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The Football Bet

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My wife Amy and I have been married for almost 4 years. During this time, our sex life has been absolutely sizzling. We have enjoyed oral sex, anal sex, adult movies, role playing, bondage as well as a wide assortment of sex toys. We are both in our late twenties, but Amy does not look a day over 24. We do the wild thing about 4 or 5 times per week. As great as it has been, we both wanted to take our sex life to the next level.

Although we now live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, we are both originally from the Southeast. Amy was and still is a drop dead gorgeous Florida girl while I was raised in Louisiana.

As Southerners, we are both huge football fans. Amy attended the University of Florida which explains why our house contains a large number of alligator pictures as well as the little gator stuffed animals. Although I did not attend LSU, the Bayou Bengals have been my team since I was in the 5th grade.

Last Summer, we noticed that Florida and LSU were playing again this Fall in October. Both LSU and Florida were anticipated to have excellent football teams. Last year, LSU had won the SEC Championship Game as well as their Bowl game. Florida finished last season with a blowout win against Maryland in the Orange Bowl. I suggested to Amy that we make some sort of wager involving our sex life for this upcoming game. At first, Amy was not receptive to my idea, but she changed her mind after she did some football research on the Internet. She discovered that the game would be played in Gainesville, Florida where the Gators rarely lose. Except for games against Florida State, the Gators had only lost 2 or 3 games in Gainesville during the past 10 years. Amy proudly told me that LSU had lost 13 of their past 14 to the Gators including the past 4 in a row by a 135-44 margin.

Armed with this information, she was ready to gamble on her Gators. During one of our intense lovemaking sessions, we decided on the details surrounding the bet. One of Amy’s friends was getting married in December, and Amy planned to have a Bachelorette Party/ Baby Shower for her friend. If Florida defeated LSU, she wanted me to do a complete striptease at the party in front of about 4 or 5 of Amy’s best friends. I would then be required to lay down on the floor while Amy played with my cock. Amy was dying to see the look on her girlfriends faces as my cock extended to the full 7 inches. I would continue lying on the floor as Amy would fist my cock with her hand until I squirted my cum out for the entire audience. I have quite an impressive ejaculation. If I abstain from an orgasm for several days, my cock usually shoots 5 or 6 jets of cum. It would certainly be an afternoon that her friends would never forget. If LSU beats Florida, my request was that she wear an extremely provocative outfit as we walked around a mall. This was to be followed by a delicious meal at a fancy restaurant. We would cap the evening off with a visit to an adult video store where Amy was to pick out a complete stranger to watch the two of us have sex.

As game day approached, LSU’s record was 4 wins and 1 loss while Florida’s was 4 wins and 2 losses. This was the worst start that the Gators had had since 1986. Despite all this, the Gators were still favored by 8 1/2 points. This point spread seem to calm Amy down considering that the Gators had already been trounced in Gainesville in September by the Miami Hurricanes.

Saturday night finally arrived, and we gathered around the TV for the telecast on ESPN. By the end of the first quarter, LSU owned a 13-0 lead. I could tell that Amy was getting nervous, but she was feeling somewhat better at halftime since the Gators now only trailed 13-7. Fortunately for me, Amy’s beloved Gators completely collapsed in the second half. LSU had a barrage of touchdowns in the 3rd and 4th quarter to finish the Gators off 36-7. It was the worst home defeat for Florida since 1979. Amy realized that there would be no Bacherolette party striptease, but we both would get to fuck each other in front of a complete stranger. I assured Amy that we would plan all the details so that nothing could go wrong.

To help familiarize Amy with an adult video store, we decided to visit a store on one Friday night. Not wishing to draw attention to herself, Amy wore a loose fitting sweatshirt, jeans and tennis shoes. She had her beautiful blond hair pinned up so that it did not hang almost halfway down her back, and she was wearing no makeup. Since this was Amy’s first visit to an adult store, she was nervous yet also curious. We walked around for about 15 or 20 minutes with Amy paying close attention to the others in the store. Except for one of the store clerks, Amy was the only female in the store. The business was large, clean and extremely well lit and not at all seedy as Amy had anticipated. Since our secondary option was a topless bar, we finished the evening by visiting an a very high class topless club. Amy was much more comfortable in the bar, and she enjoyed the music as well as watching the guys as they stared lustfully at the entertainers.

So that Amy could wear one of her skimpy outfits, we had to depend on the weather in planning the date of our sextravaganza. One Saturday in November, the forecast was for temperatures around 70 or higher. On the previous Friday night, we called and made reservations at a mid priced hotel in Northwest Dallas. This area of town has a large number of adult establishments as well as topless clubs. We figured that we could always go searching for a guy in a topless club if she did not like the looks of the guys in the adult video stores.

Saturday arrived, and I was extremely excited about the day’s upcoming events. Part of our bet was that I also got to chose Amy’s outfit for the day. After we spent 10 minutes or so in the closet, I found the perfect ensemble for Amy to wear. I picked out a red halter top, white shorts and a pair of open toed 4 inch heels. The top of her cleavage was well showcased in the halter top while the shorts barely covered her ass. The halter top also left her mid-drift completely bare exposing her flat tanned abdomen. After I painted her little toenails a bright red, I slipped her high heels on. So that we would both be horny, we had abstained from sex and orgasms since last Friday night; thus, providing an 8 day orgasmic backlog. I got a huge erection from just painting her sexy little toenails. Amy was quite a sight in this outfit. With the 4 inch heels, she now stood at a very tall 5’11”. With her stunning 36C-23-35 inch figure, angelic face and long sexy legs, she was now practically a walking sex doll.

To ensure both Amy’s safety as well as mine, we took extra precautions for the day. We rented a car for the day so that the stranger would not be able to trace us with our own car. I took a small legal risk as I removed the plates from the rental and replaced them with some old out of state plates which my Dad had used about 20 years earlier. I was careful not to make this switch until we were ready to go directly to the adult video store. Also for our safety, both Amy and I were armed with pepper spray just in case something went awry with the stranger.

We left the house at about 3:00 PM and arrived at the mall about 40 minutes later. We chose a mall across town so as to minimize the chances that we would meet somebody that we knew. With Amy decked out in her “come hither” outfit, it would be quite embarrassing to meet someone that we knew. After we entered the mall, it did not take long to see people’s eyes diverted to Amy. She was drawing attention from both guys and girls. Within about 15 minutes, I noticed that a group of 3 male teenagers were actually following us around the mall. After my suggestion, we entered a Victoria’s Secret Lingerie store where Amy tried on a few outfits. After a little coaxing, I made sure that Amy came out well into the store while wearing the intimate garments. Several men in the store got a absolute eyeful of Amy’s curvy body. The teenagers did not enter the store, but they were outside Victoria’s Secret on the other side of the mall. I am not sure if they got a glimpse of Amy in the lingerie or not.

After buying a red silk blouse in the mall, we shopped a while longer. We then dropped by our hotel and checked in. At 7:00, we visited a seafood restaurant for dinner. The male waiter was obviously distracted by Amy’s looks as he took quick glances down to the top of her 36 inch breasts. Word must have spread concerning Amy because other waiters and busboys would walk by to glance at the sex goddess sitting across the table from me. It was almost like I was eating Dinner with a celebrity. At almost 9:00, we left the restaurant and drove to the hotel for a quick shower. After freshening up in the hotel room, we drove on to the adult video store. Although Amy and I had visited this same store only last week, she was beginning to get nervous and anxious. She even expressed reservations if she could do this. I reassured her that we had planned everything and not to worry.

We quickly arrived at the video store and walked on in. Even with men staring lustfully at her, she soon became more comfortable. Her criteria for choosing a stranger was cute, young, thin and preferably muscular. Within a few minutes she had picked out a guy who met her standards. He looked to be about 25 or 26 and stood at least 6′ 2″. The guy looked like he could play linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys. Since the guy outweighed me by at least 30 lbs and could probably bench press at least 300 lbs, I talked Amy out of her choice. I certainly did not want a stranger who could pick me up and physically throw me out of the hotel room.

The big guy was currently the only guy in the store who Amy was attracted to, so we walked around looking at DVD’s, videos and novelty items. We had browsed up and down the aisles for at least 45 more minutes until Amy spotted another guy which drew her interest. Although he was thin and short, Amy thought he was real cute. He stood about 5’7″ tall and could not have weighed more than 140 lbs. He could easily passed for a high school senior. The young guy met all of Amy’s requirements except for one – he wasn’t particular muscular. He was looking at some mainstream videos – nothing that was particular kinky. Amy then gathered herself and mustered enough courage to approach him.

Amy stepped up beside him and asked about the videos in his hand. With her heels on, she towered at least 4 inches above the young guy. He seemed to be uncomfortable with being approached here in the store. It’s not every day that you have a girl dressed like a stripper approach you in an adult video store. I was on the next aisle over so that I could hear and see their conversation.

Amy asked if he was attracted to the particular females in the videos he currently held in his hand. He mumbled something and then admitted that he was attracted to them. Amy cut straight to the chase and asked if he was attracted to her. He took a deep breath and told her that she was pretty.

“Have you ever seen a live sex show?” Amy asked.

“Ah, no, no I have haven’t.”

“Would you like to see one, free of charge?”

“Well yea, I guess.”

“Yes or no, your not gay are you?”

“Yes, I mean no. I am not gay, but yes I would like to see a live sex show.”

” How would you like to see a live sex show with me having sex?”

His eyes grew as grew as big as saucers as he stared at Amy from head to toe.

Amy squeezed her boobs together underneath the halter top and said ” I bet you would love to see me topless”.

The young man swallowed hard and replied “Yes”.

“OK, here’s the deal. You see my husband over there. We currently have reserved a hotel room less than 10 minutes from here. You follow us there in your car, and then you get to come in our room and watch me strip. Then, you get to stay and watch my husband fuck my brains out. I lost a bet with my husband, so this is his fantasy – having a stranger watch us have sex. I picked you because I think your cute. My name is Amy, what’s yours?”


” Well Kyle, I have a pair of 36 inch tits that I would love to have you stare at. What do you think? You can even bring your videos along, and we can have them playing while you watch the live fucking.”

“OK, I’ll go”.

“Great! I want you to meet my husband”.

Amy motioned me over, and introduced me to Kyle. He was obviously uncomfortable meeting me, but I was very personable and seemed to put him more at ease. After Kyle paid for his videos, we all walked out of the store together with Amy and I getting in our rental while Kyle walked to his car. He was going to follow us, but we I also gave him the name of the hotel as well as our room number.

After Amy and I were in the car, I told her that I was somewhat surprised with her rather aggressive approach and conversation with Kyle. My wife was certainly not the shy and demure type, but I didn’t anticipate that should would practically intimidate the young guy. Amy told me that because Kyle was young as well as shorter than her ( at least in heels ) she felt very comfortable in approaching him. Amy also mentioned that having people staring at her all day like she was some sort of rock star had provided a tremendous boost to her self esteem. Kyle seemed to be very harmless, but we but double checked for our pepper spray. I carried mine in my left pant pocket while Amy had hers in her purse.

Within 10 minutes we had arrived at our hotel. Kyle pulled in immediately behind us and parked his car in the space to our left. To make sure that Kyle did not chicken out, I again shook his hand and told him that Amy looked absolutely fantastic in the nude. As Amy came around the car to join Kyle and me, I also told him that she is a fucking wild woman in the sack. Amy heard my comment, and with a seductively wicked smile replied “let’s do it baby!” The hotel was one of medium size with all of the rooms opening inside to inside hallways. During the short elevator ride, Amy and I discovered that Kyle was a local college student. Amy bluntly told him that he looked so young, and then asked him how old he was.

“I just turned 19.” replied Kyle.

Amy then looked at me and gave me this “look what we found” grin. This kid was barely a year out of high school. Upon entering the hotel room, Amy winked at both of us, and disappeared into the bathroom. I then told Kyle about the bet between Amy and I, and how her Gators let her down. As the conversation drifted off into football, I could tell that Kyle was becoming more and more relaxed. Gaining Kyle’s trust was going to be very important. After a few more minutes, Amy emerged from the bathroom. She had changed clothes and was now wearing a red silk blouse and a short black leather skirt. Amy still wore her sexy 4 inch heels but had covered her legs with a pair of black thigh high nylon stockings. She had left unbuttoned the 2 top buttons of the blouse. Amy asked us if we were ready for her striptease. Kyle and I both replied “YES”. I sat on the edge of the bed while we sat Kyle down in a chair which we had actually brought from our house. Amy told Kyle that he was to not touch her at all whatsoever tonight; otherwise, the party was completely over.

“Do you understand that; no touching at all”.

“Yes, yes I do”.

“Good! I’m going to strip for you, and then you will watch me fuck!”

We positioned Kyle’s chair so that it was not facing the king sized bed but rather at a right angle. With me sitting on the bed, I could watch both him as well as my wife. Without further prompting, Amy stood directly in front of Kyle and squeezed her voluptuous tits. Amy looked at both of us and said that she wanted us both to remove our shirts before she got naked. Kyle was obviously very eager as he quickly unbuttoned his red short sleeve shirt before pulling his T-shirt over his head. Amy then slowly unbuttoned the red silk blouse until it was completely open. Without removing the blouse, she gave us brief glimpses of the black bra beneath the blouse. The bra was sheer giving both Kyle and I brief looks at her spectacular chest and nipples. With the blouse flapping open, she danced around seductively. She really got Kyle’s motor running when she placed her foot on his knee and lifted her leather skirt higher and higher until he could see her black sheer panties.

Amy saw that Kyle and I were now both boiling with lust. She suggested that we also start playing one of Kyle’s adult videos. Kyle’s head sunk as he realized that he had left the videos in his car. He quickly put on his shirt and left the room to retrieve the videocassettes. Amy and I had brought a 13″ TV/VCR from home, so we were glad that he had chosen videos rather than DVDs. We had not brought a DVD player with us. We sat the TV/VCR on the dresser. Amy asked me if she thought that Kyle was a virgin. I told her that I wasn’t sure. She said that she was going to ask him. Kyle quickly returned and placed one of the tapes in the VCR. After Kyle sat back down and removed his shirt , Amy continued her sexy striptease by allowing Kyle to take off her blouse while carefully avoiding any touching . Amy stood in front of him with her hands on her hips while Kyle stared intently at her chest.

Amy stepped back from the both of us and told us to remove our pants. In less than 10 seconds, Kyle and I were down to our underwear. Amy was in complete control of Kyle, and I could tell that she was enjoying this immensely. It is absolutely amazing the amount of power a gorgeous half naked woman has over guys. Amy and I both noticed the erection that had formed beneath Kyle’s underwear. To continue the striptease, Amy stepped out of her leather skirt revealing the sheer black panties. She stepped even closer to Kyle so that she was standing between his legs. She then pulled the panties tight so that her pussy lips were clearly seen under the thin material. Kyle very lightly touched her thigh. Amy was quick to notice the touch.

“You touched me.”

“Oh. I’am sorry. I forgot; I will not do it again.”

“Well, the party’s over because I had told you that you could not touch me”.

“It will not happen again. I promise.”

Amy pulled her skirt back on, and then picked her silk blouse off the floor. I was not surprised because this was part of our grand scheme. Amy buttoned up her blouse and told Kyle and I to put our clothes back on. Kyle was now practically begging saying again that he forgot, and that it was just a light touch on her leg. It wasn’t like he had grabbed her boobs or anything. I asked Amy to reconsider since things had been going so well.

“No, party’s over. Sorry Kyle, but rules are rules.” said Amy.

I asked Amy if there was anyway possible that we could continue. She looked at both of us and said that there was only one way, and if Kyle agreed to this, she would continue the striptease and then fuck me.

Kyle asked ” What is it. What do you want me to do?”

“The only way you will ever see me naked and fucking my husband is if you let us handcuff you to that chair.”

As Amy spoke, she pointed to the chair we had brought from home that Kyle had already been sitting in. Kyle looked at the chair and obviously began to think this through.

“Kyle, you know we not going to hurt you or anything. Amy and I are both completely harmless. There are millions of guys out there who would love to see Amy naked. You get not only that, but also get to see her cunt stuffed with cock. You will not want to miss seeing her pussy. I will not give you the details, but she can do things with her pussy that very few women can do. Also, on top of all that, I may also drill her in the ass. Have you ever had anal sex?”


“Well, it is an incredible feeling.”

After looking at Amy’s foxy body one more time, Kyle agreed. I told him that he was not going to regret this. Kyle had already put his pants back on, so Amy quickly told him to take them back off. Clad only in his underwear, Kyle sat back down in the chair. I pulled a pair of handcuffs from Amy’s purse and gently cuffed his wrists to the back of the chair. Amy noticed that the x -rated movie on the VCR was getting interesting. A very buxom brunette was bouncing up and down on some lucky guy’s cock. The brunette was facing the camera which gave us an excellent view of her shapely legs, pussy, chest and face. Amy turned the volume up and asked Kyle if he liked that actress.

Kyle said “yes”.

With the brunette now moaning loudly on TV, Amy unbuttoned her blouse and tossed it aside. After dropping her skirt, we were back to where we were about 10 minutes earlier. Amy was practically naked as she stood there wearing only the sheer bra and sheer panties, the black thigh nylons and the high heels. After removing the heels, she danced in front of both of us for several minutes. She would get real close to Kyle and then drop her blond hair in his face. His cock was again bulging up very noticeable beneath the underwear. Amy knelt down in front of him and rubbed her fingers ever so lightly over his lower legs. As his cock grew even more, he moaned softly.

I removed my under shorts revealing my cockaroo. While still kneeling in front of Kyle, Amy smiled and looked at my cock before looking back into Kyle’s eyes.

“My husband’s naked, so your underwear has got to go”.

Obviously embarrassed, Kyle’s face turned beet red. He looked at me like I could overrule Amy’s request or at least do something. As Amy began pulling the shorts down, she told Kyle to lift his hips. With him being cuffed to the chair, Kyle extended his legs as Amy worked the shorts over his hips and down his legs. Kyle’s banana curved cock sprung out from the underwear. As Amy stared at his cock, Kyle was still quite embarrassed.

Amy looked at me and then back at the flustered young man and asked “You’ve never had sex with a girl before have you?”

Kyle replied “no”.

Amy’s eyes grew big and said “we have a virgin here”.

Kyle’s cock was pretty average in length and girth. Amy had seen quite a few cocks claiming that before our marriage, she had sex with 8 different guys. At 7 inches long, she said that mine was the longest that she had ever seen. Amy played with her nipples beneath the material before unsnapping the bra and placing it around Kyle’s neck. She snapped the bra so that it would not fall from his neck.

“Do you want to see my pussy. I have a pretty pussy?”

Before Kyle could answer, she turned around and with her back to him, slowly pulled the panties to her ankles and stepped out of them. Amy bent over slightly to be sure that Kyle got a perfect view of her ass. Now wearing only the black thigh high nylons, she looked absolutely incredible. Kyle watched in awe as Amy carefully placed her panties on his penis such that his cock was extending up thru one of the panties’ pant legs.

I maneuvered Kyle’s chair so that it was now facing the bed and less than 12 inches from the end of the bed. From his seat, he would now get an up close view of the upcoming lovemaking session between me and Amy. Before Amy and I started making out, she wanted to tease Kyle even more. Amy positioned herself on the very end of the bed so that she was practically sitting in Kyle’s lap. She began Kyle’s sexual torture by leaning over and resting her hands on his shoulders providing Kyle with a close up view of her angelic face and spectacular chest. Amy continued to play with her boobs by gently squeezing them and tracing her fingers around her nipples. Kyle’s cock was fully erect and twitching uncontrollably.

After Kyle had received an eyeful of Amy’s chest, she leaned on her back and spread her legs as wide as she could giving Kyle a perfect view of her pussy. Earlier that morning, I had shaved her clean, so her entire crotch area was easily visible.

Amy asked ” Have you ever seen a pussy before?”

Kyle replied “no”.

Amy spread her pussy lips wide to show a lot of pink. She then leaned further back to give him a view of her tight asshole. While still lying on the bed, Amy took her nylon covered feet and rubbed them on his face, neck and on to his chest. She then began to peel the nylons down her leg inch by inch.

“Do you like my sexy nylons?”

“Yes, very much so”.

With this answer, Amy completely removed the nylons and then draped them both around Kyle’s neck. He was quite a sight with the bra and nylons hanging around his neck and the black panties nestled over his crotch. She continued to torture poor Kyle by placing both of her hands on his upper thigh and leaning her face over his cock. She stuck her tongue out as if to lick his throbbing manhood, but she would pull away each time. Each time that she leaned down, long strands of her blond hair would rake across his throbbing flagpole.

Amy looked over at me said that “show and tell” was over, and that we could begin the real fun. With both of us on now on the very end of the bed in front of Kyle, we got up on our knees and began passionately kissing. My lips first began kissing the inside of her wrists. In this way I can feel her pulse as well as slightly heat my lips. I then ran my fingers through her hair before working my way down her curvacious back and then on to her cute little ass. I then lay Amy down at the end of bed directly in front of Kyle. I began kissing her flat abdomen before kissing, massaging and kneading her spectacular tits. Amy loves having her boobs suckled and touched, so I spent a great deal of time on her chest. After again kissing her wrists and arms, I began planting light kisses on her forehead before finishing on her sensual lips. I moved down again to her chest where I smashed her boobs together before playfully licking in the valley between them.

“Between my legs. Go between my legs.” Amy pleaded.

I certainly didn’t need an invitation to venture down to Amy’s garden of delight. As I have done many times, I started my gently rubbing her inner thighs followed by quick light kisses. I then licked all around her pussy without actually touching it.

“Lick it, lick it.” Amy screamed out.

Instead of licking, I started slapping at her pussy with the first three fingers of my right hand. Her clit was visibly very wet and hard. I twirled my tongue around it, touching is oh so softly. My tongue worked up and down her pussy lips causing Amy to begin her gasping and moaning. I then took my middle finger and slowly moved it into her pussy gently rubbing the inner walls of her vagina. With my finger in her cunt, my tongue was licking at her lust swollen clit. I could tell that Amy was getting closer and closer to an orgasm, so I turned her around so that her crotch was open and pointing at the young horny teenager. She was lying flat on her back with her knees bent such that Kyle’s virgin eyes could now watch the spectacular upcoming orgasm. I knew she was now ready, so I wrapped my lips around her clit and sucked it before tickling the end of it with my tongue.

As I continued my sucking and tickling, I quickly turned to Kyle and told him to watch her pussy carefully. Her gasping and moaning became much louder, and her pussy juices began squirting out from her cunt. It is quite an amazing sight as her pussy actually ejaculates like a cock. After Amy caught her breath and calmed down, I told her that it was now my turn. I lay down in the same spot on the end of the bed where Amy had been.

As I lay down, I looked up at Kyle and asked if he saw all of Amy’s love juices spurting out.

“Yes. It was incredible, absolutely incredible” replied Kyle.

Since my erection had partially subsided, Amy began running her fingernails along my upper thighs. In less than a minute, my cock had reached the full 7 inches. Amy started her assault on my genitals by first cupping and then licking my balls. My nuts loved it when she would place one of my balls in her mouth before moving and doing the same to my other ball. Her talented tongue moved north and licked up and down my throbbing shaft. While holding my cock with her hand, she stared up into Kyle’s lust filled eyes.

“I know that you are a virgin and all, but have you ever had a girl suck your cock?”


“Any sexual experience at all like touching a girl’s tits or pussy?”


“Wow! A total virgin. When is the last time you had an orgasm?”

“Last Saturday night was the last time.”

“You must be horny. You’ve gone 7 days and 7 nights. I bet you would love to stuff your cock in my wet pussy.”

“Oh yes, yes, very much”.

Amy returned her attention to my cock by swirling her tongue around my bulbhead. My wife’s cock sucking skills could bring a dead man back to life. Her head began bobbing up and down with a smooth sucking motion. She would look up at my eyes and then look over at Kyle. 2 or 3 times during this suckathon, she would take her right foot and gently place it on Kyle’s stomach or chest. She carefully avoided his erection fearing that he could explode with the slightest touch. With my 7 inch cock, she was not quite able to deep throat me, but she could get all but the last 1 or 2 inches in her mouth. She continued to tease me by licking up one side of my shaft while down the other side. I was moaning as well as getting close to an orgasm. Since Amy and I both wanted to prolong the evening, I stopped her before my nuts went over the cliff.

Amy then turned her attention from me back to Kyle. While sitting on the bed directly in front of Kyle’s chair, she stretched her legs out so that they were lying on Kyle’s upper thighs and her feet were pressed against both sides of his lower abdomen.

Amy asked “Well, Kyle are you ready for the main event? We’ve done all the oral sex, but I bet your ready to see my pussy stuffed with cock”?

“Yes, but please take off the cuffs. I’am so horny.”

“Their not coming off. We’re going to keep you handcuffed until your balls explode. I like to see your cock twitching and throbbing. You know I have seen you looking at my feet. Do you like my little red toenails”?

As she asked the question, she lifted her left leg and placed her foot on Kyle’s chin. After dropping her left leg, she did the same motion with her right leg and foot. Even my cock was completely erect as I watched her unbelievable cock teasing on the young virgin. Amy had tied me up more than once, so I knew what kind of incredible pressure was building in Kyle’s young balls.

Amy pulled her legs off of Kyle and lay down on her side so that she was facing him. I then lay down right behind her, brushed her hair away from her neck and placed soft light kisses on her neck, shoulder and check. I rubbed my engorged cock against her sopping wet pussy. I would then alternate between slapping her pussy with my cock and kissing her neck. All the while, we could both look at Kyle and see the lust written all over his face. Amy was really getting more and more excited and finally yelled “put it in, put it in!”

I finally relented and slipped my flagpole into the slippery paradise. I could feel her vaginal muscles massage my cock. We just lay there for a minute or so and didn’t move. With my cock buried in her pussy, Amy surprisingly picked this time to pepper Kyle with more embarrassing questions.

“So how many times a week do you masturbate?”

Kyle was now so horny that almost all of the embarrassment had worn off.

He answered ” It depends”.

“What do you mean it depends. Depends on what?” asked Amy.

“Well, like this week, I had planned all week to rent these videos tonight. Knowing this, I don’t masturbate to an orgasm for several days or maybe even a week before I get the videos.”

“You like your cock fully loaded when you watch these movies?” asked Amy.

With that question, all 3 of us looked at the video still playing. A slender blond was in the middle of a wild orgasm as she was wailing, screaming and bucking her hips. A guy had 3 of his fingers moving rapidly in and out of her pussy. At the same time, he was trying his best to lick her rather prominent clit. After her orgasm subsided, Amy turned back to Kyle and continued her interrogation.

“So whose your favorite porn star?”

“Stacy Valentine, before she retired.”

Stacy had been one of my favorites also. In fact, several years ago I met her at an adult video store. She was meeting her fans in different cities across the country. I had my picture taken with her sitting in my lap completely stark naked. I found her to be a very personable and sweet girl. Even my wife is unaware of this photograph.

I had soon had enough of this chit chat, so I began moving my cock slowly in and out of Amy’s dripping love canal. Amy and I had become quite proficient at fucking for long periods of time without an orgasm. By the time we were both ready to climax, we were hornier beyond belief. With this mentality, I continued the familiar in and out motions while at the same time cupping her breasts and kissing her shoulder and neck. Because of the steamy x-rated video, I had to really concentrate on holding back my orgasm. The women in the porno were not only hot, but they also had a great set of lungs for all their moaning and screaming. After about 10 or 15 minutes in this position, we both sat up on the end of the bed facing Kyle.

“So when you watch these movies, what is your favorite position?” Amy asked.

“You mean if am sitting or lying down on the bed?” replied Kyle.

“No. I mean do you like the girls in the movie to be in a missionary position or doggie style or cowgirl or what?”

“What’s cowgirl?”

“That’s when the girl is sitting on a guy’s cock while she is facing him. It’s reverse cowgirl if she is riding his cock with her back to him.”

“Oh, reverse cowgirl is definitely my favorite”.

Amy quickly pointed to me and said “that’s Mitch’s favorite too when we’re watching adult movies”. With Kyle’s answer, Amy turned to me and told me to lie down on the bed so that she could sit on my cock. I grabbed a pillow and placed it under my head and then aligned myself so that my feet were at the very end of the bed. Since my cock was now only half erect, Amy spit on it a couple of times before placing the first few inches in her mouth. After her tongue had circled my bulbous head about 3 times, my cock was erect and again throbbing.

“So you like reverse cowgirl, do you? Why is that your favorite?”

“You get to see everything, especially if its anal. Then you can see the girl’s face, her tits as well as her pussy and the cock as it goes in and out of her ass” said Kyle.

Kyle blushed slightly when Amy told him that he had an awfully dirty mind for someone his age. Amy then sat down on my abdomen and again spread her pussy lips wide for Kyle to see. After giving Kyle another view of her pink paradise, she grabbed my cock and pointed it up toward the ceiling before putting the tip of it in her love tunnel. She then slowly lowered her hips engulfing my entire member. After placing her hands on my legs just above my kneecaps, she began moving her pelvis very slowly. We did not wish to reach anywhere near a frenetic pace – at least not yet. Amy then leaned back so that Kyle could get a better view of my sexy cowgirl and her pussy. Amy and I had played cowboy and cowgirl so many times in this position that we had mastered the rocking motion so that my entire cock would almost come out of her pussy before being swallowed back into her steaming cunt. It slipped out a few times, but Amy would grab it quickly and stuff it back in her pussy. Amy also enjoyed this position because she could easily play with her clit. By this time, Amy and I could see that Kyle was almost drooling.

“Have you ever been this horny in all your life?” Amy asked.

“Oh no, not even close.”

“Blue balls. That’s what you’ve got – a bad case of blue balls. We gonna have to fix that.” Amy replied.

With that comment from Amy, his young cock seem to twitch even more. After Amy and I had dismounted, I walked over to her purse and pulled out a condom, a vibrator and a small bottle of lube. Upon returning to the bed, I handed the condom and vibrator to Amy and again laid down.

“Remember when you said that you liked reverse cowgirl especially when its anal. Well, your now going to get the live version.” said Amy.

After carefully placing the condom on my cock, Amy squirted some lube on my tool before smoothing it out over the first few inches of my cock. She then proceeded to lie on her back right in front of Kyle and squirted some lube on her puckered asshole. After Amy had given Kyle another close up of her backside, we repositioned ourselves so that I was again lying down with my feet at the end of the bed. Amy sat herself down on my lower abdomen and slowly guided my missile into her well lubricated backdoor. Even with the lubrication, she was extremely tight. After a minute or two, I could feel that her backdoor had swallowed almost my entire dick. With Amy still sitting on my stomach, I began to thrust my cock up into her asshole. While we were still coupled, Amy leaned back so that her back was almost flat against my chest. As we began to rock, Amy’s legs would extend high into the air giving Kyle a breathtaking view of her entire snatch. From this position, my hands were free to reach not only her massive tits but also her pussy. I began rubbing her pussy lips and clit with my right hand. I could feel that her cunt was getting wetter by the second. As we continued to rock, Amy’s moaning began louder until her whole body began to shake.

“Kyle, she’s getting close. Her geyser’s about to blow again.”

With my thumb rubbing her clit, Amy inserted the vibrator into her pussy. This almost immediately put Amy over the edge. As she was climaxing, I placed both of my arms around her waist so that my cock could stay lodged in her ass.

“Oh my, her pussy is squirting again.” screamed Kyle.

I could feel little droplets of her vaginal juices falling on my cock as well as my balls. Between my moans, Amy’s moans and the current wailing of a blond actress on the VCR, you would have thought that we were hosting some sort of orgy. After Amy’s orgasmic meltdown, she began humping me at a faster pace which was pushing me closer and closer to the edge.

“Oh, Oh, Oh, Amy I’am cumming!” I screamed.

She quickly hopped off my cock and pulled off the condom. As my gooey torpedoes began bursting out, Amy was fisting my cock, and she had it aimed right at her mouth. Five or six jets of my jism plastered her lips, cheek, chin and left eyebrow. She looked just like one of those blond sex goddesses in a porno. With cum still dripping from her chin, she stood up on her knees in front of Kyle and wiped some of the jism with her finger before placing the finger in her mouth. She continued her sperm diet until her face was almost clean.

Amy and I then climbed back to the head of the bed and leaned our backs against the pillows. Amy bent her knees so that Kyle could still see her drenched pussy. I was usually good for two orgasms a night, but my genitals needed at least a few minutes to re-energize and re-focus.

“So how do you like the show so far?” asked Amy.

“Incredible, absolutely incredible” replied Kyle.

“Mitch has got a pretty good pop shot, wouldn’t you say. With the exception of Peter North, we have never seen a porn star that can squirt as long or as far as Mitch. Now, I have had two orgasms, and Mitch has had one. So Kyle, you’re the only one in the room who hasn’t blasted off. You’re going to have to get with the program young man. Your cock has been twitching and throbbing for it seems like a long time.”

Amy crawled back to the end of the bed and placed her hands again on Kyle’s thighs. She traced her fingernails all over his upper thighs before making her way on to his chest. She circled his nipples with her fingers before lightly pinching them both. He must have had very sensitive nipples because Amy’s delicate fingers dancing on his chest caused him to start moaning. His cock was not only throbbing but the bulbhead had turned a light shade of purple.

Amy turned and asked me, “You know Mitch, Kyle has been a very polite and well behaved young man tonight. I think he needs some sort of reward. I know this wasn’t part of the plan, but I want to sit on his cock and feel that thing exploding in my pussy. I mean this evening was all your idea anyway.”

I had no objections, and I thought I might enjoy seeing my wife coaxing an orgasm out of another guy. After I agreed with Amy’s request, Kyle couldn’t thank me enough. Amy still wanted everything under her terms, so she told Kyle told that the only way she would sit on his cock would be if he was handcuffed to the bed. With the condition that Kyle was in, he would have agreed to almost anything to slip his throbbing prick into Amy’s steaming wet pussy. Amy told Kyle that under no condition was he to touch his cock.

After he agreed to this, Amy and I quickly removed the cuffs from Kyle who then practically jumped on the bed so that could be restrained again. With Kyle’s wrists now handcuffed to the top of the bed, Amy stood over him such that he was staring straight up into her exposed crotch. Like a tigress on the prowl, she squatted down so that her pussy was within inches of Kyle’s face. As she had done before, Amy spread her pussy lips wide giving Kyle another up close view of her snatch. The young man’s erect penis continued to throb and twitch very noticeably.

After a couple of minutes of the pussy torture, Amy then re-positioned herself over Kyle so that her hands had grabbed the headboard while her knees were now on the bed lying on each side of his chest. Her boobs were dangling less than a foot from Kyle’s face. I then began to rim Amy’s asshole with my tongue. As I began to trace circles around Amy’s asshole, I gently flicked her swollen clit with my thumb. After Amy reached back and stuffed a couple of her fingers in her cunt, she began her moaning and squealing again. Before she had another orgasm, I stopped and placed another well lubricated condom on my member. With Amy still hovering over Kyle, I slowly eased my cock again into her tight asshole. After a minute or so of slow paced fucking, I started slamming her asshole at almost a frenetic pace. Amy and I then decided to let Kyle in on the action. After I briefly decoupled from her anal region, Amy lowered her crotch toward Kyle’s excited cock.

“Well Kyle, are you ready to get laid?” asked Amy.

“Yes, oh yes! exclaimed Kyle” in a slightly quivering voice.

Amy then grabbed the virgin cock and guided it into her damp pussy. I immediately re-inserted my missile into Amy’s backdoor. As she began feeling the sensations of the double penetration, she told us both not to move an inch. With Kyle on his back, and me with one foot on the floor and another on the bed, we just sat there awaiting further instructions. After what seemed like an eternity, Amy gave us the green light to begin thrusting.

“I feel something dripping; its dripping on my cock” said Kyle.

There was a certain level of concern in his voice, so I pulled out of Amy’s backdoor only to see a great deal of Amy’s cunt juices dripping on the backside of his cock as well as his balls. We all had a huge laugh when I told them of my discovery. I think Kyle was worried that some of my fluids were dripping on him. The brief laughter seemed to relax us all even more. My cock soon found its way back into Amy’s asshole.

“How does it feel to have a cock stuffed in your pussy and your ass?” I asked.

“It’s like I’am all filled up.” said Amy.

Both Kyle and I were now thrusting our cocks into our respective orifices. As Amy and I anticipated, Kyle’s moaning became deeper thus signaling his impending ejaculation. I then began pounding my cock into Amy’s ass at a furious pace.

“Oh Mitch, Kyle’s cumming. He’s cumming in my pussy.”

As Kyle’s moans transitioned into post orgasm spasms, I felt the familiar tingling in my crotch that I feel just before an orgasm. As I thrust even faster, I grabbed Amy’s lower back with both hands and exploded in her tight asshole. After my second orgasm of the night, I felt drained. Amy and I both lay down on the bed. Amy stretched out right beside Kyle while I laid down behind her. We had Kyle tied down on the far right side of the bed so that I had been able to place my right foot on the floor as I was drilling her ass.

“Well, your not a virgin anymore!” exclaimed Amy.

“That felt so good. It was unbelievable, and better than I had ever imagined.” said Kyle.

Amy took her middle finger and stuck it back into her vagina. Amy then traced the same finger over Kyle’s left nipple. After again dipping her finger into her pussy, she rubbed it over his right nipple. She continued spreading this mixture of her vaginal juices and his cum all over his nipples until his breasts were practically glazed over. Amy’s fingernails were soon dancing over his chest and abdomen. I took this opportunity to plant soft kisses on Amy’s back and butt cheeks. After about 10 minutes of this teasing, Kyle’s cock began to slowly expand.

“Kyle, how would you like to cum again?” asked Amy.

“Absolutely. I can feel my erection coming back.” said Kyle.

Amy knelt down between Kyle’s knees and began throwing her hair down on his expanding erection. She wasn’t even touching his cock. Only the sensation of her hair brushing over his cock and balls was bringing him back to life. After Kyle’s cock was almost fully erect, Amy grabbed it and began playing with it like a gear shift.

“First gear, second gear, third gear!” Amy screamed as she moved his cock around like she was driving a stick shift. I had to laugh because Amy loves to do the same thing with my erection. After she finished playing race car driver, Amy pulled a silk handkerchief from her purse. With the handkerchief still in her hand, she began fisting his cock. Kyle was basically receiving a hand job with a silk handkerchief. Amy would fist his cock until his moans reached that deep guttural level. Then she would completely stop. She continued this stop and start teasing for at least 10 minutes. During this time, she must have brought poor Kyle almost to the brink of an orgasm at least 12 or 15 times.

“Let me come. Please let me come. I just can’t take this anymore.” said Kyle.

After licking around his engorged bulbhead, Amy took both of her now bare hands and wrapped them around his dick. She started the hand job slowly until Kyle again began moaning.

“Come for me baby. Squirt it all out!!” Amy said seductively. Her hands were now moving much more rapidly. Kyle’s face reflected the look of total ecstasy as 2 or 3 pulses of cum erupted from his cock followed by a small stream of the gooey stuff dribbling from the tip of his manhood.

“Wow, oh wow, where did you find this girl?” asked Kyle.

“Florida, you gotta go to Florida. Their all gorgeous, curvy and tanned down there. Gainesville and Tallahassee are chocked full of hot coeds.” I said.

Still stark naked, Amy found her purse, and then removed the handcuffs which had been restraining Kyle on the bed. By now, it was almost 2:00 AM on Sunday morning. Everybody was pretty drained from the fuck feast, so we decided to call it a night. After Kyle cleaned up the jism on his lower abdomen, he dressed, and then gave us his phone number. He made it pretty clear that he would love to get together with us again for another lust crazed rendezvous. We did not give him our phone number. After Kyle had left, Amy got ready for bed by pulling on her sleep shirt while I put on my silk boxers. We talked about the night’s events for awhile longer before drifting off to sleep. We checked out of the hotel the following morning at about 11:00 AM. After I removed the “fake” license plates which I had put on the night before, we returned the car to the rental place.

It has now been 3 or 4 weeks since the special night with Kyle. The night’s events were so enjoyable that it is hard to envision another “stranger sex night” to be as fabulous as the one we had with Kyle. Nevertheless, Amy and I have discussed the possibility of doing this again. I still have Kyle’s number ( hidden away at my office at work); however, we have not attempted to contact him.

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ปั้มไลค์ wrote

Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.