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One Interracial Encounter

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I had been an on-site manager of a large apartment complex for over three years at that time. What was about to happen to me on that extremely hot Arizona summer day was definitely a first, but fortunately not a last.

The apartment complex was nothing special. It had enough pools to serve half the state yet I could not see enough hotties laying out in their bikinis.

Besides enjoying those rare views, my job was pretty simple and even boring sometimes. Unfortunately, more “older” folks lived here than college age women, which I preferred myself having been a recent graduate.

I arrived to my office at 8 am when I was greeted by Jenny, the 30-some year old receptionist. I guess I could call her a good “view” considering her endless legs and 36C breasts. Her long brown hair didn’t make things worse either. All in all, it was enough for my cock to ache numerous times each day. The only disappointing fact about her is that she is committed to her husband which makes even little flirts prohibited.

Today, she didn’t make things easy for me. Since the weather forecast predicted 100+ Fahrenheit today, Jenny felt it was necessary to wear the shortest skirt and wear the thinnest button up shirt that rested tightly against her tits. Even her bra was thin enough for her pointy nipples to poke right through the fabric.

I am not sure if she realized that I had a perfect side view of her out of my office, letting me stare at her beautiful body for minutes at a time. If I am not mistaken she has caught me with a few hard-ons numerous times.

As I walked into the office I greeted Jenny with a warm “hello” and found myself staring at the back of her tanned legs while she was standing by the copy machine. Without turning her head she replied with a usual “good morning” and told me a story about her husband who just got a new job or something. (I simply become an awful listener when I get horny)

The remainder of the morning I spent doing regular office work and finding enough excuses to come out of my office to get a closer look at Jenny’s perfect tits. When I left to talk to a tenant, I walked by the main pool, which usually was dead at this time a day. However, these seemed to be my lucky day. There were a handful of young ladies sun bathing. Angie, also a recent graduate, was one of them as she was trying to improve her already perfect tan while she was laying oiled up by the pool side. She greeted me with a flirting “Hi Dave” as I stopped by the gate and tried to find a topic for a conversation so I had a reason to stare at her for a while.

I made it a point to get to know as many tenants on a personal basis as possible, no matter how old, boring, or ugly they are. Angie I would never forget, however. I always remembered the first time I had shown her the apartment, when she couldn’t stop her flirting nature. For all I know, she was willing to show me her appreciation in special ways that day. She had started going out with a guy soon after who actually moved in with her, so I never tried to get a piece of her perfect ass.

As I left the pool area, I noticed that my cock was throbbing, which may be the reason why Angie was smiling at me when she got a side view of me when I was leaving, probably revealing my bulge to her and maybe the other women as well.

The tenant I was visiting had not been paying his rent, which required me to check up on things. This was definitely the least pleasant part of the job. The remainder of the afternoon I spent showing the apartment to a bunch of different people of who none seemed to be overly interested. That definitely made me lose my eager desire for Angie, Jenny, or whoever was around. It was 4:50 pm and I was getting ready to leave as I got another good glimpse of Jenny’s legs as she was talking to someone on the phone.

I soon took my eyes of her legs as the door opened when two women walked in. My cock, already hard from Jenny’s legs, did not know where else to go when I digested the intoxicating view of the two hottest women I had seen in a long time.

They walked into the office and paid no attention to Jenny since she was busy and one of them walked straight up to me. I grabbed a clipboard to cover up my biggest boner yet and went to greet her. I almost fainted when I looked at her legs which must have been at least 36 inches long. Combing those long legs with her overall tall frame and the high heels she was wearing, she almost got within 3 inches of my 6’7” frame. My eyes soon went back up to look straight into her eyes as she introduced herself as Sara and immediately pointed to her friend that was standing behind her. “That’s my GIRL-friend Lisa.” My level of consciousness did not find much ground when I got a look at the most beautiful ebony girl I have ever seen. In contrast to Sara, Lisa was around 5’2” tall and at least just as beautiful.

Sara asked for information on the vacant apartments since she and Lisa were looking to move in together. I was overly excited, already imagining watching them lay by the pool and rubbing the oil onto each other. When I raised the clipboard to show them the different apartments, I remembered what the purpose of the clipboard was. I played the situation as cool as I could trying to get them to focus on the clipboard. I succeeded with Lisa since I held the clipboard fairly high. But I couldn’t believe it when I saw Lisa not just looking but staring at my bulge. I promptly suggested for all of us to take a seat so we could look over all the different details together.

As both of them sat down across from my desk I finally managed to look at both of them more closely. Since I have given this presentation so many times, it was fairly easy for me to point things out on the handouts while still taking many chances by looking at them. Lisa had the cutest curly hair that almost seemed longer than Jenny’s. The light makeup in her face seemed to put the finishing touches on a perfect face with the most beautiful eyes and fullest lips.

Sara, on the other hand had straight blonde hair that went barely passed her shoulder blades. Her face was just as perfect as Lisa’s although she wore a little more makeup. Her lips were a little thinner but seemed just as soft as Lisa’s.

The more interesting competition between the two was their tits. Both of them wore form fitting tops that showed more cleavage than Victoria’s Secret models do. Sara’s were a little larger, probably around a 36D, but Lisa’s 32Ds seemed proportionally just as large to her smaller body. I found myself quenching in my seat as I looked at the rest of their upper body including their arms and hands, looking for just one feature that would not be considered flawless.

“…and if you ladies are looking for a mountain view, I would recommend apartments 201, or 312” I recommended to them as I proudly kept up my professionalism. “We would like to see them” Sara immediately answered.

I went ahead and grabbed the master key, while I was relieved to find my cock finally a little deflated. I pointed them out of my office so I could introduce them to Jenny who had finally gotten off the phone. My cock soon sprang up again when I first got a view of Sara’s perfect slim ass and golden brown legs and immediately after I stared at Lisa’s round ass that was wrapped in a pair of the shortest boy-shorts.

After introducing everyone, Jenny took their driver’s licenses and we were finally ready to go. I took the lead to hold the door open and be able to point out the complex’s features as we walked to the first apartment. This also gave me the chance to let my member completely deflate. We walked by the pool and a number of people were either swimming or trying to take in the last rays of sunshine before the surrounding buildings’ shadows covered up the entire pool area. This must have been the first time I did not stare at the few young ladies in their bikinis knowing how hot the girls were that I was with. In fact, it seemed as if both Lisa and Sara took a closer look at them than the average girls would.

As we continued to walk, I found out a little more about their background. Both of them were amateur models while attending the local college. They were trying to save up some money by moving in together. Without sounding too curious I asked them more about their modeling “career” and tried to honestly expressing myself without sounding like a pervert by asking “Is there a chance that you want to become professional models?” not even knowing what the real difference between amateur and professional in the modeling industry was.

“Do you think we are hot enough?” Sara shamelessly asked.

“I don’t think I need to answer that question” I replied.

They both looked at each other with questionable gestures.

I let them into the first apartment, and pointed out the balcony, large kitchen and both bedrooms. There was no furniture in the apartment which made it look overly spacious and plain. After showing them the master bathroom, I noticed that they were engaged in a conversation.

“We didn’t know the 2 bedrooms were this big” Sara explained and added “how much money would we save each month if we got a one bedroom?”

“Around $120” I answered.

“Could we take a look at one, please?” she asked.

Knowing that a one-bedroom apartment wouldn’t become available for another 2 weeks, I considered showing them my apartment, something which I have never done before. Most large apartment complexes have one apartment set up with furniture for potential tenants to a get a feel of the apartment they might move in.

I was almost nervous to ask them but I realized that that might be the only chance to keep them around for the next 6 months.

“Well, we don’t have any vacant right now, but I live in the same building as the one that will be in 2 weeks and it is on the same floor with the same view.”

As they looked at each other and Lisa shrugging her shoulders I started to become even more nervous.

“Sounds great” Sara said after she seemed to have received some approval from Lisa.

I locked up the apartment and led us into the direction of my apartment. It was then when I tried to remember if there is anything laying around in my apartment (such as some dirty underwear etc.) that could embarrass me.

As if Lisa could read my mind she asked “Are you sure you don’t have anything in there you don’t want us to see?”

This was the first time Lisa put together a complete sentence and the tone of voice had something to it that made it as sexy as everything else on her.

As I led them into the apartment, I got a close look at Sara’s cleavage and actually felt Lisa’s side brush against my hip and left arm.

I showed them my bedroom which was as spotless as the rest of my apartment. I had been told numerous times that I had a great taste when it came to decorating my place. Sara went ahead and checked out the bathroom that was almost identical to the master bathroom of the previous apartment.

Being in my own place, I lost some of my professionalism and actually offered them a drink.

“What do you have?” Lisa asked as she took a seat on one of the bar stools.

“OJ, coke, water, chocolate milk or if you want a DRINK, I can make you ladies some martinis, or frozen drinks.” I answered.

“Did I hear martinis?” Sara yelled out of the bathroom, making me wonder what the heck she was doing in there for that long.

As she returned I noticed that she touched up her makeup making her face look even more flawless.

To my delight, she sat down on my couch, crossing her left leg over the right taking away her mini-skirt’s ability to cover her upper thighs and part of her ass.

Lisa seemed to have caught me staring and as if she was jealous, she tried to draw my attention by fixing up her top and leaning forward a little, revealing more of her tits than she has thus far. She succeeded as I turned my eyes towards her and gave her my first flirty smile.

The three of us ended up sitting on the couch as the ladies enjoyed their martinis and I jugged down the ice cold beer. Trying to do my job, I asked them if they were interested in moving in.

“I think it would get a little crowded with the three of us in here, but I could definitely see myself living in a place like this one with Lisa” she said jokingly.

“This is the best one we have seen so far, and the other managers have been some pricks” Lisa added.

“What will you call me once you leave from here?” I asked while smiling at her.

“Ask us after you have offered us all your services” Sara interrupted and added “the martinis definitely rock.”

I was trying to figure out what kinds of services she was talking about already picturing myself being served by them. I then noticed that my cock woke up and tried to lose that train of thought as soon as possible.

“Do you guys want to watch some TV?” trying to move their heads away from me.

Lisa was the first one to find the remote and turned on the TV. She scanned up through the channels seemingly knowing where to find the movie channels making it seem like she wants to stay for a while. When seeing 341, 342… on the cable receiver, I realized that she was approaching the adult channels soon.

Before I could warn her, she reached the playboy channel which was showing a lesbian scene with three blondes. I turned somewhat red, and instead of seeing two shocked faces, I saw them turn to me and smile.

“Typical boy” Sara said while Lisa added “uhuuum.’

“Hold up, hold up” I said in defense, “as manager of this complex I am staying here for free and I receive all channels for free.”

This was actually the truth, but that doesn’t mean I cannot call the cable company and tell them to block those channels, which definitely wasn’t something I would want.

“Good excuse” Lisa said jokingly. As Sara was laughing, she turned to me and tapped me on the chest.

It seemed that Sara liked what she felt, and being so conscious about my body building, I got a big boost of confidence as I looked into Sara’s sexy eyes.

Lisa changed the channel, not down but up, showing a flick of a guy taking a chick from behind. Not even that scene seemed to bother the two, as they both focused their attention on the screen.

There was an about 30 second period of silence as the three of us watched the guy cumming over the back of the red head.

I have seen girls watch porn before and they simply laughed while watching it, most likely covering up their real emotions. Lisa and Sara, however, were more serious watching than before.

I took a sip of my beer as Sara bluntly asked “do you ever whack off to that?” making me spit the gulp back into the bottle.

I smiled at her and simply shook my head, not indicating a negation response, but simply trying to play it off as a joke.

Lisa must have felt my pressure and helped me out by saying “I do sometimes” and all in the sudden the three of us busted out laughing that lasted for about a minute it seems. We soon stopped laughing as the next scene started on TV showing a well hung black guy taking on two ebony pornstars.

As if that situation was begging the question Sara turned to me and asked with an erotic smile “do you like ebony women?” definitely putting me on the spot. She then briefly looked at Lisa and momentarily petting the dark skin of Lisa’s left thigh.

I was starting to lose my fear and gained confidence. I therefore leaned forward and looked at Lisa as if I was examining her, and jokingly nodded my head as if I approved what I was seeing.

I went a step further and added “Lisa is definitely one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen.”

“Thank you” she replied rather shy.

“A tall guy like you must be attracted to someone as tall as Sara though, right?” Lisa questioned as both of them looked at me.

This again, was a perfect excuse to take a look at Sara from up close since she was sitting right next to me. Her legs looked so marvelous, and I finally got to look at her slim tummy and moved my eyes up slowing down around her breasts and ending up looking her into her eyes.

I lost some of my confidence and shook my head again a little and felt myself getting warm, also expecting my boner to rise back up again.

All I was able to say was “you are hot”

“Well thank you” she replied.

“You know, Sara never gets to meet tall handsome guys and she cannot be attracted to anybody that’s shorter than her” Lisa explained to me, taking turns and now rubbing her thigh.

If that was the case, it must be hard for her to find someone, since she was probably around 6’3” tall.

“How about you Lisa?” I asked since she hasn’t expressed her preference.

“I like them all as long as they are nice, hot, and have a big…uhm, house” she said almost stumbling over her own words. All Sara could do was grin and then laugh.

The scene on TV was heating up as the stud was taking one from behind in the ass, while the girls were licking each other’s clits.

“Somebody seems to like it” Sara said while pointing at my pants. Lisa leaned over and nodded for approval.

I noticed that they did not put me on the spot to pick on me but rather to tease me. I then decided to return the favor. Since Lisa already admitted that she plays with herself sometimes I looked at her and asked if she gets wet watching a scene like the one showing on TV right now.

This question must have shocked both of them and there was a moment of silence, making me wonder if I went one step too far. All in the sudden, Sara leaned over Lisa’s crotch and sniffed her nose like a dog looking for some goods.

“I think it has had its effects already” Sara said teasingly.

I could not believe what was about to happen next. Lisa took her right hand and slipped it underneath her shorts moved it around making seem that she was scooping something and pulled out her hands. She went even further and took her hand, which was obviously glistening with her juices on her dark skin and rubbed some of the wetness onto Sara’s thigh, and then allowed her to smell it by sticking her hand right underneath her nose.

This made me want to take out my aching cock and start stroking it.

Trying to loosen the mood even more I offered to make some more martinis. They both agreed and I went into the kitchen. I was hoping that they would start playing with each other, but instead they were leaning against each other while continuing to watch the flick.

I soon returned with the martinis and another beer and joined them on the couch. While watching the next scene, which showed the same black guy doing some office slut, I was trying to figure out a way to heat things up. I didn’t have to worry about that for too long as Sara unfolded her legs and started to rub my right thigh with her left one. She didn’t even bother to look at me or Lisa, as she started to rub Lisa’s thighs more intensely.

At that point, I figured it would be appropriate to touch Sara’s legs. As soon as my big hand wrapped around her slim muscular thigh, I almost lost control.

Still there was no reaction from Sara; but she seemed to pay more attention to Lisa. Lisa put her hand back on Sara’s right thigh and was obviously much closer to Sara’s crotch than my hand was. Before I could make my move, Lisa reached over to grab my hand and guide me straight to Sara’s damp thong.

Sara did a very good job hiding her desires, which must have been sky rocking at that point considering that her juices were soaking through the garment. Sara then went ahead and moved her left hand towards me, but to my disappointment she put it on my head and was stroking my hair instead of my cock. That itself turned me on, however, as she finally started to let out her emotions by moaning as she rubbed the two of us.

As Sara was arching her back and tilting back her head, her tits almost popped out of her top. That made me lose complete control as my face went straight for her goods.

As soon as she felt my cool breath blowing down her cleavage, she pulled my face right into her tits. Lisa helped the issue by taking her other hand and pulling down Sara’s top. It took only a few inches before her tits literally popped out. I wasn’t really able to see what I was starting to lick all over, since her tits literally covered up my entire face. I was extremely pleased to feel the firmness of her big tits and the sharp nipples erecting towards my tongue.

I finally got a peek to see what was going on with Lisa. I sure must have missed a lot since her top was completely off by then only leaving her pushup bra covering her perfect black tits. Sara’s hands made sure that Lisa’s pussy would not lose its moisture as she was rubbing her clit.

Since I knew we were going all the way with this, I knew I could pull out my cock without remorse. I therefore took my finger out of Sara’s sloppy pussy lips replacing it with the soaked thong. Sara knew what I was up to and removed her hand from my head and went straight for my cock by reaching underneath my shorts. I then pulled down my shorts and Sara helped me with my boxer brief as my 8.5 inch rod sprung out.

Sara stared at my member with amazement for a moment while licking her lips. When Lisa saw my throbbing cock, she decided to lean over Sara’s legs and go straight on taking my cock into her mouth. Her soft lips provided me the cumming sensation that I had expected.

Sara watched for a minute before she helped Lisa get out of her shorts. Since she was not wearing any underwear, her round ass was immediately exposed. Both Sara and I started rubbing her ass, while my left hand tried to push her head another inch into her mouth. She probably only had 3 inches of it in her mouth not showing a chance of a deep throat.

All in the sudden, she let out a silent cry which was caused by Sara’s two fingers that were now fucking her pink cunt.

Since her pussy was occupied and Sara’s pussy was covered by Lisa, I went back to Sara’s round tits and squeezed them harder than I have ever done to a girl before. She didn’t seem to mind as she started to help me push Lisa’s head onto my cock. That extra force caused her to gag and she sprung up immediately.

“That a girl” Sara fired her on. “You better not leave him hanging.”

With that, she forced her head back on my cock, this time pushing even harder making her gag a few more times. It did not seem to be that uncomfortable to Lisa but I felt that Sara was being a little rough on her. I then grabbed Lisa’s shoulder and pulled her off me and she showed us her sloppy lips that were covered with a mixture of my precum and her saliva. I then got up on my feet and stood in front of Sara, putting my cock 1 inch away from her mouth.

As if I was helping Lisa on a payback, I grabbed Sara’s head with both hands and shoved my cock into her mouth demanding “take me down your throat” and started to push myself into her until I felt her tonsils. Sara played along and acted somewhat mad as she looked me in my eyes and grabbed my hips pushing me down her throat until about 2 inches were still sticking out of her mouth. As I tried to push further, Sara was the one now that was gagging.

‘At least she could take a couple more inches’ I thought to myself as I was vigorously fucking her face now.

Lisa in the meantime went down on Sara but couldn’t get to her pussy as I was in the way. She then crawled between my legs and Sara’s satisfaction became very obvious as she was moaning onto my cock.

It was the view of Sara’s eye locked on mine as my cock disappeared in her mouth and seeing a black girl licking a white pussy that made me almost go over the edge. Since I wanted to be able to fuck both of them at full strength, I didn’t want to cum down Sara’s throat, yet.

I therefore withdrew my cock which left her throat with the most amazing popping noise.

Sara immediately leaned back enjoying her treatment from Lisa and resting her jaw.

Lisa did not seem to mind the fact that I was kneeling down behind her. I was trying to decide whether or not to eat her out since it was been a while since I got to taste black pussy but my cock was aching a tight cunt.

And tight it was; the size of my cock’s head must have been more than she has ever had as I tried to push my way into her. As I increased the pressure, the upper wall of her pink pussy tilted upward showing me an extra patch of her young flesh. That was enough for me to have enough confidence to slam my cock into her.

She immediately took her lips off of Sara’s swollen clit as I pushed more than half my cock into her body. She even screamed as I started to pump my cock in and out of her. I could see Sara getting a little anxious and the least she could expect was for Lisa to continue to lick her pussy. She then pulled Lisa’s head back down and soon found the delight of her tongue.

Trying to have as much fun as possible, I wanted to see if she could make Lisa lick her under all circumstances. I therefore started to push myself deeper into Lisa and my balls were soon touching her clit. I pulled back about 5 inches before going all the way again. The back of her pussy was so tight that I felt my urge to cum right in it.

I tried to regain composure by taking my eyes off the scene and simply looked out the window. Within seconds I was able to thrust my cock into Lisa harder than ever before while my balls slapped against her bare clit. When she raised her head trying to scream (hopefully more out of pleasure than pain), Sara pulled her towards her again.

I thought that Sara knew what I was trying to do and gave me a teasing grin. I then decided to take one hand and rub her clit while taking my right hand to slap her on her perfect ass. This would have taken any girl over the edge and Lisa really tried to push her head up so she could at least catch her breath.

But Sara now has repositioned herself so that she could push Lisa’s head even harder. Lisa started to scream into Sara’s pussy which – although it was muffled – must have been loud enough for my neighbors to hear.

“I’m cummmmmming” was all I could understand out of all the different cries she let out.

I could feel Lisa’s pussy contract which made my cock contract as well, and I was about 5 seconds away from blowing my load into her. Since I still wanted to fuck Sara, I tried to keep up the rhythm for another couple of seconds before pulling myself out. As I did, Lisa’s cum was dripping onto my carpet immediately. I went down on her licking her clit and pussy as she was still coming. As I departed her lips, more cum was spraying out, and this time directly into my face, which was something I have never seen before.

As I got up on my feet, I looked at my cock which had my veins pop out and a head that was redder than ever.

Sara knew that I didn’t come for her sake and ordered me to sit on the couch. I had better things in mind though. Since she was the first tall woman I would get to fuck, it would be a waste to be sitting while doing it.

“I finally want to be able to fuck someone standing up without having to bend my knees” I said with the most demanding voice I had ever heard myself speak to a woman.

She agreed and walked over to the bar counter.

“Only if you let me ride you afterwards” she said with a sexy moan while she was spreading her pussy lips for me.

I walked over to her and couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw her hip almost reaching the top of the counter. Her heals were taller and her legs were longer than I had expected.

As my cock was pointing upward, it was barely reaching over her hip.

Her pussy was so soaking wet as I pushed my cock up and down in between the lips.

“Stick it in her already” we heard Lisa screaming from behind as she walked over to the scene.

Since I didn’t do it fast enough, Lisa came over to me from behind, grabbed the base of my cock and pushed against me with her stomach forcing my hips forward and my cock straight into Sara’s pussy.

I cannot say that white pussy feels any different from black pussy, but fucking a long-legged girl that is still wearing a mini-skirt and high heels, while her tanned tits are resting on my counter, was the best fuck I could imagine.

I didn’t wait as long as with Lisa to completely fill up Sara’s pussy with my cock and found myself thrusting against her thighs, pussy and ass immediately. During all of that, Lisa was still behind me, now playing with my ass, balls, and Sara’s clit.

Since Sara’s mouth wasn’t muffled, she couldn’t help but letting her screaming resonate in the kitchen, probably making my neighbors wonder if that’s the same person screaming from 5 minutes ago.

I have never done anal before and thought that at least one of these two girls would be nasty enough to let me fuck her anal. I grabbed Sara’s ass cheeks and pulled them apart, hoping to see any kind of signs of a previous anal assault. But her anus was in perfect shape and seemed to be as tight as my own. I even tried to stick my finger up her ass but she only seemed to tense up. I wished I would have checked Lisa’s while I was taking her from behind.

I then felt Lisa’s finger in my crack, rubbing against my anus. To my surprise, she had one finger of hers inside of me within seconds. I took her other hand of my balls and led it to Sara’s anus. I also took my right hand and wrapped it around Lisa trying to find her rear entrance.

Lisa knew how to both relax herself and how to get her finger inside of Sara’s as we now were filling almost every hole possible. To complete the whole procedure, I took my other hand and started finger fucking Lisa’s cunt.

I couldn’t believe to find out that Lisa was the first one to cum again as she was struggling to stay on her legs. It must have been Lisa’s outcry that made Sara go over the edge as she was cumming all over my cock.

I knew I still wanted to fuck Lisa anal and be ridden by Sara, but this whole scene was too much for me to handle. In a rather violent manner, I forced Lisa down next to Sara’s ass as I gave my last thrusts to send Sara to another climax. The first shot of cum went straight into her pussy, and as I was pulling out, another shot of semen shot out as I was extracting my cock from her pussy leaving a line of cum hanging from my cock to her pussy. I was able to pinch my cock for a split second before I pointed it straight to Lisa’s face before I let out another couple of shots.

“Help out your friend” I ordered Sara as she was getting on her knees as well. Lisa’s face was already completely cum covered before I relaxed my cock again and shot the last drops onto Sara’s lips.

I was standing in awe above the young hotties watching my cum drip onto their tits. This view was so hot, that my cock didn’t even think about deflating yet.

Sara started to kiss Lisa and helped her wipe off some of the cum.

Hoping to get both of them horny again, I got on my knees as well and started to suck on all 4 nipples consecutively. Based on their reaction, I knew they wouldn’t mind another round.

Since Sara still wanted to ride my huge cock, she pushed me over and straddled me within seconds. It didn’t take her very long before her tits were bouncing up and down while my cock was almost falling out before she took me all the way in again.

When I looked at Lisa, she seemed to be in shock still as she was just leaning against the bar, not knowing what to think of the situation.

I reached for her hand and led her closer to me. We started to kiss passionately when our tongues were massaging each other and I could feel her relaxing. My lips departed hers and I approached her ears, whispering: “Can I fuck your ass?”

That question made her so horny that her hand went straight down to her clit.

“There’s some Vaseline in the bathroom” I said knowing that since my finger barely fit in her, we would need a lot of lubrication.

Sara didn’t even notice Lisa leaving because she had her eyes shut, head tilted back, and was still moaning as if this was her first time.

When Lisa returned, she turned her ass towards me and got some Vaseline out of the jar. She then rubbed it onto her whole ass, both cheeks and crack, and then started to push some Vaseline inside of her.

Sara was finally having her last small climax, thrusting on me one last time making her tits bounce almost onto her chin. She then opened her eyes to see what was going on.

Understanding the situation she pulled out my cock, and grabbed some of the Vaseline applied it onto both her hands and then started to stroke my cock. Having both her hands wrap around my cock with Vaseline almost felt as good as being fucked.

When Lisa and I were all lubed up I got behind her and started to push my member against the entrance. After one minute of rubbing against her anus, we didn’t get very far. Lisa must have still been tense from the last fuck. However, once Sara started kissing Lisa on the lips and making her forget what was going on behind her, she loosened up enough for my head to find a place in her ass. She let out another silent cry as she was swallowing Sara’s tongue.

After another dozen thrusts, 4-5 inches of my cock disappeared in her ass, but that was as far as it would let me go. The mental and physical sensation of fucking a black girl in the ass, made me cum again within a few minutes.

Sara and Lisa were still kissing when I pulled my cock out of her ass, seeing it immediately close.

We kissed for a while before the three of us rinsed off in the shower. We had dinner together and another couple of hours of fun before we went to get their drivers licenses.

To my delight, they decided to get the apartment a couple doors down and we all knew that that was the beginning of an unforgettable summer.

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