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More Than I Bargained For

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Lynne called the other day and asked to have lunch with me. That could mean only one thing. She had another match for me. Lynne runs a lesbian matching making service that comes perilously close to being an escort service and hence prostitution. The only thing that keeps it legal is the fact that both parties to the match must pay a fee for the introduction. What takes place after the introduction is simply whatever two consenting adults agree to do.

I should mention that my fee is very small while my match usually pays a very hefty fee which Lynne and I split 50—50. Then of course there are the tips I receive which can sometimes be quite substantial.

It was a lovely sunny cool day so I called Lynne and suggested we get some sandwiches and have lunch on the pedestrian mall downtown. Before leaving my office I removed my panties. I was wearing a relatively short skirt that day because I like to flash both men and women. I was also wearing extra long thigh high stockings that came all the way up to my crotch so that the tops of them would not show when I was seated. I had a meeting that morning with some big money people in town and my boss, Eve, likes it when I dress sexy—conservative but not sexy—slutty. By the end of the meeting, I knew I had gotten a few cocks hard and I wondered if I had gotten one pussy wet. At the meeting was a senior VP from one of the banks in town. We see each other occasionally on business and I am pretty sure she has the hots for me. She is a very attractive woman, a little on the plump side but that would not stop me from fucking her.

I stopped to get a sandwich and a coke before finding a bench to sit on making sure that my legs were spread wide enough so people might get a glimpse of my perfectly hairless pussy. I spotted Lynne and waved at her and she walked over and sat down.

“Julia what the fuck do you think you are doing? People can see your fucking pussy.”

“Yes they can,” I replied. “Unfortunately no one is fucking it right now. So why don’t you call it just a pussy, not a fucking pussy.”

“Julia you are one screwed up bitch.”

I just smiled and asked her what she had for me.

“Well I got another hit on the web site. This woman wants . . . well read this.”

She handed me an e-mail.

“Lynne I told you to take my fucking picture down and just leave my description up.”

“I did,” she responded.

“Oh. Okay. Good,” I replied and turned my attention to the e-mail.

“Oh my,” I said after I finished reading the demands of this woman and her description of herself.

“Do you think you can do it?” Lynne asked.

“I don’t know,” I replied. “It sounds awfully dangerous and potentially much too painful. I wonder what she means by sophisticated domination?”

“What if I go with you to act as your guardian and to make sure nothing gets out of hand?” she pleaded. “It’s one hell of a lot of money.”

I told her I wanted to think about it and I tucked the e-mail into my handbag.

Lynne was looking longingly up my skirt. “Julia why not stop over my place when you get off of work tonight? Lori is out of town on a match and I sure could use the company.”

“Lynne we agreed not to mix business with pleasure,” I replied.

“I’ll split the match fee 70—30,” she pleaded.

I was desperately horny but Lynne was not in my future. She is way too butch for me. Her brown hair is too short and she has muscles that most men would love to have. She also does not shave her legs or under her arms. I have no idea what Lori sees in her. Lori is a delightfully adorable little blond who I would fuck in a minute.

To put her off I said, “Sorry Lynne you know what we agreed to and in any case I have a social function that I have attend tonight.”

I returned to the office and tried to concentrate on my work but my mind kept wandering back to the written demands of the woman: total and complete submission for the entire weekend including full latex bondage. The submissive in me found that quite appealing but also frightening. The thought of it also made my pussy so wet I had to put my panties back on so I would not stain my skirt.

I had her e-mail address so I sent her one asking if she could send me a picture of herself and laying down some ground rules: no piss, scat, children, animals, lasting marks, blood, or intense pain. About an hour later an e-mail response popped up in my mailbox. She had agreed to my terms and she sent a long a picture. She was in her middle to late 30s, very tall, very beautiful, with massively wavy long blond hair, wearing a black latex bustier, long black latex high heel boots, and long black latex gloves. She looked quite regal and demanding making my pussy drip. “Now this is a woman I would love to serve,” I said to myself. Her e-mail also assured me that although I might experience some slight to modest discomfort, I would not receive pain and I would also receive a tremendous amount of pleasure.

I got up and closed and locked my office door. I leaned against my desk, lifted my skirt and pushed my hand inside of my panties. My orgasm was really quick in coming. The thought of being dominated by her had gotten me incredibly aroused. I was still scared though.

After recovering and drying off my hand by sucking on my fingers then using some tissue paper, I called Lynne.

“Did you get any references on her?”” I asked.

“Just the name of the escort service in Omaha that she uses,” she replied. “I’ll call the owner and get back to you.”

“Do it quick,” I instructed her.

Lynne’s call came back an hour or so later. She said that she talked to the owner who said that the woman was really heavily involved in extremely sophisticated bondage, discipline, and domination but that she was not dangerous. None of his girls had ever gotten hurt although they did say the action was awfully kinky. Then she pleaded with me to take the match. $7000 for a weekend is nothing to turn down.

I had one more bargaining chip. I said to Lynne, “I’ll do it if I can have Lori any time I want for the next two, no make that three, months unless of course she is working.” There was a long pause but she finally said, “Okay.”

I shot an e-mail back to the woman agreeing to her demands along with a picture of myself. Not fifteen minutes later I got a reply saying I was beautiful and she loved my long brown hair. She also asked me how tall I was and what sizes I wore in shoes, pants, and dresses. So I responded saying that I was unusually tall for a woman, 6’3″, and giving her my sizes. She responded by giving me directions to her house that was out in the country, west of Omaha. The e-mail ended warning me to be on time. 6 pm Friday. Oddly enough at no time during our e-mail exchange did she mention her name and Lynne had not mentioned it either.

Well Friday finally arrived. I would not have enough time to go home and change before heading to the woman’s place so I dressed more for the evening than the day, at least underneath. I chose black lace: garter belt, hose, bra, and panty. Then for day wear I chose a black pinstriped suit that did not need a blouse as long as I kept the coat on and black pumps with modest heels. My 8 inch black spikes would be in my bag.

I had no trouble finding the place. The directions she gave me were good. She had called it a house, well it was more like a mansion build on a ton of acres and not another house in sight or sound. I arrived a few minutes early and slipped on my tall spikes. As I sat there in the car, a pretty young blond woman wearing a black latex maids outfit opened the front door and beckoned me in. I got out of the car with my little bag and walked up the stairs. The maid took the bag from me and asked me to follow her into the living room where madam would be. The maid was absolutely adorable. About 5’5″, slender, really nice legs, and breasts that popped out of the bodice of her uniform. Her breasts were, however, way too large for her slender frame. I sensed silicone.

When I entered the living room I froze. Madam was indeed there but so was a man. He was naked, kneeling on the floor wearing a riding saddle, a bridal, and a pony tail stuck in his ass. It also looked like his cock was inside of some strange contraption but I had difficulty seeing it. The woman was wearing black latex chaps, shinny red spikes, a red latex bustier that supported her firm breasts and just barely covered her nipples, red latex elbow length gloves, a black latex thong, and a black harness with a black strap on attached to it. She was stunningly beautiful but also very menacing.

“Welcome,” she said.

I stared at her and said, “No one said anything about a man being here. I am strictly lesbian and want nothing to do with a man. Otherwise I am out of here.”

“Uppity little bitch aren’t you,” she sneered. “Have no fear he does not participate. He only watches and he only gets an erection when he is being flogged or when he is sucking another man’s cock. He is gay and I am not allowing him to have any male friends this weekend. He is being punished. He failed to get me something I really liked for our anniversary. In any case he will be locked in the dungeon for most of the weekend.”

“Okay,” I replied confused and wondering what she meant by the dungeon.

“That is a beautiful suit you are wearing,” she observed somewhat sarcastically. “It looks very expensive. You must be someone important.”

“I don’t know about important,” I answered back truthfully. “But I am a rather successful business woman.”

“You don’t seem particularly submissive,” she remarked. “Lynne assured me that you are.”

“We have not started to play yet, have we?”

“No I guess not,” she answered back. “Would you care for a glass of wine before we begin?”

“Yes that would be very nice, chardonnay if you have it,” I replied.

“Well take a seat on the sofa,” she directed. Then she called out “Cunt bring some chardonnay for out guest.”

Another young woman appeared also wearing a latex maids outfit. She was as beautiful as the blond and about the same age but she was a natural red head. She opened the wine and poured two glasses for us. The woman sat down next to me, reached for her glass and began to sip. Then she took a piece of paper that was laying face down on the table, handed it to me and asked me to read it. It read as follows:

Consensual Slavery Contract

I, the slave, agree to obey my mistress and follow her every command, order, desire, or wish. I understand that I am her property and that she can, at any time, do anything she wants to me unless such an action is prohibited. The following actions are on the prohibited list:

•Drawing of blood •Burning the body •Drastic loss of circulation •Causing internal bleeding •Breaking of bones •Loss of consciousness •Withholding of food, water, or sunlight for extended periods of time •Suffocation •Drowning •Freezing •Sex with animals •Sex with children •Sex with men •Touching or ingesting of feces. •Loss of hair

The slave agrees to perform any and all sexual favors that the mistress desires at any time that pleases the mistress including the drinking of her urine as a sign of devotion.

Mistress reserves the right to punish her slave at any time and for any reason. The slave will comply with the chosen punishment willingly and with enthusiasm.

Mistress may loan the slave me out to other mistresses at any time as long as the other mistress agrees to the list of prohibited actions. The slave is to show her other mistresses the same love and devotion that she shows to her primary mistress. The slave shall not enter into slavery under another mistress without the consent of the slave’s primary mistress.

Mistress may direct her slave to engage in sexual acts with other women for the entertainment of the slave’s mistress. The slave will never engage in sexual acts with other women without the permission of her mistress.

The slave will relinquish all worldly possessions to her mistress who will take full responsibility for the slave’s care, feeding, and clothing. The slave will dress as her mistress desires and a wardrobe will be provided to the slave. Panties or pantyhose will never be worn by the slave except during the slave’s menstrual cycle or at the specific direction of her mistress.

The slave may not look at or speak to her mistress unless specifically instructed to do so. Mistress will be referred to by the slave as Madam, Mistress or Ma’am. Slave will be known as Slave and that is what she will be called except in public where her given first name will be used. In public, the slave may refer to her Mistress by her given first name.

The slave will have the following safe word ___________________________ When it is invoked, all activities will come to an immediate end.

The slave will have following safe sign _______________________________ When it is invoked, all activities will come to an immediate end.

The slave agrees to worship and love her mistress.

Slavery will begin at the time this contract is signed by both the slave and the Mistress.

Slavery will end on the following specified date.

Beginning date and time of slavery _____________________________

Ending date and time of slavery ________________________________

Signature of the Slave _______________________________

Signature of the Mistress _____________________________

If the slave so desires, there can be no ending date to this agreement. The slave’s signature below will indicate that she is willing to enter her slavery to her mistress for eternity or until her mistress tires of her. In that case, only the mistress can terminate this contract.

Signature of the slave agreeing to an eternity of servitude.


“Are you willing to sign that?” she asked.

“Not the part about owning my possessions,” I replied.

“Reasonable,” she answered. “That is actually the long term contract that my two permanent slaves, Bitch and Cunt, have signed. I own them completely. We can cross that out and both of us will initial it. We will also add a specific time period from the date of signing until 6 pm on Sunday. Do you find that agreeable?”

“Yes I do,” I replied with a funny tingling sensation. The idea of a legal binding slave contract was so sexy.

Picking up a pen she asked me for my safe word and sign.

“Pickle and the V sign with my fingers,” I replied as she filled them in and crossed out the paragraph about having no worldly possessions.

“Excellent choices,” she remarked as she handed me a pen.

I nervously signed it after she made the changes.

“What am I to call you?” I asked humbly.

“Mistress, Madam, or Ma’am. Take your pick or use all three. And you shall be called slave since I do not know what your real name is, nor do I really want to know it. All I know about you is your e-mail address and that now you belong to me. Remove your suit. I want to see if your taste in lingerie is as good as your taste in outer ware.”

I stood and slowly removed my suit jacket and the maid called Cunt was there to take it. She was the blond.

“Nice,” she remarked.

I reached around and unzipped my skirt and let it fall to the floor then stepped out of it. Cunt was there to pick it up.

“Wonderful,” she remarked. “A beautiful young woman who appreciates the luxury of old fashioned hose and garter belts. Your lingerie looks beautiful on you.”

“Thank you Mistress,” I curtseyed.

“Bitch bring me the collar,” she ordered.

Bitch walked away and came back a few minutes later carrying a black leather collar with chrome studs on the outside, a D ring, and a long chrome chain attached to it.

“Put that on,” she ordered.

I took it from Bitch and slipped it around my neck fastening it in back with the little belt like closure. The long chain fell until it almost touched the floor and I lowered my head in obedience, with my pussy beginning to leak. There was something erotically complicitous by doing this myself instead of someone doing it to me. By my own hands I enter into my own submission and domination.

She walked over to stand in front of me and removed her gloves in front of my lowered face. Her nails were nicely manicured but rather short and her fingers were thin and delicate. I wondered what it would be like to have her hand inside of me and the thought caused me to have a pussy fart that was quite audible and also resulted in a gush.

“A squirter?” she asked as she ran her hands through my hair.

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Wonderful and such beautiful hair.”

“Thank you Mistress.”

I felt one of her slaves unhook the back of my bra and pull the straps off my shoulders. The woman’s hands went to my breasts and gently rubbed them.

“Lovely. Really quite lovely.”

One of the maids, I think it was Cunt, slipped my panties off of my hips and down my legs. I stepped out of them. Yes it was Cunt.

She handed them to the woman and said, “They are very wet Ma’am.”

She raised my panties to her nose as she stared at my pussy. “She smells wonderful.”

Then she licked the wet crotch and said, “She tastes even better. One of you slaves will be rewarded this weekend. I’ll let one of you lick her pussy which is really quite lovely and devoid of hair.”

She turned to the maid called Bitch and told her to take me downstairs and put me in the outfit she had selected earlier in the day. I was led away by Bitch who pulled on my chain and forced me to follower her down a steep staircase into a cold and damp, dimly lit basement. She opened a door and pulled me into a brightly lit room that was covered from ceiling to floor in red rubber. There was no furniture, only a built in bench that was also covered in red rubber.

She sat me down on the bench and gently removed my shoes, hose, and garter belt. She was absolutely adorable with her natural red wavy hair and freckles, nice tits sticking up from the low bodice of her uniform; tits that were actually a bit too big for her tiny frame.

She spread my knees and lowered her mouth to my cunt and began licking me. With the anticipation that had been building inside of me all day, I came almost immediately.

She leaned back and said, “Please don’t tell Mistress I did that or I’ll be severely punished.”

“I won’t say anything,” I replied smiling at the adorable young girl wondering if I would get a chance to kiss her, play with her breasts, and lick her pussy. She looked so delectable and true red heads are so very rare.

She pulled me to a standing position by my chain and then reached for a can of talcum powder and began to sprinkle me all over with it. She explained that the powder would make it easier to get into the cat suit which she handed me. I stepped into it in wonder. I had never done anything like this before and I was strangely excited.

The suit was a bitch to get on but the two of us finally got me into it. It was footless with long sleeves and zipped up the back. There was another zipper starting just below my waist and running down my crotch and back up to the middle of my ass. Before zipping me all the way up, she removed my collar because the collar of the suit went up to my chin. With the suit fully zipped up she replaced the collar and placed a red latex hood over my head. It had openings for my eyes, nostrils, and mouth. Then she sat me down and laced my feet and legs into a pair of black, knee high ballet boots.

She pulled me to my feet by the chain. I could hardly walk in the boots. Then she sat me back down again and placed black leather wrist cuffs on me and attached my wrists to a spreader bar that was about 3 feet long. Then she pressed a switch on the wall.

A few minutes later the Mistress entered carrying what looked like a gas mask with a long black extension on it with an oval end. She hooked the spreader bar to a chain hanging from the ceiling and then turned a crank which pulled me to my feet. She placed the mask over my face and told me to breath easy.

Then she unzipped the crotch of the suit, rubbed some sort of sticky jelly on the oval end of the extension and then placed the oval end over my pussy while Bitch tied the attached straps around my waist and thighs so that the oval end was tightly pressed against my pussy. As I continued to breath I could feel my labia expanding as well as my clit. The two of them left without saying a word and turned the light off.

As I hung there in the darkness my heart was racing and I was breathing hard. The harder I breathed, the more suction was applied to my pussy making both my labia and my clitoris swell. In total disbelief, I was giving myself an orgasm by merely breathing.

I lost total track of time and I had lost count of the number of orgasms I had managed to give myself. Before I passed out, I was vaguely aware that it was becoming unbearably hot inside of the cat suit and I was sweating like a pig.

When I woke up I was laying naked on the floor and this time Cunt was reattaching the collar to my neck. She pulled me to my feet and dragged me out of the room and down a hall to a bathroom that had a shower stall. She put my hair in a shower cap and pushed me into the stall and proceeded to soap me all up paying particular attention to my pussy and my ass. Then she rinsed me off and allowed me out of the stall and handed me a large towel for me to use to dry off.

I followed her down the hall and into a dressing room. She informed me that dinner was to be served in a little while and that I needed to get dressed. She handed me a pair of black, extra long thigh high stockings and told me to put them on. I did and then she had me put on a red strapless latex mini dress with a hem that went to the middle of my thighs. The dress was very tight and form fitting, and the built in bra pushed my breasts up but still covered my nipples. She handed me a pair of red leather, 8 in spikes and told me to sit at the vanity where she applied a very heavy coat of red lipstick to my lips. I looked almost normal except for the collar, well as normal as one can look in a very tight and shiny red latex dress that I would consider wearing out in public because it looked so damn sexy on me. People tell me that red is a good color for me.

Cunt escorted me upstairs to the dining room where Mistress was sitting at a long table with someone who appeared at first glance to be another woman. On second glance it was her husband dressed up to look like a woman. I could not help staring at him/her as I took my seat. He/she looked just like a woman, although not a very attractive one.

“Don’t worry about her,” Mistress said. “The fag is a transvestite who prefers to present himself as a woman most of the time.”

He/she, whatever, simply looked down at the table in shame.

“How many orgasms did you have?” she asked.

“I’m sorry Ma’am,” but I lost count,” I replied noticing that she had changed into a black latex mini dress that was identical to my red one.

“We were monitoring you,” she went on. “By what we heard, we counted 21 Os.”

“That’s incredible, Ma’am.”

“We have to monitor you because Bitch almost suffocated to death in that contraption,” she went on to explain. “I noticed that you have no trouble walking in those shoes.”

“No Ma’am,” I replied. “I have a fetish for very high heels and a lot of practice walking in them.”

“Good,” she replied. “They make your legs look absolutely fantastic.”

Bitch and Cunt served us dinner and wine, and both were wonderfully delicious.

She paused while eating and said, “Lynne says that you are quite experienced as a submissive. What is the most drastic thing that you have ever done?” “Well what you just did to me was pretty far out,” I meekly answered.

“No. I meant before,” she hissed.

“Well the most painful was electro torture at a club in Chicago,” I murmured. “My mistress went too far and it hurt like hell.”

She looked at me with deep sympathy and said, “No. I want to know the most erotic submission you have experienced.”

It did not take me long to answer. “A former mistress use to make me wear a punishment panty from time to time.”

“Explain,” she insisted forcefully.

“Well it’s like an old lady’s long line panty girdle with a high waist cincher except it is made out of rubber and has a built in butt plug and dildo,” I explained. “It zips up the back and is very tight and the zipper can be locked closed so I cannot get out of it.”

“Sounds uncomfortable,” she remarked.

“It can be at first,” I replied. “But you get use to it. Although walking in it can be incredibly arousing. The plug and the dildo move in and out of you as you walk, causing unexpected orgasms if you walk too much.”

“Delightful,” she proclaimed. “What is you have to perform a natural function?”

I paused and then said, “Well the girdle is so very tight and the legs are so long and the waist is so high that, well, you don’t leak.”

“So you have to sit in your filth until your mistress unlocks the girdle?” she asked in amazement.

“Yes,” I whispered back. “Very humiliating.”

“I can imagine,” she grinned. “What about odor?”

“Not until you take it off,” I explained.

“God where can I get one of those,” she insistently asked. “I’d love to put Bitch into one of them.”

“I can direct you to a web site Ma’am,” I replied noting the look of horror on Bitch’s face and wondering why the mistress would choose such and ugly name for such a beautiful young girl.”

After dinner, I followed Madam into the den where she poured us two brandies and she sat close to me on the white leather sofa. She put her arm around me and between sips of brandy we kissed deeply and erotically.

She pulled the hem of her skirt up around her waist and pushed me to the floor between her legs. She did not tell me what I was supposed to do. I leaned forward and ran my tongue between her labia, delighted by the fact that her pussy was devoid of hair like mine. She tasted absolutely wonderful so I went about using my skills in cunnilingus to give her six really intense orgasms in the course of an hour until she finally said “Enough!”

“That was wonderful,” she said after recovering. “It was so good in fact that I do not see any need to punish you. Instead I will reward you.”

She rang a little silver bell and Cunt showed up.

“Send Bitch in here,” she ordered.

Bitch showed up and she ordered her to eat me. I gladly pulled the hem of my dress up around my waist, sat on the sofa, and spread my legs. I was treated to some very nice Os for the next 45 minutes or so.

“Now it is time for you to go to bed young lady,” she said as she grabbed my chain and yanked on it.

She led me back down into a basement and into a room that was also all covered in rubber. This time it was light blue rubber. She told me to take my dress off and hand it to Cunt. Cunt took it out of the room. She told me to lay down on the large rubber covered table in the center of the room and spread my legs and arms. Out came long silken cords that were wrapped several times around my wrists and ankles before my extremities were tied to the corners of the table. Then several lengths of cord were slipped around my waist and a vibrating wand was tight tightly to my pussy, making contact with not only my labia but also my clitoris.

“I am going to set this thing on random vibration,” she explained. “It will go on and off at random intervals and for differing lengths of time and intensity. It will stimulate you and perhaps keep you in a constant state of arousal, but you might get lucky and receive a long enough and intense enough vibration that might give you some orgasmic relief.”

She was gently rubbing my breasts when she said that. Her hand was soft and warm and she was so pretty I was already starting to leak again.

I heard her click the switch and place the control box on the floor. The two of them left saying that someone would be in to check on me from time to time. They left a dim light on. I did not feel anything for a while and then the thing started to slowly vibrate and buzz, increasing with intensity and causing the expected reaction in me. I was about halfway to an orgasm when the damn thing shut off leaving me gasping for relief. Then the thing came on again with great intensity that hurt more than stimulate. Then it shut off leaving me shaking.

It was off for a while and I began to doze off when all of a sudden it came on again slow and strong pushing and pushing me almost to the point of cumming when it shut off again. It kept doing the same thing to me for a long time, off and on, off and on, but with no relief. Cunt checked in on me several time and I pleaded with her to turn it on steady but all she did was sneer at me. I didn’t like her. She was pretty and all, but there was something I just did not like about her unlike Bitch who I thought was wonderful.

Mistress showed up after another hour of torment and finally shut the thing off.

“Did you cum?” she asked politely.

“No Ma’am,” I replied. “And I really do need to cum.”

“Well it won’t be tonight my Dear,” she replied as Cunt and Bitch untied me. I got dusted with more powder and placed into a royal blue latex suit. This suit has a hood attached to it but with no openings for my eyes or nostrils. It did have a mouth piece that I had to put my mouth over in order to breath. The suit had feet and gloves, well actually mittens without fingers. When I was zipped into it, I was totally encased in latex.

They led me to yet another room and laid me down on something and pulled some material over me and fitted the tube through it. Then the material was zipped up and I could feel it begin to press harder and harder against me. The sound of a motor and gushing air told me that I was in some sort of suction bag. I started to panic because I am a bit on the claustrophobic side but I could not speak my safe word nor could I make my safe sign. All of a sudden there was dead silence and I had to simply lay there fighting off the fears of being confined and suffocated. I soon realized that if I stopped struggling I could breath easy. I wondered if they were planning on keeping me in this thing all night.

I fell asleep but woke up again at who knows what time. I had to pee and shit. I just laid there totally unable to move and eventually unable to hold my pee or shit. It felt incredibly uncomfortable as my hot urine found its way down my legs and up my stomach. The smell of the combination of urine and feces made me want to throw up, but I had to stifle that. I could never do that without choking to death because of the mouth piece that allowed me to breath. I eventually fell back to sleep.

I awoke again. I was out of the bag and my hood was off. Mistress, Bitch, and Cunt were standing around me looking at me.

“The fucking bitch smells terrible,” Cunt proclaimed.

“Shut up Cunt or you will get no cock to suck,” Mistress hissed.

She was dressed in English riding gear and informed me that she was going for her morning ride and that Cunt would clean up my mess and Bitch would arrange for me to shower and dress me properly.

Cunt complained about having to clean up and she got Mistresses’s riding crop right across the face causing her to fall to the floor and begin crying. Mistress left and the two of them got me out of the awful suit. Bitch walked me to the bathroom, placed me in the shower, took her clothes off and joined me in the shower. We lovingly soaped each other up and fingered each other to mutual orgasm. When we were dried off she asked me not to tell Mistress.

“Of course not,” I replied. “I really like you, but I do not care for Cunt at all.”

“Well she’s not my favorite person either. Mistress keeps her around because she has a very long and thick cock.”

“What?” I blinked.

“Didn’t you know?” she replied. “Cunt is a transsexual. Mistress is paying for her transformation. Mistress likes cock every once in a while, but only from transsexuals. She is not into men.”

“Does she fuck her husband when he is in drag?” I asked amazed and amused.

“Yeah but only in the ass with a strap on,” she giggled. “He’s a real fruit cake.”

I paused and said, “Can I ask you something personal?”

“You want to know why I am Mistresses’ slave. Well I got bounced from one horrible foster home to another until I landed here. Mistress is very good to me and I am actually in love with her. Down deep she is a really good person and she has never really hurt me bad or made me do stuff I don’t really want to do.”

“Okay,” I replied. Knowing full well what it was like to be owned by Astrid until she went psycho on me and began to really hurt me both physically and mentally.

“Come on follow me,” she said. “We are going to get you dressed. Mistress left specific orders.”

We went into the dressing room in the basement and Bitch handed me a white lace garter belt which I put on. Then she rolled up some tan, back seemed stocking on my legs and attached them to the garters. Next came a gauzy white cotton dress with a low neck line and a full circle skirt that reached my ankles. Then she handed me a pair of white platform sandals that laced up to the knee.

After blow drying my hair and placing a modest amount of make up on me, she took me by the hand and led me to the kitchen where Cunt was preparing breakfast. Bitch poured me some coffee and orange juice as I sat at the large kitchen table over looking the pasture in which Mistress was riding her horse. Hubby came down to join us in a silk shirtwaist dress, hose, heels, makeup, and wig.

Cunt stood next to him. He lifted her cotton poly black maid’s dress, reached inside of her panties, pulled out a very long and thick cock, and began sucking on it.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Bitch warned. “Mistress said no cock for you this weekend.”

“Look you miserable fag!” I hollered. “Stop that right now.”

“Make me,” the creep hissed.

I got up from the table, made a fist and hit him in the face with it sending him to the floor. Then I kicked him about six times in the balls informing him that his mistress had told him no cock for the weekend.

“That’s correct Julia,” her voice sounded behind me. “Thank you for stopping him and you did it very well. You have my compliments. Bitch go and get the bulb and tube.”

“Yes Madame.”

I had no idea what she was talking about, all I knew was that hubby was curled up on the floor hugging his crotch and crying.

“Lynne says you switch,” she said.

“Yes Ma’am. I do.”

“I like that,” she replied. “Ever domme a man.”

“No Ma’am.”

“Well now you have your chance,” she hissed.

Bitch returned with a way oversized enema bulb in her hands with a thin clear tube attached to it. Mistress went to a cupboard in the kitchen and took out three cans of warm beer. She opened them, stuck the tube in them and filled the huge bulb full of the beer.

She handed the device to me and said, “Take the tube and shove it deep inside of his pathetic little penis and fill him with the beer.”

Being a lesbian one might think that I would be repulsed by touching a man’s cock, but I’ve touched hundreds of cocks in my time trying to prove to myself that I was not a lesbian and that I was simply bi. Well it didn’t work. So I yanked his pathetic little weenie out of his panties and slowly insert the clear tube into his pee hole while he whimpered and cried. Once I got it fully embedded into what one can jokingly call his man hood, I pumped the bulb and the beer began to flow into him causing him to cry and whimper even more.

I watched in fascination as his scrotum began to increase in size and strangely enough he was starting to get an erection.

I emptied the bulb into him and Mistress came over and shoved a darning needle down his piss hole. He withered on the floor screaming in pain and crying. This was getting to be too much even for me. Then all of a sudden his cock erupted despite being plugged up and all of the warm beer gushed out onto the kitchen floor.

“Bitch. Take the fag to his cell in the basement and lock him in then join me in my bedroom,” she ordered. “Cunt you clean up this mess.” She turned to face me and said, “And you follow me.”

“Why do I always have to do the cleanup,” Cunt complained.

Mistress pushed her over a kitchen chair, lifted her skirt and began whipping her panty covered ass with her riding crop until the poor thing started to sob and cry. Then she pulled Cunt’s panties off and began whipping her again until her ass was bright red but no blood was let. When she stopped, she looked down at Cunt with distain. Cunt rolled onto her back on the floor and she was sporting an incredibly large erection. “You may jerk off before you clean up this mess.”

She turned and walked to the foyer. I followed her upstairs where she sat on her bed in a very spacious master bedroom suite and asked me help her off with her riding boots. I knelt in front of her and pulled one boot off and then the other.

“Ma’am? May I ask a question?”

“Yes if it is not too personal,” she replied.

“Well then I better not ask,” I responded.

“No go ahead,” she instructed. “I’ll determine if your question is too personal.”

“Okay. Why are you so hard with Cunt and so loving with Bitch?”

She paused for a moment and said, “Because I don’t like Cunt. She is not a nice person. Bitch on the other hand is a wonderful young woman and I am very fond of her, but don’t tell her I said that. She can get a bit uppity at times. Shhh she is coming.”

Turning to Bitch she said, “Darling draw me a bath and then come help me undress.”

She took off her riding coat and handed it to me. Then came her jodhpurs which she also handed to me. Bitch showed up to take them from me along with Mistress’s blouse, socks, and panties.

“They all need to be cleaned,” she remarked.

“I’ll take them to the laundry shoot and make sure they go to the cleaners tomorrow,” she replied walking away.

“Come into the bathroom with me my Dear,” she commanded in a gentle way standing there in all of her naked glory, a truly prefect specimen of a woman. I wanted her again desperately.

The bathroom was as big as the bedroom and all marble, glass, and brass. Bitch had removed her clothes and was sitting in a gigantic, marble, whirlpool tub filled with bubbles, holding loofa sponge in her hand. Mistress slid in with her back to Bitch and Bitch began washing her back.

“Pull up a chair and sit,” she said to me. I did and then she told me how lovely I looked in the white cotton gauze dress. She said that it was an antique and it had belonged to her mother.

“I guess tallness runs in the family,” I remarked.

“Yes it does,” she responded. “One of the reasons I was so attracted to you when I saw your pictures on Lynne’s web site was the fact that you are as tall as I am and slender like me. It is hard to find someone like you.”

“That fucking bitch told me she took my picture down,” I said to myself. “Now I find out she has more pictures of me. Where the fuck did she get them. I’m going to kill her.”

She must have seen the anger on my face because she asked, “Is there anything wrong my Dear.”

I paused for a very long time before I said, “Last night you went too far. I could not use my safe word or my safe sign. I am rather claustrophobic and I had a panic attack in that bag last night.”

“I am very sorry about that,” she replied sincerely. “Most women I know find the compression bag to be quite soothing. I meant it for you in that way. Is there anything I could do to make it up to you.”

I quickly knew the answer to that question but I was slow in responding. I put myself in my most fundamental slave role and said in a halting and soft voice, “You can . . . let me . . . make love to you . . . for the rest of the day.”

“What a delightful idea,” she replied. “A long afternoon of passion, lust, and who knows, perhaps some love thrown in.”

She said that in a rather throaty tone because Bitch had taken a soft cloth and was obviously rubbing her pussy with it. I watched as Bitch proceeded to give Mistress a very satisfying orgasm. When she recovered, she and Bitch stood and turned the shower on to rinse themselves off. Bitch left the tub first and put on an expensive, thick terry robe and then held out a very thick and expensive bath towel to wipe down Mistress.

I sat there with my pussy leaking as Bitch patted Mistress dry and took the blow dryer to her hair as she sat at the vanity. When her hair was dry Bitch went out of the bathroom and returned with a beautiful floor length, gold brocade robe for Mistress to put on. She stood and let the little young woman put it around her shoulders. Then she belted it and walked into the master suite.

There was a bench seat built into the casement window and she sat down to look outside. It had started to rain. A window was open and cold air came blowing in, usually cold and damp for early September. She asked Bitch to turn the fireplace on and to get us some wine. She motioned me over and pointed to the floor at her feet. I knelt down and she put her foot in my lap. I assumed I was supposed to massage it, which I began doing. She started making soft cooing sounds of appreciation. She particularly liked it when I lifted her foot and put her toes in my mouth and began sucking on them as I gently massaged her instep.

“That feels so good,” she said as Bitch handed us our wine. I took a time out to take a few sips.

“Here do the other one now,” she said. And of course I dutifully did what I was told because I was really getting into my subbie groove.

After I had soothed her feet, she pulled me up onto the bench holding me close and kissing me deeply. We kissed for a very long time and as we did out hands played with each others breasts making each others nipples very hard. She was also making me extremely wet and I wondered if I was making her as wet as me. My hand went between her legs and she opened them for me. Yes she was very wet and also very hot.

“Let’s take this to the bed,” she said. I followed her with my hand in hers and we sat on the edge of the bed and returned to kissing. I had noticed that Bitch was sitting in an arm chair across the room with her hand inside of her panties. She had been watching us.

“What about Bitch Ma’am?”

“Let her watch. She gets off on watching.”

“Can she join us?”

“Maybe later after I have had my fill of you.”

She pushed herself back on the pillows, bent her legs and the knees and opened wide.

“I want your mouth, lips, tongue, and fingers down here and you better do a good job or else there will be a paddle in your future.”

I didn’t have to be threatened with a paddle. I would not pass up any opportunity to make love to such a beautiful pussy so I immediate went to work if you can call it work. I slowly and deliberately built her up to the point where her entire body was shaking and she was screaming her head off. She was having one of the longest orgasms I have ever observed and she was really enjoying it until she completely collapsed, gasping for air. I let her rest for a while with my tongue and two fingers inside of her.

“That was fucking incredible,” she finally spoke. “Do it again.”

Well I did do it again but not in the same way. I manipulated her G spot with a finger and her clit with a tongue in such a way as to cause her to have a long series of little orgasms, each one building upon the last until I had her shaking and screaming again. Some where in the middle of all of this, Bitch decided that she wanted some of my pussy so she knelt down behind me and began fingering and licking me from behind. I was in heaven—a beautiful pussy in front of me with fingers inside of me and lips sucking on my clit. I came too, but not with the intensity that Mistress did.

I pulled Bitch up to me because I wanted to kiss her and I am really glad that I did because she was a really good kisser. I unzipped the back of her uniform and she slid out of it. Her panties were already off. We kissed and fingered each other for a while.

Mistress said, “I’ll be back in a bit. You girls have fun.”

Well we got into a 69 with me on top. It was delicious.

“I’m back,” I heard Mistress say as two fingers entered my pussy and played around inside of me as Bitch sucked on my clit. I turned my attention to Bitch’s pussy because I really wanted to give her a mind blowing orgasm. My concentration was interrupted as I felt something enter my pussy. At first I thought Mistress was fucking me with a dildo but when I looked up she was standing at the side of the bed. The dildo didn’t feel right it felt all too real. I turned my head and saw Cunt kneeling behind me. Jesus fucking Christ I was being fucked by a real cock.

“Pickle!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Mistress called out, “Stop.”

Cunt did stop but with her cock buried deep inside of me. Mistress placed her hands on my back to hold me down.

“What’s the matter?” she asked. “Afraid of a little cock? Although it is not so little.”

“I said the safe word,” I insisted.

“Are you sure you don’t want to reconsider?” Mistress remarked. “My preference is for women but I find I like a real cock from time to time. And don’t worry, Cunt is disease free.”

I thought about it for a moment. It had been a long time since I had a real cock inside of me and frankly it felt good. I particularly like the fact that it was so damn hot.”

“Look. I’m not protected,” I said. “I might get pregnant.”

“Don’t worry,” Mistress replied. “I have morning after pills that I will give you. No worry about pregnancy.”

I thought for a moment and said “Okay.”

Cunt began pushing her cock in and out of me as I returned to fingering and licking Bitch. I have to admit it felt rather good. I’m a dildo queen and love to be fucked by women either by hand or with the use of a strap on, and Cunt really seemed to know what she was doing. Her cock felt fantastic inside of me and she managed to find my spot on both the in and out strokes. She had me cumming in minutes. Then all of a sudden she pulled out and rammed her cock into my ass. Fuck that hurt.

Mistress placed her hands on my back to hold me down while Cunt used my ass for her pleasure. Fortunately the pain let up a bit. Actually I am not a newbie when it comes to anal sex. Women have fucked me in the ass with toys before and I have enjoyed it. This was a little different, however. Cunt’s cock was so fucking hot and I could feel it throb inside of me. To add to my pleasure Bitch’s tiny little hand had found its way inside of my pussy and she was churning it while she sucked on my clit. Orgasms began to erupt uncontrollably inside of me and I kept cumming and cumming until I nearly passed out. In the end, Cunt’s cock exploded inside of me and I could feel her hot cum splashing my insides. That along with the hand inside of me was enough to cause me to pass out.

When I woke up I was alone. I padded to the bathroom. Took a shit and a pee and washed myself as best I could. I put the white dress back on and headed down stairs to see where everyone was.

Madam was sitting in the den watching a news channel.

“Well it’s after 6,” she said. “Our session is over.”

She reached for two envelops and handed them to me.

“The thick one is for Lynne. The thin one is a little bonus for you. Dinner will be served in a little bit. Would you like to stay and dine with us and keep me company?”

Actually I was quite hungry so I willingly agreed but only on the condition that the session was really over.

“Nice to meet you Fawn,” I replied. “I’m Julia, but my friends call me Julie.”

“I prefer Julia. It is nice and old fashioned.”

Bitch came in and announced that dinner was ready. Fawn and I went into the formal dining room. She took her place at the head of the table and there was a place setting for me next to her. Bitch served, Cunt and hubby were no where in sight.

“Julia Dear. Would you consider another match with me without the submission?”

“If you are talking plain old vanilla sex,” I replied. “I’m up for it. I really enjoy making love to you.”

“Yes and I enjoy making love to you too. That’s why I asked. The fee for the match would not be as high, however.”

“That’s understandable,” I replied. “I think you and I make a pretty good match.”

“I’m thinking the same thing,” she replied. “Would you consider a 24/7 arrangement?”

“Truthfully Fawn, no. I have a career I enjoy too much.”

“I knew that would be your answer,” she replied sadly. Then she asked, “Do you think you can stay the night?”

“I’d have to get up very early in the morning to drive home and put on a new suit. I can’t wear the same suit I wore on Friday. I’m closing a deal tomorrow with some people I met on Friday. I need something new to wear.”

“I can give you an outfit to wear,” she responded eagerly. “I have so many that I will not miss one, and I am planning on giving you that red latex dress you wore, simply because you look so good in it.”

“I don’t know Fawn. You lead a pretty weird lifestyle. I’m only a visitor to your way of life and there are some parts of it I do not like.”

“Such as?” she asked.

“Your husband for one and then there is Cunt.”

“There is not much I can do about hubby. He is the way he is. I’m getting ready to cut Cunt loose. Her transformation is complete and I have a job waiting for her in a distant city.”

There was a long moment of silence between us. Then she said, “I have not made love to you this entire weekend and I desperately want to do so.”

Well that was it. I caved. I wanted this woman so badly no matter how weird she is.

“Okay,” I said with a smile. “I’ll stay with you tonight.”

She sighed with an incredible look of relief on her face and then she said, “I bet you are a pretty good domme. We could make a hell of a team if you were willing to switch.”

“You mean I domme you?” I asked in bewilderment.

“Perhaps in time after I have taught you some of the finer points of sophisticated domination. None of the ordinary stuff. You need to be trained to carry off true sophisticated domination and I would love to be your teacher.”

“Maybe,” I replied.

After dinner we went up to her bedroom where she made love to me like no woman has ever made love to me before and I think I may have returned the favor. We napped briefly between bouts of sexual bliss and in the morning she offered me what was obviously an outrageously expensive grey silk suit to wear for work that day. My black hose, shoes, and lingerie did not go with the suit so she gave me a lovely white lace bra and panty set to wear along with a white lace garter belt, nude hose, and grey pumps.

Before I put on my lipstick she gave me a long, slow, deep kiss and then looked in the eyes and said, “I could very easily fall in love with you and something tells me that you would make a wonderful wife.”

I thought it prudent not to say anything in return knowing full well that I wanted to be some woman’s wife but not sure if Fawn was the one. I may be submissive, and possibly domme under the right conditions, but I have a good career and if I become some woman’s wife, I will be an independent professional working wife.”

When I got in the car with my small bag that now contained the suit I wore to her place on Friday as well as the red latex dress and the white gauze dress. I took a peek inside of the envelop that was meant for me. I counted out ten five hundred dollar bills.

“Boy did I get more than I bargained for on this match,” I thought to myself as I drove away from her mansion also wondering what might happen if I bought into her lifestyle of sophisticated domination and become her wife. The very thought of both ideas made my fresh panties wet.

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Jane wrote

What a beautifully written and very erotic story – you had me hot and bothered by paragraph three and my hands inside my panties not long after that.

I do hope there will be more of Julia and Fawn.

Jane xx

David wrote

Very good story, Just the kind I like thank you very much!!