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Understanding Bondage

Category: BDMS
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Let me help you understand my views on this. Dom/sub relationships are not about the bondage or the spanking or calling one Sir – or the other any sort of pet names – but it more on the way that two people interact. There are some assumptions that can be made – but then while interacting – no assumptions should be made – that is where you need to find out your partner.

I am very much into the bondage aspect — think about it for a second — all of these images with the fancy rope are not blindfolded – but I would imagine that you would have to be blindfolded during the tying. This can not be done super fast – and if you struggled – the artwork of the rope would not be done well.

So imagine the time that it would take – to get the ropes so artistically over and around you body — think about being blind folded and my hands and the rope as they together move over your body — the rope staying there — you feel the pressure of it — little by little you can relax your body – and still you will not move — the rope bind you — till you are completely tied — it is a peace of living art – you are that art — now like any other artist I would want to admire my art. Do you when you cook — or bake a cake — want to eat it right away – or do you want to savor in the creation of what you just made — smell it – look at it – take it all in — yes eventually consume it – for that is it’s purpose — just as you as my living art — I would want to consume you – fulfill you – Take you.

The patience of the rope hopefully had done it’s trick on you – making you understand your vulnerability – and also knowing – that you have given me your body to manipulate — The roller coaster you ride for thrills — knowing that the track will be safe – but then again you are not driving the little car and it goes along the track — you have no control over it — the tying of the rope is like the clack clack clack of going up the first hill in that little cart — knowing that the wild ride is soon to come.

Once tied — and adored — I begin to explore you body — there is no way for you to move my hands to where you want them — or twist your body for me to reach the area you want my hands – but this is truly my exploration of you –for this the blindfold would come off — you can witness my journey over your body — and the visual impact of your restriction just makes the physical one that you were feeling – so much more real —

If I have done my job well — you are just wet with desire – wanting to have me — wanting me to come to the climax — but that is in my control – and I never let you forget that — You gave me that gift while I was tying you up — at this point you would want to take it back — you would want to cum – feel me inside you – but again — because of the gift of your consent earlier — I don’t give you that opportunity to take control – you struggle a little bit — you want so badly — being a strong minded woman – you are used to getting to a point in “I Want” and you go after and get it — but not this time —

Finally you stop the struggling — you have let go – you resign your self to the fact that I will please you — that your wants and needs will be taken care of – and all you have to do is allow them to happen to you — That does not mean not participate in them – but like good ballroom dancers — you follow my lead – you know that the master plan is mine – you look toward my body for clues — and adjust accordingly because you know that it is safe to do so – and that I will be building to a mutual ecstasy — Thus at this time – the ropes start coming off — but not all at one time — slowly like the beginning — anticipation is the key — You wanted this – you were wanting a lover that took his time — that would take you to this height — and even though you might feel like you are there – and you want to now fuck like a wild animal — you feel my control — my touch — keeping that beast at bay — but bringing it to the surface — letting it serve me — and eventually bringing out the beast in me —

I have teased that beast in me all this time – all those touches and manipulations of your body — has awoken that beast in me – but it is slow to rise because he knows that I am in control – but he looks for the time that he can come out – but that is only when we are joined – and you are mine completely will I let him out. In that moment you feel me cum inside you – I growl and can come close to biting your neck – the beast is so much in control –every pore in my body open’s up as well – my body is covered with a thin layer of sweat as you hear the beast like noises come out of me — I hope you cum again with me this time — but I know that I have made you cum several time before this moment — showing you how I manipulate your body — and actually at this split moment I don’t care if you cum – I don’t care at all — gone is the human in me – just the beast revealed – but in a few moments that passes — I withdraw from you — a lay down — catching my breath — and I offer your my feet to rub (the only place I do not sweat – and ohhhhhhh a foot rub feels so good after I cum) –

Through your action of rubbing my feet – I feel the emotion in you – the adoration that you have – for taking you to that place – I can also feel the pride you have – for you have witnessed me out of control — and you know what we have participated in was pure passion — something that could never be achieved in a 10 minute romp on the bed.

So now you know what I think about bondage.

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