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The image of the girl was burned on his mind as he stepped outside the hall. The band was taking its final bow, and fit though he was, his muscles were well-used from the dancing. His friends had gone home early in a taxi, very drunk, but he’d stayed on, caught in the whirl of the ceilidh. The girl had been in a couple of sets he’d danced, and something in her eyes as she’d wheeched by had arrested him. He just wanted her, deep primal need. Knew it wasn’t appropriate, she’d been the schoolpal of his friends’ daughter.

Her name was Sheila, he’d met her a few times over the years when he’d been up for weekends. She must be eighteen or nineteen by now. But he’d never seen her as a sexual young woman before, she was just Ailie’s pal. She’d certainly looked at him as a sexual young woman tonight when she slid up to bum a joint off him. Her tits and thighs were on display like a tart’s under her skimpy clothes. She was sex incarnate. He was so distracted he’d even brushed off friendly passes from a couple of presentable older women, fishermen’s wives, who’d looked like certs. Of course Sheila had been with one of the young fishermen, had ignored him after she got the joint.

Sounds of the band packing up came through the door as he rolled a fag. Sighed. Sheila, and the older women, had gone. End of night out, nothing for it but to walk back to the house, assuage himself with Willie’s whisky. His feet stumbled up the back path, instead of the lighted track round the harbour. It was pitch black, low cloud lingered from the day’s storm and of moon or stars there was nothing. His legs found the steep track without looking and his kilt and stockings soon soaked from bracken and gorse brushing them. The silence was only broken by the throb of trawler diesels in the yellow-lit harbour below, boats readying to leave.

Then as he climbed through the birks he stopped, listened. Set off again, silent now. The bench overlooking the daytime view was just above him. Someone was there, someone distressed. Someone female. Before he reached it he stopped and rolled a fag so she could be aware of him, the rasp and flash of the lighter. As he came through the saplings he could just distinguish the whiteness of her face as she raised it to look; distinguish too the whiteness of her legs, splayed from her short skirt. Fuck, it was Sheila, alone. His cock twitched, but that was doubly inappropriate: she was obviously upset.

Hi Sheila, remember me, Mike? Willie’s pal from Glasgow.

Uh, hi Mike. Snuffles.

Hey, what’s up lass, as he sat beside her, can I help? Her legs were still splayed wide, he’d glimpsed the shadow of panties drawn into her fold as he sat. His thigh was against hers and she didn’t move. He couldn’t stop his cock throbbing.

Oh, no, not really, nothing anyone can do. Just, I’m pissed, and my boyfriend’s just dumped me. Well he wasn’t really my boyfriend, just a shag really, but he’s dumped me. And her tears flowed again.

He put his arm round her, felt her shivers. She was barely dressed, skimpy lacy sleeveless top. He shrugged his Goretex off, pulled it round her shoulders. Her head fell against his breast and she snuggled. She was very drunk. He kissed her hair without thinking. Doesn’t sound too dreadful, he whispered into her scent, aware of her breast pressing as she nuzzled for warmth. I mean, if he’s nobody special?

He’s a bastard, is who he is. Tonight I was gagging for it, had to shag him behind the hall. After he dumped his spunk in me, he told me he was going back to Banff on the boat. Tonight. To get married. Fucking evil bastard. I mean, I don’t care if he’s getting married or not, just I didn’t know, and the rest of the village did! Oh fuck, what’m I going to do?

She put her arm behind his back now to draw closer into his warmth: their bodies moved together tightly. She leaned back to look at him, pained eyes deep pools. Her mouth hung slack and he kissed it gently. She pushed him away, but not before her lips had responded to his.

I don’t know what you’re going to do Sheila, but I need a blow. Wanna share? He took his arm from her shoulders, took out his tin, started fussing a joint.

Aye. Please, Mike.

He prepared a three-skinner, sprinkled the tobacco, rolled and lit up. She was holding him again, resting her head on his shoulder. He passed the joint and she inhaled deep: Ahhhh fuck, that’s good! Her face was still tear-streaked, but her eyes were smiling shyly now. Imagine you sharing a joint with me Mike: I wouldn’t have dreamed you were into it? She drew it down hard into her, finally passed him the roach.

Sheila, you’ve no idea what I’m into, it’s not anything I ever thought to discuss with you and Ailie. His arm around her, fingers stroking under her breast now. He needed to fuck her.

She squirmed his fingers off her breast, You dirty old man Mike! But it was said half-affectionately: You’re trying to feel me up!

She smiled up at him and this time she didn’t back off when he kissed her mouth.

She’d been drinking dark rum and he tasted it, but he relished the pure sensuality of her response, fingered her tits gently now as she moved in his arms. She was panting as the kiss broke and he buried his mouth in the soft corner of her jaw, licking and kissing into her ear, nibbling her lobe,

Oh fuck Mike you’re turning me on, and her mouth was on his again. His fingers moved to her leg and she shivered as he stroked up gently, teasing the softness of her inner thigh, running down the other side so his fingers didn’t touch her panties. She moaned as they kissed and her wee fingers slid along his kilt, fuck Mike, am I doing that to you?

You certainly are lass, his finger now stroking the gusset of her panties, oh Mike you’re making me wet. She squirmed more and he knew she wanted it. Suddenly she broke off, giggled: Mike, this is so bad! But I need to pee. She stepped away from the bench, illuminated in faint yellow from the harbour lights but made no move into the undergrowth: I’ll get soaked if I go there, please don’t look?

But look he did as she slipped her pants off over her shoes. She stuffed the pants into the pocket of his Goretex, crouched facing him. His intent gaze moved from her eyes to her cunt as she voided the yellow stream: You really are a dirty old man, I told you not to look!

Sheila, did you really think I wouldn’t try to watch? He was touching his cock through the kilt.

She flounced down beside him, kissed him soft on the mouth, Mike? She was looking the wee schoolgirl now, eyes bashfully down. Would you do me a huge favour? — she looked him straight in the eye, pouted. Yes, he breathed, licking her ear, any favour I can. His lips sought her mouth again and this time his fingers rested on her naked labia, fondled the soft sparse curls, wet from her pee. She squirmed her legs wide. Mm, that’s the favour Mike, help me get off, I feel so fuckin horny now. His fingers teased gently into her slit and she sighed, oh fuck man I need that, need to know someone wants me. His fingers were gently slipping between her lips as they flowered open, but carefully teasing round her clit, not touching. She squirmed hard against him, touch it you bastard, I need it, make me cum.

He whispered how sexy she was, how he needed his cock deep in her as he allowed the fingers to slip round the hood, tease beneath it. She jerked in his arms as he touched the clit, oh fuckohfuckMike, his middle finger in her now, thumb caressing her clit, ohfuck that bastard never did this for me, and her fingers were on his kilt rubbing ohfuckMike I need you…

Then she spasmed hard and he relished the flow of her cuntjuice on his fingers, kissed her longingly. Held her and licked her face, neck, ears as her panting slowed and she looked in his eyes. Jesus thanks Mike, really needed that, bastard just came himself, left me hanging. That was delicious.

Hmm, maybe it’s my turn now and he stood, lifted his kilt. A strange expression crossed her face: no Mike, I didn’t say you could fuck me, just asked you to help me get off, that’s what you agreed. His cock stood proud and dripping.

She stood and shouted at him, you dirty old bastard, you didn’t think I’d let you in me?

And turned and hightailed up the track into the dark, flimsy shirt flapping open, glanced once over her shoulder.

He smelled his fingers, savoured her cuntscent. Sucked them and tasted the bastard’s cum from her. If she took it from him, she’ll take it from me, the dirty wee bitch, and he ran after her. Watched her bare legs scissoring in the dark before him, felt his sporran smacking his erection. Bramble thorns reached for him and he felt his face rip but he ran on. He had the legs and stamina of a mountaineer and was soon close behind her, lusting for the delicious bobbing arse.

She slipped, fell face-down on a deep clump of heather, moaned as it scratched her naked legs. He knelt, pulled her thrashing limbs wide apart, fingered her cunt roughly: you’re still wet, ya wee cocktease slut. He eased himself forward so his dripping cockhead touched her labia. She stilled, no Mike, please no, but he knew she wanted it and pressed. His erection pushed at her slippy lips, parted them, oh fuck Mike please no, I’ll jerk you off, but he pressed and her wet flesh yielded.

Need your dirty cunt Sheila he grunted and he thrust: she was too tight there, wasn’t taking his size. Maybe, he panted as he pushed harder, you huvnie had a right man in ye yet slut? She was tight and struggling hard. She bit his hand where it secured her arm to the heather, ya wee bitch. He rammed hard and his rod moved into the tightness a bit. He wasn’t caring if he hurt her now, just needed release into this sexgirl. Ohfuckmike, she was moaning, twisted her head round to see him from the corner of her eye.

If you need to fuck me at least turn me round bastard, so I can see you. Or is it my arsehole you really want?

He withdrew, twisted her round onto her back, more gently now: What I want is to taste you before I fuck the arse off you, he growled, and she went limp as he moved his head between her plump thighs. Just love the taste of cunt, girl, especially young cunt, he grunted, and his tongue lapped her wetness. Jesus I love your sexhoney darling, biting her clit softly, even though I can taste that bastard’s spunk on you. She was moaning now, pushing his head down on her but his cock was dripping and he’d had enough preliminaries.

She was good and lubricated and he reared up, looking straight in her eye as his rod sank deep in her and he started thrusting short and hard: Don’t. You. Ever. Tease. Again. Slut, and her eyes widened as she felt it ram her rough and deep. He tore her skimpy top open and his mouth descended on her taut breast, sucked and bit gently on her nipple: Ohfuckharder Mike, and he was past all caring now, just had to plunder this young girl’s body, make her his, cock plunging harder and faster and she squirmed under him as he drilled her and she was squealing to his feral grunts, fuck bitch you’ve driven me mad all night – his balls contracted now — need to fill you with manspunk now ya wee slut and she was screaming as his back arched and his cock sprayed its load in her womb.

He kissed her mouth gently, then looked hard in her eye, panting: Jesus Sheila you are truly the best fuck ever. I don’t care what you do with anyone in the future, who you want to fuck, but I am telling you one thing you will never ever forget. The alarm in her eyes aroused him again and his loins thrust again to remind her he was still in her. You will always be available to me, won’t you darling? She nodded weakly but he sensed a glint of lust in her eye. Available to me to do whatever I want to you Sheila. Whenever. Won’t you be?

Yes Mike, abashed schoolgirl again, eyes down. His cock was twitching and hardening in her once more, you feel that slut, I need you again. Yes Mike.

Good. Turn over then.

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