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World Series

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes

I couldn’t believe the Cubs lost after being 3 games up. And the Red Sox just suck. I was really looking forward to a Red Sox and Cubbie series. But no. I hate the Yankees only because of the shithead owner. So be it. I will have to root for the Marlins. Anyway, I told my wife the series was coming and I would be watching it with some of my male friends.

She understands my need to watch football and only baseball during the Series. So I grabbed my cooler of beer, some shrimp I had boiled and hopped in my car. Thirty minutes later I was at Martin’s place.

I knocked on the door and in a few seconds Martin opened it. “Hi.” He said extending his hand. I shook his hand until we got fully into the house and he closed it. Then we both leaned into each other and our lips met. It was a brief but very hot kiss. “Give me those.” He said reaching for my cooler and bag of goodies. “You did not have to bring anything…….well, you could bring one thing.” He said with a laugh. We walked into the kitchen and he put my beers in the frig. After putting the shrimp in a bowl and mixing up a cocktail sauce, we grabbed a beer and went into the living room. The game was about an hour from starting so we sat. drank our beer, munched on some shrimp and just talked about our week. It was interesting to hear about his cases and I talked about looking for a new and bigger home. “Want another beer?” he said getting up.

“Sure.” I said following him into the kitchen. He opened the frig and pulled out to more and got the opener. As he popped the first cap off, I moved in close behind him and press my groin against his ass. He pushed his ass back against me as I put my arms around him. He leaned back against me and I ran my hands up his chest. “I thought about you this week.” I said playing with his hardening nipples. I kissed his neck and moved one of my hands down to his pants. I ran my hand over his hardening cock. “I thought about this.” I said as I grasp his hard cock. I continued to stroke his cock through his pants and press my now hard cock against his ass. I unzipped his pants and pushed my hand into the slit. I found the opening of his briefs and pulled his hard cock through it. I grasped his cock and slowly stroked it. It seemed bigger to me this time. I ran my thumb over the smooth head and around the rim.

“God. That’s feels good.” He said softly. I left go of his chest and turned him toward me. I pressed my lips to his and slid my tongue into his mouth. He captured my tongue and began to softly suck on it. My hand caressed his warm hard cock. I broke our kiss and slid to my knees in front of him. His cock pointed straight up. I drew my tongue up his shaft and back down. I reached up and unbuckle his belt, unbuttoned his pants and they slid down his legs. I pushed his cock back through his brief slit and grabbed the waist band and pulled them down over his sweet ass and to the top of his pants and shoes. What a great cock. I kissed his balls and licked around them. He leaned back against the kitchen counter and just enjoyed getting head. I lifted his balls with my tongue and lapped around them. His musky scent only got me harder and more excited. I sucked one of his balls into my mouth and flicked my tongue around it. I did this again to the other one. Dropping his balls, my mouth moved up his cock shaft and the head slid into my mouth. I sucked on the dark head of his cock and pushed my tongue around the slit.

I pulled his cock down a little and slid it fully into my mouth and the beginning of my throat. He moaned as I began to suck and slowly pump his cock in and out of my mouth. My tongue coated his shaft with my salvia and his cock slid easily in and out of my mouth. I cupped his balls and squeezed them. Then I took my salvia coated hand and slid it up between his legs. He parted his legs and my moved my hand up between his butt cheeks. I wedged my finger between in cheeks, found is asshole and pushed my wet finger in. He sighed and pushed his cock deep into my mouth. I pushed my finger fully into his hot ass and searched for his prostrate. As I moved my finger, I felt his cock jerk. I sucked his cock and slowly finger fucked his ass. He began to rotate his hips and fuck my open mouth. As I pulled his cock back until the head was on my lips, he shot. His cum filled my mouth quickly and I gulped and swallowed. No sooner had his first shot slid down my throat, a second spurt hit my lips and mouth. I enveloped the head of his cock with my lips and let his cum fill my mouth like a warm pussy. I continued to pump his cock and get rewarded with his warm sticky cum.

My mouth was full and I swallowed. Man, he had cum a lot. My lips, tongue and the inside of my mouth were coated with his sperm. I continued to lick his cock and suck the remaining drops of juice from it. I let his cock slip from my mouth and I licked around my lips and the inside of my mouth to get the remaining bits of sperm. I looked up at him with a sticking mouth and smiled. I drew my tongue once more around my lips to tease him and then I stood up. He leaned in and kissed me, tasting his sperm on my lips. “That was so good.” He said standing there with his pants and briefs around his ankles.

“I’ll take that beer now.” I said reaching for the bottle. “I think it is time for the game.” I left him standing with his limp cock and went back into the living room. He went into his bedroom and about 5 minutes later he returned wearing a cubby t-shirt and a pair of briefs. He plopped down on the couch, gave me a quick kiss and took a swig of his beer. “You got another t-shirt?” I asked. He didn’t say a word. Just got up and returned with a Washington Redskin t-shirt and threw it to me. I stood up, shred my clothes, including my underwear and pulled on the t-shirt. The shirt was long enough to cover my cock and ass. I sat back down on the couch, grabbed my beer and leaned back.

We watched the game for a while and then Martin got up and got some chips and dip. We ate some food and drank a couple more beers. I got up and went and took a piss. Coming back into the living room, Martin was lying on the couch. He patted the front of the couch so I lay down in front of him with my back to him. As we watched the game, Martin had his arm over my waist and his cock against my ass. It was real comfortable and kept me hard. Martin snuggled closer to me and began kissing my neck. I turned my head over my shoulder and he pressed his lips to mine. As he kissed me, he ran his hand down my side and under the t-shirt. He gasped my cock and slowly ran his fingers up and down the shaft. I could feel his hard warm cock against my ass.

He pulled the t-shirt up to my waist and pressed himself against my ass. Only the thin material of his briefs separated my ass from his hard cock. And that did not last long. He reached down and pulled his cock out of his briefs and pressed his warm hard flesh against me. He continued to caress my cock. Getting me hotter and hotter by the minute. He pulled his hand to my mouth and pushed two fingers between my lips. I licked and sucked on them until they were slick with my salvia. I knew where they were going. He pulled his fingers from my mouth and put them on my ass. He pulled my top leg up and he moved his hand between the cheeks of my ass. They soon found his target. He rubbed one finger against my asshole and then slid it in. It felt so fucking good. A second finger soon followed and he moved them in and out of my ass.

“Fuck me.” I said as his fingers pushed deep into my hot ass. He pulled his fingers from my ass and guided his hot cock between my cheeks. The head of his cock pressed against my sticky asshole. He moved his hips slightly and the head pressed my brown hole open. One more press and the head pushed past my muscle. I groaned as his cock slid into me. “Yes, put your cock in me.” I said trying to push back against him. He jerked his hips forward and his cock embedded itself deep in me. “Ahhhh.” I groaned as his balls hit my ass. He began to slowly fuck me. As cock moved in and out of my stretched asshole, pre-cum oozed from my cock. I just wanted him to fuck me all day.

“I love my cock in you.” He said as he held my leg up and pushed his cock fully in.

“Use my ass. I want you to fuck me. Fill my ass with your cock.” I said closing my eyes and just enjoying being used. Begin fucked.

He moved his hand up under my shirt and pinched my hard nipple. He pulled and twisted my nipple as he fucked me with his big cock. He groaned each time he slammed his cock into me. He pulled out until the head was wedged in my cheeks and then slammed it back into me. I was getting ready to cum. My cock was being stimulated by his cock caressing my prostrate.

“Fuck me. Fuck me.” I said feeling my sperm rise up my shaft. My cum spurted onto my stomach and the t-shirt. I reached down and picked some of my cum up on my finger. I offered it to his mouth, which opened and suck it off my fingers. He continued to just fuck my ass. Then, with one more slam into me, he came. He gripped my waist and pushed his cock deep into me. He held me in place as his cum filled my ass. I could feel the additional warmth in my rectum. I felt so nasty. And I felt so satisfied.

We lay there for a couple of minutes until he leaned over and kissed my neck. His cock was still in my ass but was getting limp. I knew it would soon just slip out of my stretched hole. I hated to feel the fullness subside. And as expected, his limp cock was pushed out of my ass by my ass muscle. I pulled my leg down and pulled the t-shirt over my ass so his cum would not ruin his couch. I got up and went into the bathroom. By the time I got there, cum was running down my thigh. I sat on the toilet and let it ooze out of me. Martin came in and just smiled at me on the toilet. “That was good.” He said washing his cock off in the sink.

He walked over to me and stood in front of me. I leaned over and took his cock in my mouth and ran my tongue around it. I love his cock in my mouth. “I need to pee.” He said.

“Sure.” I said just opening my legs. “Can you aim clearly?” I asked.

He moved between my legs and aiming his cock, began peeing between my thighs and into the toilet. That accuracy did not last long. Soon he was peeing on my cock. Funny thing though. It gave me a hard on. He warm piss felt good. He saw my hardon and smiling, continued to aim his pee on my cock and balls.

“I always thought about doing this.” He said as he pee was now hitting the lower part of my stomach. I leaned back on the toilet tank and just let him pee on me. Soon his piss stopped. He moved up to my face. I knew what he wanted. So I opened my mouth and sucked his cock in. I cleaned it for him. I tasted a little of his remaining piss.

“If you liked that as much as I did, I think we have some new sexual experience coming.” He said pushing his cock back into his briefs.

“I did.” I said pointing to my hard cock.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot you.” He said kneeling between my legs. He leaned down and began licking and sucking on my pee soaked hardon. He pulled my cock to his lips and sucked the head in. He cleaned my cock, then licked my stomach clean and then back to my cock. He milked my cock with his lips. He then sat back on his haunches and began to jack me off. I closed my eyes and enjoyed his fingers grasping my hard cock.

“I’m ready.” I said as my balls tightening. He continued to jack my cock as the first cum ran out of my cock. He leaned forwarded and lapped up my juice. He continued to jack and suck up my sperm. Once my cum slowed, he sucked my cock into his mouth and finished getting me off. He pulled off my cock and some cum hung to the corner of his mouth. “Lean up here.” I said. He moved up and I licked my cum from his mouth and then pushed my tongue into his mouth. Then I said, “Ok, get out of here and let me get the rest of your love out of my ass.” He turned and wiggled his butt at me as he left and closed the bathroom door. I continued with my business and thought about all that took place. Blowing him, getting fucked and then getting peed on and blown. My cock stirred with my thoughts. What a way to start the World Series. I hope it goes extra innings.

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