
It's a military drill weekend, and I'm sitting at work, bored and on the computer. We are exchanging emails, and you are waiting at my house. We've made plans this evening to go out for dinner with Kandi. The last time we were together, playing rummy, you just weren't ready to go any further. But this time the other guy won't be there, and you have gained a lot more confidence. You're really looking forward to tonight, and being able to actually appreciate another woman instead of just being worried about yourself.
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It was a pretty normal late Saturday afternoon. Tom had finished his plans for the day, nothing special, laundry, some shopping, washing his car. For good measure he washed Kandy's as well. He wouldn't have done that on a normal Saturday, but his wife was out of town, so doing a small thing for his neighbor Kandy was really just an afterthought. Kandy's husband was also out of town, on a year-long remote assignment for the Government.
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They strolled down the jetty, enjoying the feel of the salty wind and the beauty of the setting sun. The surf was crashing against the rocks and spraying them with mist so that both their shirts were sticking close to their bodies by the time they reached the end of the walkway.
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I saw her the first time as a lonely figure on the bench overlooking the harbor. She was staring at a big luxury cruiser.
The Symphonia was leaving in a couple of days' time for a voyage to Italy, and that would be my last part of my trip before flying home to Amsterdam.
I was drawn to her by her classic beauty. She was a small girl . From local colored or Cape Malay decent. Beautiful, light chocolate features. Big brown eyes staring into the distance.
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She had been dreaming of this moment for months. Over the past semester Alice had spent countless hours alone, making love to herself at the thought of being with him. He was Josh, the skinny little fag boy people at their small college loved to make fun of but, he was good guy and handsome looking. He had a slender frame and a waif like look about him. He had long dark hair that feel about his shoulders carelessly.
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I was wholly unprepared for the events that transpired that evening.
The workday was over. I went home, showered, and called my girlfriend/fuck-buddy, Penny. We had planned to go see a movie, but when I called her to see when she was picking me up, she apologized and confessed that she had other plans. She had forgotten that she'd already promised to go to a party with her roommate, Kendra.
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"He said 'we certainly made her airtight last night' and then the rest of them laughed." Ann was cradling the phone against her shoulder as she studied her nails and relayed the overheard conversation to her best friend Shelly.
"What does that mean?" Shelly's perplexed voice indicated that it didn't make any sense to her either.
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Behave or not set aside.
We meet, it is at the airport. You've worn a skirt and no panties, a top with buttons and a soft bra. We chat and you get wet and wetter.
After a bit we finish coffee and you're close. My hand is on your leg and you hitch your skirt. You look in my eyes as my fingers slip to your pussy. Slowly I pet, and caress. You just watch my face, trembling slightly.
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Behind closed doors, lots of guys enjoy sharing their wives/girlfriends. As a single white American, I'd been fairly lucky in my years living in Japan. I met quite a few Japanese as well as foreign couples who have included me in sexual get-togethers. I'm definitely not a male model, just a regular schmo. But I was always gracious, polite and charming. I made it a rule to always be respectful and reliable.
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It had been a wonderful afternoon. I had visited a gymkhana, met an incredibly horny girl and was introduced to her family circle in a rather unusual way. After all, its not every day you get to fuck someone, watch her father fuck the stable groom and then go down on her her mother in the back of a horsebox. And then, to finish off, I got to fuck the daughter and the groom in full view of her little sister and her equally horny friend. But hey, life can be soooooo good sometimes.
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