.

“Earth to fucking Mom!!” Laura nearly shrieked.

This latest cry from my daughter’s mouth was enough to pull me back to the verge of reality. With all the effort I could muster, I managed to shift my eyes from the stunning young vixen to Laura.

“What?” I managed to babble.

“Will you please get out of the pool and put some fucking clothes on! I got a whole bunch of friends coming over to go swimming in a few minutes! Jesus!” She barked.

With my hands still on my cheeks, I glanced down over my body once again and realized that in my trance, I had made no attempt whatsoever to cover my nudity.

“Oh!” I chirped almost innocently. “Sorry.”

I waded through the shallow water toward the exit steps, which coincidentally, was in the same direction that the girls were standing. Laura mumbled some obscenity under her breath and turned her back to me, sighing with frustration and embarrassment. As I came up the underwater steps and out of the pool, I stopped and ran my hands through my hair. I felt the erotic trance over taking me again as the young Goddess stood just as she had the entire time; completely calm, cool and dare I say, very content and pleased with what she saw. I felt my cheeks flushing again. Along with certain other areas.

“Game over already?” I asked.

The young beauty nodded as I sensed her intense, emerald green eyes surveying my every nook and cranny from top to bottom. And then I saw it! Her mouth; her beautiful mouth! Comprised of two of the fullest, sexiest and most luscious lips I had ever seen, it filled with a seductive smile and bore a sparkling set of pearly white teeth just beneath at me as I stood completely naked in front of her. I knew at that moment that some way, somehow, I had to have that mouth. At that moment, I had never wanted to kiss another human being more desperately in my life; or to have another human being’s mouth on mine so wantonly.

Like a lot of women, I had often wondered what it might be like to have sex with another woman. I had always loved to look at other women and was never embarrassed to admit that I found other women attractive. Hell, I had even flirted with several women in my career pursuits, but I had never really pursued it any further than that. In truth, I never had to. When push came to shove, it was always a man who made the advancement decisions.

“Did you all win?” I asked, completely captivated.

“We creamed them.” The mysterious goddess whispered in a low, smoky and sinfully sultry voice. There was a long moment of silence as we gazed at each other. If this girl felt awkward or uncomfortable about the situation, she showed absolutely no sign of it. By now I had completely lost control of my thoughts and actions. To me, everything seemed perfectly natural.

“I don’t think I’ve met you before.” I continued as if nothing. “I’m Nancy Schaefer. Laura’s mom.” I extended my hand. Laura spun around.

“Jesus Christ, Mom!!” Laura roared.

Ignoring Laura, the girl took my hand without hesitation and squeezed it firmly. Sensually. The seductive smile seemed to grow on her face.

“Megan. Megan Walsh.” She said. “Gee, you weren’t kidding, Laura. Your Mom does look just like Campbell Brown. But then again, I’ve never seen Campbell Brown naked.”

“Thanks.” Laura muttered in disgust.

“Nice to meet you.” I replied.

“Not as nice as it is to meet you.” She told me and winked. I felt my heart skip a beat and a breath catch in my throat.

“Excuse me.” Laura said over her shoulder. We ignored her.

“I can’t get over the feeling that I’ve met you before. You look very familiar.” I babbled, not wanting to let go of her hand.

“Oh, I get that a lot. I think it’s because a lot of people think I look like Megan Fox.” Megan replied.

“Oh my God!” I said. “That’s it!”

And it was! This girl looked exactly like the movie actress Megan Fox. She even had her name.

“Although some people think I look more like Kim Kardashian.” Megan offered.

“Well you really can’t go wrong either way.” I told her with a smile.

“True. Only I don’t have as big a chest as Kim.” Megan grinned and winked again. With our hands still clasped in a shake, I felt Megan’s grip tighten slightly and her eyes bore deeply into mine. My body began to tingle in a way I’d never known before. While it was clearly sexual arousal, it was at a level of intensity and desire I’d never experienced.

“Are you a cheerleader too?” I asked.

“I was. I graduated a couple of years ago.” Megan said. “I just came back for Homecoming this weekend.”

“Excuse me!” Laura shouted. Megan and I turned to her. “Mom, I hate to interrupt your little bonding moment with Megan, but would you please go put some fucking clothes on!”

“Oh! Yeah. Yeah, I guess I probably should.” I babbled absentmindedly.

“You think!” Laura snarled.

“Very nice to meet you, Megan.” I said as Megan and I finally released each other’s hand.

“The pleasure was all mine.” Megan whispered.

With my eyes still locked on the exotic young vixen, I stepped back, turned and nearly staggered toward the back door.

“Thank you!” Laura said.

I calmly strode, much to my surprise, over to where I had discarded my shorts and snatched them up. Reflexively, and perhaps trying to regain my stature as the adult, I used my shorts to cover my now aching breasts and fully erect nipples. As I walked toward the house, I could just feel Megan’s eyes on me; surveying my backside with what I had convinced myself was wanton lust and desire. A woman knows when she’s being watched, admired…and desired. It’s one thing to have a man’s eyes wanting and caressing you from a distance; all women expect it and are used to it. But it is a completely different sensation when the eyes wanting and lusting for you from afar belong to another woman. It was the most intensely erotic sensation I’ve ever known. Like a bashful teenage girl who has just caught the eye of the football team captain, I kept stealing quick glances over my shoulder. I just could get over how beautiful Megan was; how incredibly exotic and sexy. I also wanted to be sure that she was still looking at me. As Laura was babbling something to Megan, trying with all her might to ignore me, Megan’s gaze remained fixed and low on my back side; the wanton and seductive smile still on her face sent thrilling chills up my spine. My cheeks flushed again as I reached the back door and went inside.

Reaching my second story bedroom a few moments later, I shut and locked the door behind me and rested my back up against it. My heart was pounding relentlessly, my body trembled as it flushed with a wave of intense heat, my stomach fluttered with a swarm of butterflies and I was near panting. Still covering my bare breasts with my shorts, I ran my free hand through my soaking wet hair and desperately tried to catch my breath.

“What the hell just happened?” I heard myself say.

I shut my eyes, took long and slow deep breaths and replayed the whole scene over again in my mind. As I did, everything became all the more clear: I was in love! Well, maybe not love, but certainly lust! I had never been more aroused by or attracted to another human being in my entire life than I was to the mysterious Megan Walsh. And unless I was going completely senile, she seemed to be equally attracted to me. The chemistry between us was undeniable. I mean, I was not the least bit reserved or even concerned about standing buck naked in front of her. True, I have never been shy when it comes to my body, but this encounter was totally irregular; maybe even insane. She was a friend of my daughters and we were standing on the back porch. I had never laid eyes on her before yet I felt completely comfortable letting her see me. I wanted her to see me. To think that such a young and exotic creature found me attractive sent more erotic chills up my spine. So what if it was another woman. The female body is a beautiful thing! If you got it, flaunt it. It certainly didn’t seem to bother her at all. If anything, she liked it. She liked it VERY much. And let’s not forget that Laura, my daughter Laura, was standing there the whole time and it didn’t dissuade me or Megan whatsoever.

Oh God! Laura! She’s a friend of Laura’s. That means she’s young enough to be my daughter. Hell, I have a daughter that’s older than her. If she graduated two years ago, then she’s at the most only 20 years old; and I’m 42 years old. And as of tonight, I’m a grandmother!! Oh God, Nancy; what the hell is the matter with you? True, I had been briefly fantasizing about the Mackenzie twins coming over and having their way with me, yet that was all it had been; a fantasy. But this was real. I mean, this could be real! And I’m sorry, but Jeremy and Jason Mackenzie don’t look anything like Megan Walsh! Who does?

Megan Fox and Kim Kardashian, that’s who!

I spent the next 20 or so minutes in a freezing cold shower, struggling with all my might to keep my hands off myself. My breasts were incredibly tender, my nipples were rock hard and protruding out like pencil erasers as my pussy ached to the point of tears. Do grandmothers actually use the word “pussy”? Well, this one does. And there was no denying it; I wanted Megan Walsh’s desperately. Finally I was able to wash and condition my hair and was even able to wash my body without launching myself into orbit. I got out of the shower and pruned myself as if I were preparing for work. I slipped on a simple pair of white cotton panties and another pair of white denim shorts. Then for reasons I couldn’t explain, or rather, wouldn’t admit, I opted to wear my strapless, black bikini top. That led to me leaving my hair down and to a make-up job that Campbell Brown herself could only hope for on her best night on the air; topping if off with a few sprays of Coco Chanel on the key points, including my pussy, and I was ready. But for what?

I went down to the kitchen, popped a fresh bottle of chardonnay and poured myself another glass. Through the bay windows I could see the backyard and swimming pool full of teenagers, equal numbers of male and female, in different stages of undress and having the time of their lives it seemed. Not wanting to embarrass Laura more than I already had, I took the fresh bottle of wine and my glass and returned, almost dejectedly upstairs. Fortunately for me, there is a second floor veranda, directly over the back porch. I slipped quietly through the double bay doors and sat down at the table with my wine and a copy of Nora Robert’s latest novel. I do love to read and had every intention of doing so, but between the constant hooting and hollering of the kids, the roaring music from the stereo, the continuous splashing in the pool, it soon proved to be impossible; especially when I caught sight of Megan, strolling along the edge of the pool in a dental floss bikini.

Again I was completely mesmerized by this breathtaking exotic and buxom young vixen. Of course, I wasn’t the only one. Almost every young man present poolside couldn’t take their eyes off her either. But much to my surprise, and ultimately to my satisfaction, she seemed to pay them no mind. Then, in an instant, her captivating emerald gaze lifted to the veranda and caught mine. My heart stopped and my mind raced frantically to find a distraction, but I couldn’t move. I felt like a fly trapped in the web of a black widow spider. Megan’s gaze turned to an intense, illicit stare and it never left me as she continued her almost teasing stride toward the deep end of the swimming pool, turned and pointed two of the most beautiful, perfectly firm and shaped globes of an ass I’d ever seen straight at me. She held that position much longer than was necessary then dove into the water.

Free from the widow’s web, I snatched up my glass of wine and drained it in a single gulp and immediately refilled it. My body was shaking like a leaf and my heart was hammering like a jack-hammer in maximum overdrive. I swallowed half the second glass and took several deep breaths before I dared look up again. Megan was nowhere to be found. I set my glass of wine down and picked up my book again. I actually managed to read the forward and flipped over to Chapter 1 before I looked up again. Megan was still nowhere in sight. My heart began to sink and a wave of disappointment came over me. Had she left? Had she figured out what I was feeling and thinking, freaked out and split? Come on, Nancy! Get a hold of yourself! Like you really were going to try something anyway; and like she really would have been receptive even if you had. I took another sip of wine and continued reading my novel.

I managed to get into the first chapter and was on the last page when I heard the low, smoky and sultry voice directly behind me.

“Mrs. Schaefer?” Megan said softly.

I nearly launched myself onto the roof when she spoke and was on the verge of spewing the mouthful of chardonnay I had just sipped all over the table. Yet I somehow managed to hold myself together, swallow the wine and turn as calmly as I could to face her. Megan was again dressed in her tight jeans and pink top, her hair was completely dry and she had a backpack slung over her shoulder.

“Oh! Hi, Megan.” I stammered.

“I didn’t scare you, did I?” Megan asked.

“No, not at all.” I lied. Megan sat down in the chair next to mine.

“Liar.” She said.

“Yeah.” I replied and we both chuckled. “So, what’s going on?”

“Well, I came up to Laura’s room to shower and change, so I just thought I’d come say hi.” She said cheerfully.

“Well, I’m glad you did. Also, given the circumstances of our first meeting, I think Mrs. Schaefer seems a bit too formal anymore. I’m Nancy.”

“You know, I’ve always loved the name Nancy. It’s such a sexy name.” Megan said.

“Thank you.” I said as my tummy spasmed. “So, how come you’re not still down at the party? Think you have several admirers down there.”

“I think I have one up here too.” She said matter-of-factly.

“Excuse me?” I asked, faking faint shock. I had to admit that I found her forwardness rather stimulating.

“So, Laura tells me that she became an aunt tonight.” Megan continued, completely ignoring my comment.

“Ah, yes. Yes, my oldest daughter…” I began.

“Jessica.” Megan stated.

“Yes. She had a little girl earlier this evening.” I continued.

“So, you’re now a grandmother!”


“Well, I hope you won’t mind me saying, but you sure as hell don’t look like a grandmother.” Megan said.

“Yeah.” I whispered as I snapped up my wine glass and took a big gulp.

“Do I make you nervous, Nancy?” Megan asked bluntly.

“What makes you think that?” I stammered.

“Because you’re trembling.” She said.

“Must be the wine.” I babbled.

“You were buck ass naked and stone cold sober when we first met, and you weren’t the least bit bashful then. Now you’re fully clothed, sipping wine and suddenly you’re nervous?” Megan pressed.

“Did I say I was nervous?” I replied.

“No.” Megan shot back.

“Megan, what exactly are you doing up here?” I asked.

“Actually, I was wondering if you could give me a lift home.” She said.

“Oh!” I said, caught off guard. “I take it that you don’t have your car with you.”

“Nah, I rode over with Laura. She said she’d give me a lift home later, but I’m ready to go now. Besides, I’d much rather you take me home.” Megan smiled.

“Me? Why me?” I asked.

“Cause I wanna fuck you.” Megan stated matter-of-factly.

The whirlwind of shock, disbelief and the overwhelming arousal of her bold statement slammed into my body like a speeding locomotive. My heart again pounded like a jack-hammer and I suddenly forgot how to breathe. I don’t know if my jaw fell open or not, but the look on Megan’s face and the deep intensity in her eyes had me helplessly in the black widow’s web once more. This was real! This girl wanted me as much as I wanted her. But, it couldn’t be. I was old enough to be her mother. She was a good friend of my daughters. I wasn’t a lesbian. And let us not forget, I’m now some beautiful baby girl’s grandmother. And grandmother’s aren’t propositioned by sex goddess’s, are they?

I don’t know how long I sat there trying desperately to remember how to breathe and then how to talk. Finally, I heard myself utter:

“Megan, I…”

Megan sat forward and placed her hands on my bare knees and her piercing, exotic stare bore deep into my soul.

“Nancy, I don’t play games; especially when it comes to sex. I see somebody I want, I go get them! I don’t fuck around with the dumb shit. Now you’re absolutely right. I could go down there right now and I could have anyone of those so-called admirers that you spoke of. But I don’t want any of them, you know why? Because they play games! Even your little girl; they fuck around with the dumb shit and spend more time trying to impress each other. Now me, I’d much rather use that time fucking! What can I say? I love to fuck! And I much prefer to fuck beautiful women. And right now, I wanna fuck you! I don’t give a shit that you’re Laura’s mother, I don’t give a shit that you’re old enough to be my mother and I don’t give a shit that you’re a grandmother. In fact, all those things are just turning me on even more. And I know you want me. I know you do. You wanted to jump me down there earlier.”

As she spoke, Megan had slowly run her hands up my legs and was now practically straddling my lap and her lips were just inches from mine. I could smell the wild cherry gloss on them.

“Now, I know that you’re all fucked up in the head about becoming a grandmother. So let me tell you this: You are the sexiest Grandma I’ve ever seen. You give me a chance, and I’ll make you forget that you even have children, let alone grandchildren. I’ll make you feel more loved, wanted and desired than you’ve ever dreamed of. And you know what they say: The best way to get over something, like becoming a Grandma, is to get under somebody like me. Now, get your hot and sexy granny ass up out of that chair and take me home.”

Everything Megan had said made perfect sense. Of course at that moment I was so completely seduced by her that I probably would have killed for her had she asked. Her lips were just centimeters from mine. I could feel the heat of her body. I could smell her perfume and feel her hot breath on my face. The mouth I wanted was mine for the taking. Shutting my eyes, I leaned forward to take it when suddenly her hand clamped around my jaw and pushed me back. My eyes sprung open and gazed deeply into hers.

“You want to kiss me, don’t you?” Megan hissed.

“Yes.” I whispered in complete ecstasy. Megan gave a seductively sinister chuckle.

“You have to earn that privilege.” She said.

“Just let me go get my purse and car keys.” I mumbled.

“Good girl.” She whispered.

Megan released my chin and stepped back. I got to my feet and as my head spun with awe-inspiring desire, I stumbled back into the house. Megan smacked me hard on my ass as I left.

“Don’t be long.” She commanded.

My stomach was somersaulting and I felt tremors of unbridled passion and insatiable lust rattling my very core as I practically floated through the second story of my house and to my bedroom; a cavernous room with a hardwood floor, arching ceiling and long-stemmed ceiling fans; two enormous front bay windows looking out over the front yard, and California king-size bed covered in satin sheets. There is a matching set of two bedside tables and chest of drawers made of solid cherry oak, adorned with brass hardware and stained a deep shade of chocolate brown. Antique lamps sit atop each bed side table and the chest of drawers is topped with an enormous gilded mirror. Forty-two inch plasma, flat screen TV and a Bose sound system occupy the wall opposite my bed. The master bath is the size of a small bedroom with a shower stall, make-up station, double sinks and whirlpool bathtub. My closet is the size of an average master bath.

Scanning the top of my chest of drawers for my car keys, I picked up my hair brush and noticed how badly my hands were shaking. As I ran the brush a few times through my hair, I could feel my body heat rising like a waking volcano and beads of sweat were forming just under my hairline. Placing my hand on my chest, my heart was now pounding so hard it hurt and my chest heaved as I was near gasping for air. I don’t think I had ever been this nervous, or perhaps excited, about a forthcoming sexual escapade. Staring at myself in the mirror, my mind started to fill with doubt and worse yet, reason. There was no way I could do this. Not that I couldn’t have sex with a woman, but I couldn’t have sex with Megan. I held my hair brush tightly as I shut my eyes and took a deep, cleansing breath. That’s when I heard my bedroom door shut and lock.

My eyes sprang open and there was Megan, standing with her back up against the closed door; her backpack and clothing lying at her feet. Once again, she was wearing nothing but the dental floss bikini that I had fallen in complete lust with earlier. She was staring at me with such an intense and lustful gaze that I thought my flesh was about to melt I was so hot. I half expected to bolt upright out of a deep sleep and find that this had all been a dream.

“Megan, what are you doing?” I asked, almost alarmed.

Megan stalked over to me like a cougar coming in for the kill of her defenseless prey; her eyes were ablaze with passion and carnal lust. Never before had a human being looked at me with such wanton desire.

“I told you not to be long, but you were.” She hissed. “So, I guess I’m just gonna have to fuck you here in your room.”

“No!” I barked. “No, we can’t!”

“Why not?” Megan asked as she ran her hands up my stomach and caressed my breasts.

“Somebody could catch us. Laura or one of her friends could hear us and come up and see us together.” I nearly begged.

“And doesn’t that just get you even hotter; the possibility of getting caught? And suppose we do get caught. Any guy would drop to his knees and praise God to the rooftops if he walked in and saw two sexy vixens like us going at it. And so would any of the girls down there too; your daughter included.” Megan said as she grazed her long fingernails up the skin of my back and undid my bikini top.

“What?” I gasped.

“Laura goes both ways, Nancy. She has for a long time. And I’ll bet she wouldn’t mind at all seeing her Mama get some hot lesbian action; especially from a girl who knows what she’s doing.” Megan whispered in my ear as she removed my bikini top and let it drop to the floor. Standing topless in front of her, Megan ran her hands down my back and seized handfuls of my ass. “Hell, I bet she’d even want to join in.” Megan went on. Now as much as I hate to admit it, the idea of having Laura join us in a threesome really didn’t bother me that much. In fact, it didn’t bother me at all. If anything, it turned me on even more. What the hell is wrong with me?

“Megan…!” I began, but she quickly planted her hand over my mouth. “Shut up!”

An instant later, my left nipple was sucked deeply into Megan’s warm, wet and sultry mouth. A gasp of equal parts surprise and pleasure catapulted from my lips as Megan jerked my arms down and pinned them tightly behind me as she feasted on my nipple. My head rolled from side to side as Megan nipped, sucked and teased my rock hard nipple. Even though the illicit pleasure shooting through my body was indescribably wonderful, I still heard myself moaning:

“No…No, we can’t…We can’t… Not here. No, please. Oh God, that is so good, baby. Oh Yeah! That’s it! Bite it! Bite it, baby. Yeaahhh! Ohhhhh Godddd! Now do the other one.”

Suddenly, Megan spit my nipple out of her mouth and roughly seized a handful of my hair, tugging on it violently. “Don’t you dare tell me what to do, Nancy; you’re all mine now! And you’re gonna do exactly what I say! And I say, I’m gonna take you right here, right now, whether you like it or not.”

Megan’s eyes widened and her intense, blazing stare of carnal lust and passion poured into my soul, rendering me completely powerless to resist her. I wanted her more than I had wanted anyone in my life. I wanted her to take me just the way she wanted to. Even though I’m probably four inches taller than Megan, I felt so tiny and frail in her grasp. She was totally dominating and controlling me. I loved it. Megan flung me roughly by the hair onto my bed.

“Now shut the fuck up and show me that pussy!” She roared as I scurried up on the mattress with Megan crawling up and over me like that menacing cougar preparing now to feed. I reached up to take off her bikini top when she forcefully snatched my wrists and pinned my arms down on the mattress, crushing her beautiful, firm body down on top of me. Her face was just inches above mine and her blazing stare was still every bit as intense.

“You wanna see me naked, huh? You wanna touch this body?” Megan demanded.

“Oh God, yes!” I moaned.

“Well, you’ve got to earn that privilege too.” Megan snapped.

Instantly she let go of my arms, sprang up on her knees and straddled my waist. Before I realized what was happening, a sharp and sheering pain was blistering through my chest. Megan had seized both my nipples between her fingers and was twisting them hard. My back arched, my mouth fell open and a breathless wail escaped my mouth.

“Now that’s for trying to touch me!” She snarled.

Though it was initially very painful, it quickly turned into the most intensely erotic pleasure I’d known in a long time. I soon felt a smile filling my lips as Megan pinched and twisted my nipples.

“Oh, you like that, do you?” Megan hissed. “So, you are a nasty girl, aren’t you? Well, let’s just see how nasty you like it!”

Megan released my nipples and dug her long fingernails deep into my flesh and grazed them roughly down my abdomen. Practically ripping my denim shorts open, she jerked them vigorously down my legs and off, then did likewise with my panties. And just like that, for the second time in nearly as many hours, my naked body was being ravaged by Megan’s lust-filled eyes. With my body flooding with intense heat and my flesh beginning to mist with perspiration, I could almost immediately detect the musky scent of my own arousal drifting into my nostrils as my panties were removed.

“Wow!” Megan murmured as she held my panties in her hands. “So fucking wet.” She held them to her face, inhaled deeply of my scent and then chewed on them teasingly. “Mmmmmh, you taste good.” Megan hissed. “Here, you taste.” She jammed my soaking wet panties into my mouth. “Now turn over! I’m in the mood for something far more forbidden at the moment.” Megan flipped me over onto my stomach and spanked my ass several times. I chirped even as I chewed on my own panties.

“Oh yeah! There’s that beautiful fucking ass!” She said as she spanked me again. Megan was so vigorous; so forceful. Her strength and dominance were driving me wild. “Oh God, what a hot fucking ass!” She said as she continued to spank me. “No Grandma I ever met has this sexy of an ass!”

Megan pulled me up on my knees, pointing my ass straight at the ceiling while she roughly jammed my head down into the mattress. Spanking me a few more times, she spread my legs and positioned herself directly behind me. Grasping my ass cheeks firmly and spreading them wide, I felt Megan’s fingernails dig deep into the skin of my spheres as she lathered my sphincter with her tongue. Her tongue was incredibly hot and extremely talented. Pressing her face harder against my bottom, the suction of her mouth over my most forbidden orifice was incredibly erotic. Suddenly her tongue probed deeper, she let out a muffled groan of utter ecstasy as she lapped at my rosebud. What happened next sent my eyes spinning wildly in my head; Megan’s tongue was inside my bowels.

With my face buried in the dampening satin sheets of my bed, my own orgasmic moans were muffled as Megan’s tongue ravenously sampled the forbidden elixir of my bowels. I could feel my own intense arousal leaking out of my sexual center and down the back of my thigh. Just then, Megan’s finger grazed over my swollen labia and teased my puffy, wet lips. Still chewing on my panties, I seized a fistful of satin as I felt Megan use my arousal to lubricate her finger then she slid it inside my aching pussy.

“Ooooooh, a tight little pussy.” She cooed. “Hasn’t been fucked for awhile, has it?”

Megan proceeded to pump her finger inside me as she returned to devouring my sphincter, tenderly French kissing it without apprehension or reserve and then impaled my asshole, plunging her entire tongue deep into my bowels. I spit my drenched panties out of my mouth and cried out in salacious chaos as my sphincter muscles expanded and contracted to accommodate Megan’s probing tongue. I felt a second finger slip inside my pulsing pussy and the furious pumping that ensued nearly launched me into orbit as the first orgasm tore through my body. Suddenly, Megan withdrew her tongue from my asshole and swirled it around the puckered rosebud surface.

“God, I love your ass! So fucking spicy!” She hissed. Megan pumped her fingers deep inside me a few more times and then rolled me forcefully over on my back. “Now I wanna taste that pussy!” Megan reached around her back, unhooked her bikini top and slipped it off. I don’t think I’d ever seen a more perfect pair of firm, young breasts; my mouth was watering. Her areolas were dark brown and perfectly centered, shaped and symmetrical to her C-cups; she had no tan lines. Megan grabbed my wrists and jerked me up to a sitting position directly in front of her.

“Okay, you’ve been a good girl. You deserve a treat. Now, suck my titties!” She ordered.

Grabbing the back of my head, she jammed my mouth onto her right nipple. I clamped my lips around it and sucked for milk. A tender moan from Megan’s succulent mouth told me I was doing just what she wanted. I flicked at the nub of her nipple with my tongue and felt an electric-like charge of lust shoot through my body as I felt her nipple harden between my lips.

“Oh yeah, baby! Oh yeah! Suck on that titty! Yeah.” She hissed. “You can play with the other one if you want to!” She said, somewhat more gently.

Shaking my hand to stop it from trembling, I took hold of her left breast, kneading and massaging it gently; molding the soft and supple flesh in my long fingers. I slid my other hand around her back and gently massaged Megan’s ass. Expecting an immediate reprimand for going too far, I was somewhat surprised when she pulled me closer to her and gently began rubbing her body against me. Encouraged, I nipped her nipple between my teeth, pinched and twisted her other nipple and dug my fingernails into her divine ass.

“Oh yeah!” She moaned. “Oh yeah, baby!”

Feeling even more empowered, I quickly switched sides, taking her left nipple into my mouth, kneading and massaging her right breast and seizing a hand full of her opposite ass cheek. I sucked her right breast deeper into my mouth and felt the nipple expand between my lips as I scratched my fingernails deep into the soft skin of her provocative ass. As Megan pressed my face harder on to her chest, I slid both my hands down to her slim waist, hooked my fingers around the dental floss of her bikini thong and started to pull them down; I wanted her completely naked. Feeling completely unleashed now, I determined that I would take control. I was the older woman and I would dominate this young vixen. She would now submit to me. Suddenly Megan yanked me by the hair and away from her chest, tilted my head upward and her blazing stare practically burned my face off! I was no match for her.

“You think you’re gonna take control now, don’t you?” She roared. “Not a fucking chance! Like I told you, Grandma! You’re all mine to do with as I please! Now lay down!!” Megan shoved me violently down onto my back and roughly bent me in half, pinning my legs up over my body with my knees resting near my shoulders; spreading my legs open in a V shape, I held them by the backs of my knees so that my seething sexual center was fully exposed and open to her.

“God, look at that beautiful pussy! So fucking wet!” Megan hissed in her sultry voice and then she blew gently on my throbbing fleshy folds and teased my outer lips with the tip of her fingernail. And then she pounced!! Megan’s mouth snatched my pussy like a famished lion; my eyes spun wildly and my back arched as this “Goddess of Forbidden Pleasure” devoured me in a way I never dreamed possible. No man or boy, at least none that I’d ever been with, could remotely compare or even come close to how well Megan Walsh ate pussy! Every move of her mouth, every twitch of her lips and every flick, lick and probe of her tongue sent shockwaves of unprecedented illicit and exotic pleasure coursing through my body like electrical current. My own fingernails were piercing so deep in the skin behind my knees that I think I might actually have been drawing blood, but I wouldn’t let go. Not for the world!!

Megan’s tongue found my clit and battered it mercilessly; her eyes locked on mine with the most seductive gaze I’d ever seen; my juices were glistening on her face. By now, my wailing and moaning was reaching octaves higher than I thought possible; reverberating off the ceiling, walls and windows. Megan smacked her lips around my gorging clit and sucked it like a small cock. My heart pounded, ramming the insides of my chest like a jack hammer in overdrive; my body was now drenched with sweat. Bent over as I was, breathing was already strained and now it was becoming virtually impossible as the intensity and passion built to near explosion. Deeper and deeper Megan’s gorgeous face plowed into my sexual center; her nose burying itself deep into my dark pubic hair; her head shaking furiously from side to side with her mouthful of my womanhood. Suddenly, she slipped a finger slowly, and deeply, into my sphincter and was soon massaging deep inside my bowels. By now the room was spinning, along with my head; for the first time in my life, I understood the meaning of the term “the throes of passion”, for I had never truly experienced them until now. I think I was in love!

Megan slowed her ravenous feeding frenzy and finally came up for air, gasping deeply. As I again took in her physical beauty, I still couldn’t believe that she was actually here with me; that this exotic beauty was all over me and loving every second of it. As I watched her gorgeous chest heave with every breath, her beautiful hair muffled and damp, her face and chin covered with my pussy juices and her body glistening from perspiration in the soft light of the room, I felt myself blush. Of all the men and the women in the world, how am I so lucky to have her tonight?

“You have got the sweetest pussy I’ve ever tasted, Nancy.” Megan smiled. “I just can’t get enough of it.”

“It’s all yours, baby doll. All you can eat.” I replied and we shared a chuckle.

“Does that go for your ass too?” Megan asked.

“Double for my ass.” I told her. “Which do you prefer?”

“You tell me.” She replied.

With her finger still massaging in my bowels, Megan quickly plunged a finger deep inside my seething pussy and massaged equally deep. These two acts alone were enough to send me into orgasmic bliss for the rest of the night. Suddenly she withdrew both, grabbed me by the wrists and pulled me up into a sitting position again.

“This is your pussy.” Megan said as she slid that finger into my mouth and I sucked and slurped on it like a man’s cock. Suddenly, she yanked it out and inserted the other finger. “And this is your ass.”

Ordinarily, the thought of putting something in my mouth that had just been up my ass would have caused me to vomit, but the heat of passion overrules all reason and logic. I attacked that finger and where I had sucked the first, I deep throated this one.

“My God, you are a nasty girl, aren’t you?” Megan said and then she lowered her lips to within millimeters of my ear. “Nancy, have you ever been fucked with a strap-on?” She whispered and then lathered it with her tongue; her hot breath flooding over it. With her finger still deep in my mouth, Megan ran her tongue back from my ear over my cheek and up to my nose. Our gazes locked, just centimeters apart. Her eyes leveled me every time; gazing deep into them, I slowly shook my head and she smiled.

“Do you want me to fuck you?” She asked almost innocently. I nodded slowly. “Not that you have a choice!”

Megan jerked her finger out of my mouth and shoved me roughly back down on the mattress. She practically leapt off the bed and returned to where her backpack and clothes were piled on the floor by the door. Lying flat on my back, I rolled my head to the side and let my hungry eyes feast upon Megan’s buxom young body as she moved across the room to her backpack. I was paralyzed; completely transfixed by this goddess of pure sexuality. My heart raced as I stared at her savory hips, her superlative ass and the dental floss thin piece of fabric that was captured in the valley between those two magnificent spheres that made up that magnificent ass, ascending up to yet another thin line of fabric that cuddled her small waist. I sighed with deep contentment and pleasure as my eyes strayed up her back, so perfectly proportionate and symmetrical.

Megan stopped as she reached her backpack and slowly turned her head over her shoulder, casting a wanton look of raw lust and pure sexuality at me. She turned slowly, as she seemed to be studying me.

“Roll over on your side and face me.” She said. I complied. “Now rest your elbow on the mattress and support your head in your hand.” Again I complied without speaking. My damp hair draped all around my hand and forearm. “Now lay your other hand on your hip.” I did.

“Like this?” I asked. I felt her eyes ravaging me.

“Do you have any idea how sexy you are?” She asked. I felt myself blush.

“You like?” I asked.

“You have a perfect body, Nancy. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more beautiful woman.” She said. The sound of her words wrapped my body in a cocoon of unbridled passion and I was tingling all over. For a Goddess like this to find me so desirable and attractive literally stole my heart and soul forever. I actually felt tears building behind my eyes.

“You keep saying things like that and I might just fall in love with you, baby. God, I think you’re gonna make me cry.” I told her.

Megan reached into her backpack and pulled out a big strap-on and held it out to me. It was eight inches long and a perfect replica of a rock hard, thick shafted, big-headed, vein-laced cock.

“That’s exactly what I’m gonna do.” She replied with a sinister grin.

Remaining in the pose Megan had placed me, I watched her slip off her bikini thong and I could now behold her entire naked body. The sight of her light mahogany skin glistening from perspiration filled my mind with thoughts of wondrous sin and uninhibited eroticism. Never before had I looked at another woman in such a way. As I watched her slip on the contraption and secure it around her, my stomach began to flutter – whether excitement or nerves I can never be certain. I only knew what she intended to do to me and I still could not get over the fact that of all the people in the world, this exotic creature had chosen me tonight. I’d never felt sexier in my life.

Megan filled her hand with a lubricant out of a small bottle in her bag and was stroking the cock as she returned to the bed. I didn’t dare move from my pose until instructed. I had long since forgotten about the pool party going on outside.

“On your back.” Megan commanded. I complied.

My breaths grew shallow while Megan and I locked our eyes together in inborn determination. I opened my legs to her as she crawled atop me, never once breaking our passionate gaze. Locking my ankles together behind her back, Megan guided the cock in, searing my core. I shouted in trauma as she eased her hips forward, inching that fiery cock inside me.

“Wow, you’re little pussy’s taking it all.” Megan said.

“Oh God! Oh, baby! Oh Yeah! Oh fuck!!!” I cringed in marvel, feeling the massive shaft impale me.

All of my muscles compressed at once, uniting in blazing rapture. Megan plunged the entire length of that eight-inch cock deep inside me. When her groin crushed against mine, it felt like I had a telephone pole inside me; I had never had anything or anyone so deep inside me in my entire life. I tightened my fists, striving to adjust to this incredible stimulation. Megan watched my face, contorting in frenzied madness as she slid her cock back out… catching my breath, Megan cooed in fearlessness before piercing me once more.

“Oh God! Oh, so deep! You’re in so fucking deep!” I moaned.

Reaching under me, Megan cupped my ass for support as she found a carnal, almost primal rhythm for fucking me.

“You like that, Grandma? You like that big cock inside you?” Megan roared.

“Oh yeah! Fuck me! Fuck me hard!” I panted.

Whimpering like a wounded animal, I completely gave in. Megan’s vigor was amazing, and incredibly arousing. Her stamina proved to be almost inhuman as the unrelenting pounding she began to give me soon bore out. Wrapping her hand firmly around my neck, Megan’s potent thrusts moved me across the bed. Despite my body being ravaged with passion, I didn’t see how this could be lucrative for Megan since she wasn’t getting anything, at least physically, from our encounter; she hadn’t even let me orally pleasure her. I think it was much more the act itself and watching the reactions of an old broad like me getting the shit fucked out of me. Megan obviously loved being the dominant one, and I had no problem with that whatsoever.

Bending my legs up to my shoulders again, Megan splayed her palms across the back of my thighs, rolling me back as she really gave it to me. Slapping my ass with her eager thrusts, the sounds of our flesh smacking together began sounding off. Our gazes locked deeply and intensely on each other. Her eyes are just gorgeous.

“God, you do that so fucking good.” I growled.

Her frazzled hair whipped about as she groaned and grunted like a beast.

“Oh yeah! Oh yeah, keep going! Don’t stop!” I wailed.

“Did Grandpa ever fuck you this good?” Megan groaned.

“Not even close!” I moaned. “I don’t think he liked it after the first time.”

“How could anyone not like this? That hot fucking ass! Those juicy fucking thighs! Those savory hips! Those luscious fucking tits! God, you’re fucking gorgeous, Nancy!” Megan panted as she lifted herself up to skewer me even deeper. My back arched and my eyes spun.

Megan pummeled me relentlessly, never losing a smidgeon of her tremendous vigor. Our bodies were now soaking to the bone with sweat; our hair looked as though we’d just stepped out of the shower it was so saturated with it. Sweat from Megan’s face and body was dripping down on me like a gentle spring mist and the satin sheets were a flooded with sex and sweat. Suddenly Megan pulled out and flung me over and up on to my knees. I arched my back to offer her my ass.

“Oh yeah!” Megan hissed. “Yeah, there’s that hot fucking ass.” She spanked it several times and I chirped in delight with every stinging smack.

“All you can eat, baby!” I cooed.

She needed no more encouragement. Mounting me like the apt lover she was, I felt the wide bulbous head make a second undertaking. Feeling my ass cheeks press to her groin, Megan buckled behind me in glorious ecstasy. Her cock plunged deep inside my seething and soaking pussy, effortlessly impaling me as before and Megan planted her hands on my hips. I hurled my ass back at Megan as we both fell into a forcible rhythm. She pulled back, dragging her cock out from my pussy, only to shove it back in with even more confidence. That sensation, along with feeling my sultry ass in her palms was magical. But her hands released her mighty grip; one to grasp my shoulder and the other to seize a handful of my hair, tugging my head back. My eyes rolled back in my head as Megan planted one foot beside my knee and this gave her a wonderful angle to really give it to me good. And Oh My God!! Within moments, Megan had added even more stamina behind her and she was literally “sawing” in and out of my pussy.

“Oh God! Oh God! Oh yeah, baby! God, you’re so fucking beautiful!” Megan wailed. Amazing I could hear her over my own moans and shrieks of unbridled pleasure.

Megan zestfully pulled me up by my hair and shoulder until her firm breasts and protruding nipples were molding into my sweaty back. Suddenly, I felt Megan’s lips pressed to my shoulder, my eyes clenched shut in stinging bliss as Megan lovingly wrapped her arms around my torso as she continued to saw in and out of me. I was shocked at the feel of her lips touching my skin. This was totally different than anything thus far. This was an emotional response. She was showing me tender affection. She was kissing my body; not licking, not sucking, but kissing which was something that she had forbidden me to do. Just then, her mouth sucked on my left earlobe and then I heard:

“You still wanna kiss me?”

“More than anyone in my life, baby!” I replied.

In rapid, meaningful thrusts, Megan clutched my body tightly in hope that she was as deep as possible. Both of us were glazed in sweat, gasping for air and I could feel my heart about to explode. I began grunting to each insistent thrust, just like a primal animal in the hottest jungle. Megan sucked on my earlobe then lowered her lips to my neck and I began to turn my head to meet what I hoped would be our first kiss as wanton lovers. Suddenly, Megan shoved me forward. I fell to my elbows and shoved my ass back at Megan for all it was worth, feeling the massive cock reach the hilt deep inside me.

Megan’s thrusts resumed their animalistic force as her hands clamped on my hips and her fingernails dug deep into my damp flesh. My eyes bulged from my skull and I held my breath, feeling the massive baton quell my pulsating pussy. If she went any further, she was going to split me in half.

“Oh My God,” I proclaimed. “You’re gonna… make me…” I wailed as another wave of pleasure washed across my body, abruptly cutting my sentence off.

And just as that last word was uttered, my eyes gazed upward and every single muscle in my exhausted body seized! Suddenly all my thoughts, and every element that made me the woman I was, came together in a miraculous and fantastic onslaught of orgasm. My body compressed, thrashed, and contorted as I grasped my soaking wet satin sheets. With my teeth clenched, I began hissing like a demented savage in some remote jungle. And just when I thought my orgasm was over, Megan stabbed me once more and I felt her body collapse in exhaustion onto my back.

Falling flat upon the bed, I could feel Megan’s body heat like an inferno; the perspiration coating her skin glazed my own. We tossed about as the throes of orgasm called once more. I could feel Megan’s body trembling on top of me, her chest heaving and her locks of soaking wet hair sticking to my damp flesh. I glimpsed over my shoulder to see her running a hand through her drenched hair and she gently kissed me between the shoulder blades and that alone magnified the vigor of my climax.

Megan withdrew the massive cock from my pussy and as she kissed her way down my arched back, she moaned sensually as she was savoring the flavor of my sizzling hot and sweaty flesh. Closing my eyes, I felt a rush of excitement as Megan lowered her lips to my right ass cheek. Lazily dragging her tongue flat across the rounded surface and down into my spicy crack, she had memorized the texture and taste of my ass and the sounds of her moans drove me to distraction. Megan pelted my sphincter with a few gentle kisses then slowly rose up on her knees and unfastened the strap-on. I rolled over on my back, ran my hand through my soaking wet hair and teasingly caressed my breasts as I watched Megan slip the contraption off and tossed it to the side. With our gazes locked tightly on each other, Megan crawled slowly up over me and lowered her seething body down on top of me. I wrapped my legs around her and softly grazed my fingernails over her back. Megan gazed wantonly down at me, gently stroking my forehead and hair. The air in the room was stale, warm and humid; the smell of sex and female arousal hung heavily all around us. Megan’s eyes spoke a thousand words and a tiny, innocent smile was on her beautiful lips. Megan nuzzled the tip of her nose around mine.

“So…” She whispered finally. “You still wanna kiss me?”

“Haven’t I earned the privilege?” I replied softly, gazing up at her.

“You’ve done far more than earn it, baby.” She whispered as her lips parted slightly and lowered toward mine. My heart raced and my stomach fluttered as Megan gently caressed my cheek and then gingerly soothed my jaw, as she eased her mouth to mine. Then, as if a million bursts of light went off around me, I felt her warm delicate lips brush across mine and my eyes fell shut. Spasms seized my every muscle as the intense surge of our very first kiss crippled my entire body. I was sharing a tranquil, timeless kiss; one that only two lovers could truly know. As Megan’s lips fastened themselves around mine, my heart stopped. I had never been kissed like this by another human being in my entire life, and unless Megan remained with me forever, probably never would again.

Saliva oozed from the corner of my mouth as Megan’s lips urgently pressed to mine. With our hands curling through each other’s hair, I could not believe I was finally kissing her. I was kissing Megan Walsh. And was it ever worth the wait; her mouth was velvety, warm, skilled and incredibly sensual. This was the kiss that every girl dreams of; a kiss that can only be given by a woman to a woman. With each careful sip of my tongue, as our lips slothfully wove together, I began to comprehend that there was no turning back. As my head leaned back and Megan held my lower lip in her hungry mouth; suckling it as if it were her life force, we stared into each other’s misty eyes for the first time since our kiss began. I swear I could feel her heart simply stop as I lost all consciousness gazing into her mystical emerald green eyes. If at any moment my destiny was clear, it was now. I saw my entire life in those eyes; I saw where I belonged and I saw to whom I belonged. And I think Megan saw it in my eyes too. We belonged to each other.

Megan’s tongue searched the deepest recesses of my mouth. As the passion surged, my hunger came into play as well. My kiss was more aggressive, and I felt that from her as well. Megan leaned into my body as I felt her tender breasts meshing against mine. My fingers curled between Megan’s loose strands of hair, pulling her lips and mouth into mine even deeper, solidifying our eternal bond. I knew this was forever. The flames of our desire arose; engulfing us as we hungrily chewed and lathered our faces and necks with our mouths. She clutched my head, running her fiery tongue from my lip, across my nose, basting my forehead in her sweltering saliva. I growled in delight, sealing my mouth to her neck. Following my carnal desire, I rolled over on top of Megan and pinned her smaller body beneath me; for the first time, I was in the dominant position. I stroked her hair and gazed deep into her eyes. I could feel her breath on my face and gently nuzzled her nose as I felt her arms slide around me and her fingernails graze my back.

“So beautiful.” I whispered.

“Hardly, compared to you.” She whispered back with a smile.

We kissed gently and Megan caressed my cheek.

“Boy, I’m sure glad I came back for Homecoming this year.” She said.

“Oh, that’s right. I guess you’ll be going to the dance tomorrow night then.” I replied.

“I don’t think so.” Megan said.

“Why not?” I asked, hoping I knew the answer.

“Because tomorrow night I have every intention of being back in this bed and letting you have your way with me.” Megan smiled.

“That would make me the happiest woman alive.” I told her.

“You know what would make me the happiest woman alive?” She asked.

“What that, hon?”

“If you’d kiss me again?” She said very innocently. I smiled.

“I see. And after as long as you made me wait, you expect me to just kiss you on command?” I joshed.

“It was worth the wait, wasn’t it?” Megan snapped back.

“Talk about a prelude to a kiss.” I smiled.

“Is that a yes?”

“That’s a yes.”

“You wanna know something?” Megan asked.

“I thought you wanted me to kiss you again.” I replied.

“I think I could fall in love with you.” She said.

“Think I could fall in love with you too.” I replied. “But I’m afraid you’ll have to earn that privilege.”

“So will you.” She grinned.

“Then shall we get started?” I replied.

“Kiss me!”

Our mouths crushed together, our sweaty naked bodies entwined and we kissed deeply into the night.

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