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Swingers Confidential

Category: Group Sex
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I was about to start running down those damn orange traffic cones instead of dodging them. It wouldn’t make the drive into work this morning any quicker, just a little more exciting. I decided against the notion, seeing my car would end up taking the brunt of the damage. At least my favorite morning talk show was on.

I enjoyed their comedic banter and sexual connotations. I saw the sports dome looming on my left as I slowly made my way through the interstate traffic. I’d turn off at the next exit and drive north to the news station.

I was in more of a hurry this morning than usual. The station manager had asked me to meet with him for a one-on-one at 8:00. I had about twenty minutes to make it. It was unusual for just the two of us to meet. Jacob, Jake as he prefers to be called, is my investigative partner. I nicknamed him “the hunter” since his favorite pastime is hitting on all the young girls at the station. His second favorite pastime was trying to look down the front of my blouse. I’m thirty-four years old, Jake’s twelve years my junior. We have a good working relationship. He puts up with my smart remarks, I put up with his sexual innuendos. Jake and I have been working together for about a year. He’s not only my co-investigator; he’s also the videographer. He excels at both. The two of us have put together numerous investigative reports and won several awards for our work.

I finally made it to the broadcast station with just a few minutes to make it to the fourth floor. I ran across the parking lot towards the elevators just inside the lobby. I made it to the station manager’s office right at 8:00. I was out of breath as I approached his secretary. Tyler was coming out of his office. He wasn’t smiling like he usually did. The expression on his face had me worried.

“Sherry, come on in.” He said, motioning me towards his office. “We need to talk.”

I entered his office and sat in a chair across from his desk. I set my attaché case and purse next to my chair. Tyler, our station manager, sank slowly in his desk chair. He looked at me like he wanted to say something but he remained quiet. He swiveled his chair from side to side. The quieter he remained, the more nervous I got.

“I need your help but I’m so damn hesitant to ask.” He said almost like an apology.

He looked down at his desk. He was nervous and really upset about something. His face was pale. I thought he was going to get sick.

“I……….I have a very close friend who’s gotten himself in a hell of a mess.” Tyler finally managed to say. “I have to help him. I don’t have any other choice.”

“Tyler, I’d be more than happy to help anyway I can.” I stated.

He looked at me with a slight smile. His color was coming back, that made me feel a little easier.

“Let’s get a cup of coffee first.” He suggested. “I think we can both use some coffee right now.”

I nodded my head in agreement and we walked over to his coffee bar.

“I’m going to ask you to do something personal, very personal for me. I don’t want you to make a “yes” decision until after you’ve thought it over.” He uttered.

It was beginning to sound like the next investigation was going to be something out of the ordinary, maybe even dangerous. I wasn’t sure. He wasn’t giving me any details. We walked back to our chairs and sat down. Tyler began filling me in after pausing a minute.

He had an old friend from his college days who had experienced a break-in and robbery at one of his places of business in the Dallas, Texas area. A large amount of cash was stolen but most importantly, confidential records were taken. Because of the nature of the business, he couldn’t report the break-in to the sheriff’s department. It would ruin him and his family if anyone found out about his business venture. It would ruin a lot of people’s reputation if the records were ever made public. Some of the records named very influential people in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Tyler kept feeding me information but he wouldn’t detail the nature of his friend’s business venture. I wanted to ask but I waited, thinking he’d get down to specifics.

Tyler was asking me and Jake to go to Dallas and work with his friend to find out who did the break-in and recover the confidential records before they became public knowledge. He looked at me to get my reaction.

“I’m willing to help if I can but…………you haven’t told me the nature of your friend’s business.” I said.

“Have you ever heard of the terms, alternate lifestyle, open marriage or swinging?” Tyler asked.

I nodded my head. “Yes, I’m familiar with those terms. Why, is that what your friend’s involved in?” I asked.

Tyler confided in me that his friend, Max and his wife were into the swinging scene. They had a very successful private club catering to the swingers in the central Texas area. There were over eighty couples in their membership. The stolen records detailed everything about the business and its operations.

I guess Tyler was looking for a big surprised look on my face when he divulged this information to me. I wasn’t surprised. I’d recently heard rumors that swinging was becoming quite popular all across the country. I had a feeling, Tyler wasn’t telling me everything. He was withholding something. I accepted what he’d told me and left it at that.

“I don’t have to think about saying yes or no.” I told him. “I’ll say yes but I’m not quite sure how I’m going to go about the investigation. It’s going to take quite a bit of brain-storming.”

Tyler’s expression changed from dismay to a smile. He took my hand in his, holding it in his strong grasp. I felt better knowing I’d made him feel better. I was still at a loss for ideas to make the investigation successful.

“I’ll need you to discuss this matter with Jake. Do you think he’d be willing to help you?” Tyler asked.

“I’ll have to be careful how I approach him on it but I think he’d be willing.” I replied. “If he says yes, I want the three of us to sit down and discuss this in more detail.”

Tyler reluctantly agreed. I think he wanted to keep his involvement just between the two of us. I didn’t want to keep Jake in the dark anymore than I had to. I trusted him more than anyone else; Jake would have to trust him too.

Tyler and I finished our coffee and I headed back to my third floor office. I took the stairs instead of the elevator, walking wouldn’t hurt me any. I ran into Jake by the breakroom. He had some poor, innocent girl trapped in conversation. I stood in the doorway till he saw me. He finally glanced my way and broke off his chat with the young girl. I walked towards my office, Jake was right behind me. I unlocked the office door and waited till Jake entered. Normally I keep my door wide open but today I closed it. Jake noticed it.

“Hmmmm……..feel like some privacy, huh!” He quipped.

I gave him a piercing look. Not that it did any good. I walked over and sat behind my desk. Jake flopped down in one of the casual chairs across from me. He looked at me smiling, his usual facial expression. I didn’t return his smile.

“Hey, you alright?” He asked seriously, sitting up straight in the chair.

“I’m alright.” I replied. “I need to discuss something with you, just between you and me. OK?”

Jake nodded. I didn’t divulge Tyler’s name but I went through in detail what I’d been asked to do. Correction, what we’d been asked to do. He was a little taken by the assignment. He listened intently, not saying a word. It not only sounded intriguing but it could be dangerous, perhaps very dangerous. I filled him in on everything I’d been told, except for mentioning any names. When I finished, I sat back in my chair waiting for his reply

“Let’s do it!” He boldly stated. “It’s the best assignment we’ve ever been given. We can’t turn it down”

I waited to see if he’d ask questions after he’d thought about it. He just sat there excited and smiling. I reiterated the fact that we’d have to work in complete confidentiality. No one else could ever know. He said he understood. He’d keep his mouth shut. I made a phone call to Tyler on his private line, it bypasses his secretary. I told him, Jake was in agreement. We’d need to set a meeting between the three of us. Tyler set the meeting up for later that afternoon.

Jake was leaning over my desk for a pen and pad, probably trying to look down my blouse at the same time. I caught him looking but I just smiled up at him, not letting it bother me.

“I may get to see more than just down the front of your blouse on this assignment.” He smarted off.

“Don’t count on it.” I said grinning. “Don’t get your hopes up.”

Jake came up with some suggestions on how we might go about the investigation. We both jotted down ideas as they came to mind, sharing out thoughts. We needed a lot more details but getting some ideas gathered together would help. We took a brief lunch, then returned to the office to put more ideas on paper.

It was almost time for the meeting so Jake and I walked up the stairs to Tyler’s office. I had to inform Jake that Tyler was a friend of this guy. I didn’t mention that I had a feeling Tyler might be more involved in this than he was letting on. Tyler met Jake and I at his office door. He told his secretary that he didn’t want to be interrupted for anything, not matter what. We sat at his conference table. Tyler pushed a large manila envelope towards me. I opened it and reviewed the documents. Tyler talked with Jake about the situation. He emphasized that he’d needed Jake’s utmost cooperation and discretion. Jake promised he wouldn’t disappoint either of us. I knew I could count on Jake. I wasn’t too concerned. The documents were from Max, Tyler’s friend. It basically listed what he was willing to do to help us recover the documents. Max was providing us with everything we’d need. An apartment to live in, plenty of cash, computers, cell phones, anything we wanted or desired. Money was no object!

Tyler gave Jake and I the rest of the day off so we could prepare for the trip to Dallas. The sooner we got there, the better. We were going to take the news station’s Suburban instead of flying down. It didn’t have any of the station’s markings on it so it would blend right in. Max would provide us with another car when we arrived in Dallas, in case we’d need extra transportation.

Jake and I left Tyler’s office and returned to mine. I grabbed everything and anything I thought we might need for the investigation. Jake helped me pack everything. I filled my attaché till I had trouble getting it closed. I had to remove a couple of items. I locked my desk and made sure my office door was locked when we left. I had an odd thought as Jake and I walked towards the elevator. “Would I ever be able to come back to the office again?” I shivered at the thought.

Jake and I rode the elevator down to the garage to get the Suburban. He was going to leave his car in the news station’s secured parking lot while we were gone. I was going to my car home and leave it in the garage. I had laundry to do, clothes to get packed. Lot of clothes, no telling how long we’d be gone. I figured Jake had a least a dozen girls to kiss good-bye, maybe a little more than just kiss.

I didn’t know whether to let my husband, Brad know I’d be gone on assignment or not. We’d pretty much gone out separate ways, we just lived in the same house. I had my job and my life. Brad had his job, his life and his booze. The latter being our biggest problem. I decided to just leave him a note letting him know I was going to be gone out of town indefinitely. I doubted he’d even bother to read it though.

Jake pulled in the driveway early the next morning, I wasn’t even showered yet. I heard him knock at the door so I let him in.

“Morning Gorgeous!” He exclaimed grinning.

I’ll admit, his remark did make me blush. I replied to his greeting and pointed towards the fresh coffee in the kitchen. I headed down the hallway to get showered.

“Call me if you need any help.” Jake shouted at me.

I showered, got dressed, fixed my hair and put on my make-up. Jake was in the kitchen watching our morning news show. He got a big smile when I entered the kitchen. Jake poured me a cup of coffee and handed it to me. He liked doing those little things for me. I appreciated it, thinking I probably should tell him that sometime. We drank our coffee and reviewed the route we’d be taking to Dallas. It was a nine hundred mile trip. We figured we could make it in about fifteen hours if we took turns driving.

We got on the road about 9:00am. Hopefully we’d be in Dallas by midnight. Jake had the radio so we could listen to our favorite morning talk show. Jake and I didn’t say much, just listened to the radio. I noticed he’d gotten the Suburban washed and cleaned inside. It was usually a mess from all the junk we carried around. We just had our luggage and laptops with us on this trip. I kept watching the mileage signs, figuring in my head about what time we’d hit St. Louis and then turn south towards Oklahoma City. Jake drove till we needed to stop for gas. I took over driving while Jake reclined his seat and dozed off. I was thankful the big SUV had cruise control.

Jake and I stopped for lunch in St. Louis, just fast food since we were in a hurry. Other than for gas the only stop we made was for dinner in Tulsa. I’d never seen Oklahoma so I got to see a lot of the scenery. I was anxious to see what Texas would look like. Of course it would be getting dark by the time we hit the state. We finally made it to Dallas just a little before midnight. Needless to say we were both tired. I spotted a motel right off the interstate that was open so we pulled in. Jake ran in to get us two rooms. I noticed the parking lot looked pretty full. I hoped they had some vacancies left.

“Hope you don’t snore!” Jake said getting back into the Suburban. “I could only get one room but it’s got two beds.

I rolled my tired eyes, thinking he’d probably just asked for one room, not two. I was too tired to care anyway. Jake drove down to the end of the motel and found a parking spot. I got my suitcase and overnight bag; Jake grabbed the luggage he needed. Our room was on the second floor so we had to climb some steps. Jake carried my suitcase for me to make it easier on me. He knew I was tired from the long trip. The room was nice, two big beds and a large bathroom. Jake was thirsty so he thought he’d run down to the vending machines and bring us back something to drink and some ice. I took the key with him so he could let himself back in. I wanted to grab a quick shower. A shower would help me to relax. I turned on the TV and played with the channels.

I got undressed and had just stepped into the shower when Jake came back to the motel room. I hurriedly closed the frosted glass door before he saw me. I hadn’t bothered to close the bathroom door since it would have only steamed up the whole bathroom. I heard Jake change the channel on the TV to a ballgame. I got showered and checked to make sure he wasn’t standing in the bathroom when I stepped out. He wasn’t. I grabbed a towel and dried off. I’d forgotten my robe, not thinking about it. There were two huge bath towels on the rack so I grabbed one of them and wrapped it around me tightly, holding it in place with one hand. I walked into the bedroom area. Jake was sitting on the edge of the bed. I walked right past him. He flipped the channel back to the program I had on. I fished through my luggage, finding a shorty sleeper. It wasn’t see-through so I wasn’t embarrassed to wear it in front of Jake. I walked past Jake heading for the bathroom. I slipped the towel off and put on the sleeper. I ran a brush through my hair and walked back out. Jake had fixed me an ice tea with some ice cubes in it.

“Love the outfit, liked the towel better!” He said, grinning.

“I feel safer in this outfit than just a towel.” I replied, smiling coyly.

We watched TV for awhile, finishing our soft drinks. I was ready for bed; my legs ached a little from sitting so long. I got a couple of aspirins from my purse and took them. I walked over to the bed and pulled the comforter and sheet back. I could feel Jake’s eyes looking at me. I didn’t really mind it. At least Jake paid attention to me. I slipped into bed and pulled the sheet up over me. Jake turned off the lights and adjusted the volume on the TV way down.

“Hope you don’t mind, I usually sleep with the television on.” He said.

“I don’t mind.” I replied.

Jake headed for the bathroom, turning the room lights off when he passed the wall switches. I heard him turn on the shower and step in. I couldn’t relax enough to fall asleep so I watched the movie, barely able to hear it. Jake came back into the bedroom. He was wearing black briefs. It was the first time I’d ever seen him undressed. He had a hell of a body. He was in fantastic shape. I tried not to stare but I wanted to get a good look. Jake pulled back the covers on his bed. I got a good look at his cute butt. I smiled inwardly.

“You still awake?” He asked.

“Hmmmmmmm…..for now I am. I’ll go to sleep shortly.” I replied.

Jake sat on the edge of the bed looking at me. He used the remote to turn the volume up on the TV just a little. He put the remote back on the nightstand between the beds and lit up a cigarette.

“When did you start smoking?” I asked surprised.

“I take spells off and on.” Jake answered. “This is one of my on spells.”

“You worried about this assignment?” I asked him.

Jake shook his head no. I reached over and took the cigarette from his fingers. I took a couple of puffs off it then handed it back to him. He finished the cigarette and put it out in the ashtray.

“What’s the matter? You not sleepy either?” I asked.

“Not really. Just tired I guess.” Jake replied.

I sensed something was bothering him.

“You mind if I sleep in bed with you?” He finally inquired.

“If you’ll behave.” I whispered.

I rolled over, my back to him. Jake pulled the sheet back and stretched out beside me. He put his arm around me, pulling me in close to him. It felt great having someone holding me. I relaxed and we both drifted off to sleep.

I woke up sometime early in the morning. I slipped out from under Jake’s arm. He was sound asleep. I walked over to the window and looked out. It was light out. I checked my watch. It was a little after 7:00am. I went to the bathroom and washed the sleep out of my eyes. The room had a coffeemaker in it. There were little packets of coffee next to it. I made a small pot of coffee. I heard Jake waking up. He got out of bed and headed for the bathroom, closing the door behind him. The coffee finished brewing so I fixed us each a cup. Jake came out of the bathroom. He walked over and lit cigarette. I handed him a cup of coffee then went over and tried to find some local news on the TV. I found a local Dallas TV station and turned up the volume. We finished our coffee and I poured us each another cup. We sat on the edge of the bed next to each other, watching the rest of the news.

“We aren’t supposed to meet this Max guy till noon at the apartment. We’ve got some time to kill” I informed Jake. “What do you want to do?”

“I don’t care.” He replied, smiling. “You hungry?”

I shook my head no. We sat, drinking our coffee. Jake let me take a couple puffs off his cigarette. I hoped I wasn’t picking up his bad habit.

“Well, I’m going to shower. Want to join me?” I kidded.

Jake got a big smile on his face. I’d turned the tables on him, getting in the sexual innuendo before him. He didn’t answer my question. I didn’t figure he would. I headed for the bathroom and turned on the shower. I slipped off my shorty sleeper and tossed it on the long vanity countertop. The water was refreshing, totally waking me up. I slowly soaped up a washcloth. The shower door suddenly opened and Jake stepped in. He was naked, no briefs, no nothing. Just a grin. I started to turn away from him but I didn’t. Jake took the soapy washcloth from my hand. He started bathing me. I stood fairly still as he washed me all over. Jake put one hand on my shoulder so he could steady me more when he started washing my breasts. I let him touch me all over. We never spoke a word to each other.

“Turn around.” He ordered.

I turned putting my back toward him. I bit my lip as his hands soaped my shoulders and back. His strong hand traveled down over my butt. Jake’s hands slowed as he knelt to wash my legs and feet. He face was just inches from me. I bit my lip a little harder. I could feel myself trembling a little. Jake’s hands moved up the back of my legs stopping at my butt. He slipped the washcloth between my legs, spreading them. He moved his hand slowly over my pussy. I had to grab the safety bar to keep my balance. Jake manipulated his hand over my pussy working me up. I closed my eyes tight, my knees almost buckling. He rubbed harder till I had a long, slow orgasm. I gritted my teeth, trying to muffle my moans but it was useless.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhh…………Ohhhhhhhh.” I muttered. “Hmmmmmmm………”

Jake withdrew his hand from between my legs. I felt the warm water rinsing me off. I was able to slowly open my eyes. My hands still had a firm grasp on the safety bar.

“OK, now you can do me.” Jake stated.

I turned around. Jake handed me a fresh washcloth and the bar of soap. I couldn’t look him in the face, I was too embarrassed. I soaped up the washcloth and started washing his chest. I kept my eyes focused below his face. I washed Jake’s stomach, knowing I was going to have to wash him lower. I looked down, Jake had a huge hard-on. He was big. I knew my face was flushed, I could feel a warm wave overcome my body. I put the washcloth over his hard cock and worked it gently. I didn’t rub it too long, just a minute or so. I washed his cock all over, reaching down to wash his balls. I couldn’t take my eyes off his beautiful cock.

“Turn around.” I commanded.

Jake turned his back towards me. I felt a little easier, not staring at him. I soaped up the washcloth more and slowly washed his back. He was very muscular, his shoulders broad. I moved the washcloth slowly over him, taking my time. I washed his bare butt. God, it was cute! I bent down and washed the back of his legs and feet. I stood back up, staring at the back of his head.

“OK, done.” I muttered.

We both rinsed off and stepped out of the shower. I grabbed a big bath towel and headed for the bedroom, leaving Jake alone in the bathroom. The thick bath towel dried me quickly. I tossed the wet towel on the bed and went over to my luggage. I pulled out some fresh underwear. I had just slipped my panties when Jake came out of the bathroom. I turned away from Jake and put my bra on. Jake walked over behind me. He sat down on the bed.

“Sherry…………you OK?” He asked.

“Yes………..I’m fine.” I answered.

I wasn’t fine, I wasn’t even just OK. I didn’t know what I was. Maybe just confused. I kept my back to Jake, as I got dressed. I put on a dress blouse and slacks. Jake headed back to the bathroom to shave and finish getting ready. I got my brush and comb from my purse and laid them on the bed. I got my make-up kit out and set it next to them. I walked over to the coffee counter and poured the last of the coffee into a new cup. I walked over to the bathroom door and watched Jake shaving. He had a towel wrapped around him. I offered him a sip of coffee; he damn near drank it all! It was my way of letting him know I wasn’t mad at him for the trick he’d pulled on me. After all, I’d gotten some relief I’d long needed. I figured I owed Jake some payback.

It was about 11:00 when we left the motel and headed for the apartment complex in Irving. We found our way onto North MacArthur Boulevard and slowed to find the address. There were quite a few apartment complexes on the busy street. We found the complex and pulled in looking for the apartment address we’d been given. I spotted the number and Jake pulled the Suburban into a parking space right in front. There was a car next to us. I hoped it was Max’s. We rang the doorbell; I could hear it ring inside the apartment. A well-dressed middle-aged man answered the door.

“Sherry, Jake.” He greeted us, smiling. “Come in!”

Max introduced himself as we shook hands. He recognized me from the picture Tyler had emailed him. He was very friendly and personable. I could tell he was tense from his speech. He kept looking at his watch. Maybe it was just a nervous habit he had, I wasn’t sure. Max showed us the apartment. It was beautiful. It was completely furnished. Max informed us that he kept the apartment rented all the time for out of town friends and business associates. It was completely furnished. There was some firewood stacked by the fireplace if we wanted. Max showed us the upstairs. The master bedroom was all open and overlooked the living room below. The second bedroom had two computers along one wall along with a complete bedroom suit. The kitchen was just off the dining room. It had every appliance imaginable including two microwaves. Everything we needed was there, except for food of course.

I wanted to sit down and talk with Max but he mentioned he had a business appointment at the bank and he needed to get going. We made arrangements for him to return later that evening around 7:00 so we could discuss the situation. Max said he’d bring his wife along in case we would want to ask her questions. He tossed us the keys to the apartment as he headed for the door. Jack and I stood in the kitchen, looking amazed at the spaciousness of the apartment.

“Well, let’s get our stuff and get unpacked.” Jake suggested.

Jake and I carried all our luggage and equipment into the apartment. We didn’t leave anything in the SUV. We unpacked our luggage and hung our clothes in the empty closets. Jake hung his clothes in the same closet as mine. With the unpacking done, we decided to head for the grocery store. I’d done some research over the Internet and made a list of the grocery and convenience stores in this neighborhood. I’d also noted most of the pizza places. Pizza’s one of my weaknesses.

Jake and I strolled through the grocery store picking up essentials and food items. I pushed the cart while Jake picked out some snack items. I could tell he was big on snacks from what he was picking out. We went past the meat counter and picked up some steaks, pork chops and chicken. I think Jake was a little surprised thinking I’d be cooking for us. I picked up quite a few fresh vegetables to go with the dinners. We bought a big can of coffee and some Styrofoam cups. The cart was overrunning by the time we got into the checkout lane. We loaded the groceries into the Suburban and headed back to the apartment. Jake wanted to stop at a convenience store on the way back. He found one on the boulevard and pulled in. Jake came out with two cartons of cigarettes and a 12pack of beer. He had a Dallas morning paper tucked under his arm. I jumped out and opened the rear doors for him.

We finally made it back to the apartment and got everything put away. I called a pizza place and placed an order to be delivered. We hadn’t eaten all day. Jake opened a beer for himself and a soft drink for me. We walked out onto the patio, which overlooked a small lake. It was a beautiful setting, very peaceful and serene. I looked through part of the paper while Jake read the sports section. In a short while the doorbell rang, it was the pizza delivery. Jake and I were starved. We almost ate the entire pizza, there were just a few pieces left. We cleaned up the kitchen and headed upstairs to the second bedroom and booted up both the computers. They were on cable modems so we had immediate access. I dropped Tyler a quick email to let him know we’d made contact with his friend and we going to meet with him and his wife later that evening. I made sure not to mention anything about the assignment in case someone other than Tyler might have a chance to read it.

Jake and I reviewed our lists of questions one more time. We were all set for tonight’s meeting with Max and his wife. We just had to wait till later in the evening. Jake and I were used to waiting. Waiting was part of any lengthy investigation. I was a little sleepy so I stretched out across the bed in the computer room. Jake said he was going for a walk around the apartment complex and has a look around. Probably looking for lonely housewives, I supposed smiling.

I woke up about 5:00. I checked the apartment, finding Jake eating the last couple of pieces of pizza. I asked him what he wanted for dinner. I guess my question caught him off-guard. He didn’t answer so I decided to fix pork chops. Jake’s not much for cooking so anything that wasn’t fast food was a real treat for him. We ate outside at the patio table enjoying the view of the lake. We cleaned up the kitchen after we finished eating. I didn’t want Max to think we were taking advantage of his hospitality.

Max and his wife, Elena arrived shortly after 7:30. They lived in South Lake, not all that far from where we were. Elena was a lot younger than Max. I guessed maybe late-twenties compared to Max in his mid-forties. They’d brought a bottle of French wine with them. Elena seemed a little more nervous than normal. Max opened the wine and poured everyone a glass. It was very tasty, not too sweet like some wines I’d tasted. I’m not a drinker at all but I sipped on the wine to be sociable.

We sat down in the livingroom and started discussing what had happened at Max and Elena’s private club. I asked Max to slow down and take his time so he could give me every detail. I put a cassette recorder on the coffee table so Jake and I could review the tape if we needed to. The recorder made Max a little nervous. Elena started fidgeting in her chair. Sometimes being voice recorded has that effect on people, it’s not strange. Max started at the beginning and went through the entire scenario about discovering the break-in. Jake and I didn’t interrupt, just sat and listened to every word. Elena didn’t say anything. She was keeping quiet, letting Max do all the talking. He kept saying he had to get the confidential records back or it would be the end for him. I wasn’t sure if he meant just financially or otherwise. Jake and I let him finish before we started asking questions.

Some questions Max had already answered in his review of the events that had happened. I had to ask whom he suspected. He didn’t have anybody really pinpointed, neither did Elena. We replaced the cassette in the recorder and continued our questioning. The couple answered all the questions but I got a strange feeling, they were both hiding something. Maybe they just couldn’t remember everything during the questioning. Sometimes a person’s mind goes blank during interrogation. Elena kept watching the recorder, almost like it was going to jump up and bite her. Jake asked several questions to give my voice a rest. He did get Elena to answer a couple of the questions. She finally broke her silence. She was not only beautiful; she was intelligent, very intelligent in fact.

I suggested that Max take Jake and me out to the private club so we could look around and take some pictures, maybe even some video footage. We had to see where the break-in took place, the scene of the crime. Max thought it was a good idea, saying he’d stop by tomorrow morning and take us out there. The club was located out in the country, northwest of Fort Worth, off Highway 199. We called it an evening around 10:00pm. I felt Max was about questioned out. He looked beat, probably from all the worrying. We walked them to the door of the apartment to say good night.

“Oh, I damned near forgot.” He stated. “I want to give you some cash to cover your expenses.”

Elena reached inside her handbag and pulled out an envelope, handing it to me. It had cash in it. I didn’t count it right then. Jake and I thanked Max and Elena and they left the apartment. Jake and I stood in the doorway till they got in their cars. We waved at them as they left.

I gave Jake one of those suspicious looks. He smiled. He was reading my mind. Max and Elena were at the top of our suspect’s list. Everyone Max had mentioned was a suspect but they were number one and number two. I handed Jake the envelope with the money in it. He took it out and counted it. There was five thousand dollars in the envelope. We’d need to keep track of what we spent so we could return the balance after we concluded our work. Jack handed me back the cash so I could keep it in my purse. My purse wouldn’t know how to act with that much cash in it.

“I think Elena knows a lot more than she let on.” Jake stated. “Maybe she needs a little deep interrogation.”

I knew what he was implying. She was beautiful and I’m sure Jake would jump at the chance to get her horizontal.

“Well, maybe you’ll get your chance.” I replied, like I didn’t really care. “After all, they are swingers!”

Jake turned on the big screen television and found a baseball game. I headed upstairs to get a shower. I hoped I’d be able to get through this shower alone. Jake stayed down in the livingroom watching the game. I put on a long black satin nightgown, slit up the side and went down to the livingroom. Jake wasn’t all that interested in the ballgame. He didn’t care for either of the teams. He surfed the channels till he found a movie. I sat across from him taking a cigarette from his pack.

“Those are bad for you, hope you know that.” He smarted.

“I’m a big girl. I know what I’m doing.” I retorted.

I went to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of wine. I brought a cold beer back for Jake. I sat down in a chair across from him, watching the movie. The movie ended shortly after midnight. Jake went upstairs and showered. He didn’t ask me if I wanted to join him. I guess he knew what my answer would be. I turned off the television and checked the doors, making sure they were all locked and deadbolted. Jake was standing at the balcony railing that overlooked the bedroom. He was wearing briefs, nothing else. I guessed that’s what he was used to sleeping in.

“Hey! Which bedroom are you going to sleep in?” He shouted.

“I think I’ll sleep in the main bedroom.” I shouted back to him.

I loved the openness of the room with its balcony railing and overlook of the livingroom. I walked up the steps. Jake met me at the top, leaning against the balcony’s railing.

“You want to sleep alone………….or?” He asked quietly.

I didn’t answer him. I just walked past him, over to the queen-size bed and pulled the covers back. I didn’t want to sleep alone but I wasn‘t about to ask Jake to sleep with me. I’d been sleeping in a separate bedroom from my husband for the past two years so I was used to sleeping alone. Jake walked up behind me putting his arms around me, his hands on my tummy. I put my hands over his. He started to pull his hands away but I held them against me.

Jake kissed me softly on the back of the neck. I leaned my head forward so he could move his lips over my neck. Jake kissed around to the back of my ears. I pressed back against him. I could feel his big cock hardening in his briefs. I closed my eyes, savoring his lips kissing me. I turned around facing him. Jake pressed his lips to mine kissing me passionately. I eagerly returned his kisses. We started grinding our lips on one another’s. I was panting for breath, so was Jake. We paused briefly to catch our breaths. Jake nudged my head back with his cheek and kissed the front of my neck. I was moaning deep and continuous. His lips returned to mine and we nibbled on each other’s lips. I loved kissing him. I needed to have him kissing me.

Jake’s right hand slipped down to the slit of my satin nightgown. He slid it underneath the thin, slick material squeezing my leg gently. I pressed my body tightly to his; feeling is hard cock poking my tummy. I had both my arms around his neck not wanting to let go. Jake’s hand worked underneath my nightgown and around to my butt. The nightgown had matching black satin panties; it was all that was keeping his hand from touching my bare skin. He squeezed my butt crushing me to him. Our kisses became more passionate, more lustful.

Jake’s hands started pulling my nightgown upwards over my hips and finally up over my head. He tossed it away, falling on the floor near the foot of the bed. I stood before him wearing just skimpy black satin panties. The string sides were not much more than a thread. He looked down at my breasts and then down at the panties. He put his hand inside my panties and gave them a quick jerk. The panties snapped at both sides. He looked at them in his hand momentarily before dropping them to the floor. I didn’t care that he’d ripped my panties off. I wanted free of them.

Jake and I sat down on the bed and then he scooted in towards the center. I stretched out on my back, Jake was leaning over me. We kissed, his tongue penetrating my lips. I felt his tongue enter my mouth swirling. I flicked my tongue to capture his against the roof of my mouth. He pushed his tongue down on mine, quickly darting in and out between my lips. I loved his tongue sliding in and out of my mouth. Jake’s left hand cupped one of my breasts, working it, massaging it. I couldn’t see his hand but I could feel it working my breasts and stimulating the nipple. I was moaning softly but Jake’s mouth covering mine, muffled the sound. I felt my nipple hardening while his fingers teased it. I squirmed on the bed, almost writhing. Jake’s took the hardened nipple in his mouth and sucked on it. He held it with his teeth and worked his hard tongue over it.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhh…………God………………Yesssssssssssss.” I moaned, my hand pressing the back of his head, forcing him into my breast.

Jake worked both of my breasts, massaging, kissing and fondling. I looked down at both my nipples standing erect. My breasts were pink from his manipulations. It had been such a long time since my body had felt this wonderful. Jake didn’t look up at me. He kept working his mouth down over my tummy, flicking his tongue at my belly-button, teasing it. I sucked in my tummy but he just tongued it deeper. My hips were rotating slowly on the bed.

Jake raised up on his right arm as he spread my legs with his left hand. I closed my eyes feeling his hand gently teasing the lips of my hot pussy. His fingers gently stroked along my slit till I was lifting up towards his hand. I saw him lick his middle finger through my barely opened eyes. Jake slipped the moistened finger to the slit of my pussy and then pushed it inside me slowly. I gasped when his finger made its penetration. Jake stroked his finger in and out of me. I pressed down on his hand between my legs, trying not to cry out. I felt his finger teasing my clit, my hips starting to buck. I lifted myself up off the bed just as I came; the orgasm was hard and fast. Jake pulled his finger out of my soaked pussy. He stretched out between my legs and kissed the slit of my pussy. I felt his tongue working up and down the juicy slit. He slipped his tongue inside me and I cried out in pleasure.


I grasped the sheets in my hands as Jake’s tongue kept sliding in and out of me. He was fucking me with his tongue. I felt his hands cupping my ass, lifting me. Jake teased my clit, flicking his tongue hard across it, teasing it till I had an incredible orgasm. My hands gripped the sheets so tight I felt my hands cramping. I screamed out in pure pleasure. Jake kept working his tongue till I collapsed and the orgasm slowly slipped away. I was breathing hard, my hands slowly releasing their grip on the sheets. Jake lay between my legs till I started breathing easier. I looked down at him. He was just watching me, expressionless. I looked up at the ceiling, my breathing slowly returning to normal.

Jake got up from the bed slowly. He looked down at me spread out in front of him. He slipped his briefs down and off. His huge cock pointing straight at me. I moistened my lips, wanting to say something but I didn’t want to break the spell we had on each other. Jake knelt between my legs. I stared up at him, he wasn’t smiling, no sign of expression. He leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips.

“I’m not going to fuck you.” He whispered softly. “I’m going to keep making love to you.”

His statement started to bring tears to my eyes. I fought them back. Jake held his cock and I lifted my legs slightly. He pushed the mushroom shaped head to the lips of my pussy rubbing the head up and down, moistening his cock. He moved his hips slightly slipping the head inside my pussy. I closed eyes, feeling his cock opening me up. He slowly stroked his hard shaft into me going deeper and deeper. I wasn’t sure I could take it all but I wanted to. I felt his tight balls press against me. Jake had his cock all the way in. My pussy was sucking on the long, hard shaft. I put my legs around Jakes waist, locking my ankles. Jake fucked his cock in and out of me slowly. Long deep strokes and then shorter strokes. My hot pussy felt like it was on fire. I was begging him to fuck me.

“Fuck me………..oh God, just keep fucking me………….don’t ever stop!” I begged.

Jake didn’t need my begging. He was going to fuck me as long as he could. He was taking his time, making sure we both enjoyed it. I dug my heels into him, prodding him to fuck me harder and faster. He pumped his huge rod into me, pounding my pussy. I felt his pelvis slamming into me, making loud smacking sounds. I had an orgasm that slowly melted away then another orgasm that overtook my body. My hands gripped his muscular arms. My fingernails dug into them till I saw blood. Jakes hips were thrusting into me till I had another powerful orgasm. I cried out pressing my face against his chest. Jake’s body stiffened and I felt him shoot his hot cum into me. He shuddered and shot a second load up inside me. I dug my heels in his butt forcing him to stay inside me, his cock buried as deep as he could. Jake’s face looked like he was in extreme pain. His eyes were shut tight. I felt his body quiver and then he collapsed on top of me. I kept my legs wrapped around him.

Jake’s hard breathing in my ear had me worried that he was having difficulty catching his breath. I held him in my arms till he started breathing easier. I relaxed my legs releasing my grip on him. He pulled his still hard cock out of me. It was slick with juices and cum. Jake rolled over on his back, his chest heaving. I rubbed his chest gently hoping it might help relax him. I could feel his cum dripping out of my pussy onto the sheets. Jake looked over at me, a smile slowly appearing on his face.

“You look worried.” He barely muttered.

“You kind of scared me there for a minute.” I replied. “Thought maybe I’d killed you.”

He laughed at the thought. I kissed him softly. He returned the kiss putting his strong arms around me.

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