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The Betrayal

Category: BDMS
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The betrayal rocked her world. He swears that he loves you but then comes home with whip marks across his pretty ass! O this will NOT be tolerated! Riley had pushed Serena’s bitch button and now he must pay the price. Telling her that he was going to a car show with his buddies, I mean come on! I’ll take terrible lies for a thousand Alex. But Serena had been a major player in her time taking whatever man she wanted and to hell with the consequence and to her thinking this was a karmic balance.

Don’t think that she was going to let him get away with this betrayal, far from it. Now bear in mind that they met online when he thought that he found a Domme and she thought that she had found her switch. He accepted her collar and she then accepted his hand in marriage. For 4 wonderful years she thought they had the perfect life. Now I’m going to tell you the story of how she paid him back and set the rules for their lives.

Riley is a bouncer and dj at a local club so he works nights. Serena is a paramedic with enough stress as it is without having to worry about what her husband is really doing. Riley decides that if he goes off for his little tryst while she is working that she will be none the wiser so on her second day of a three day rotation he thinks that since she’ll be working for 24 hours he’ll go play. So he leaves telling her he loves her as he walks out the door and warning bells are going off in her head. She goes to work and when she gets home after an exhausting what was supposed to be 24 hours that had turned in to 36, she collapses into a coma. When she wakes he’s home but acting oddly. He is avoiding eye contact and stumbles around the phrase “I love you.” As a paramedic she hopes for the best but assumes the worst and decides that she’s going to give him a few days and see what happens.

The next day she goes to work as he is coming in from the club and as they pass in the hall she reaches up to kiss him and he turns his head. She walks out the door slamming it behind her. He calls throughout her shift and she ignores it every time to show him that he can be without her. She works her shift and her co-workers take the brunt of her initial anger. The next morning when she gets home he is sitting at the kitchen table.

“What the hell are you doing up? You are usually sawing logs by this time.” Serena asks.

“I need to talk to you.” He says with his head down.

“What wrong didn’t you have fun at the car show?” She says with a thick layer of sarcasm.

“Its about the car show…I kind of didn’t go. I actually went to see this Domme that I have been talking to online. I’m sorry but you are always working and I needed someone to pay attention to me!”

“Do I look like I’m stupid, and you better let your brain answer that question instead of that smart ass mouth! Do you really think that I DIDN’T know where you were? I mean think about it Riley! The computer is shared by both of us and it automatically logs into your sites.” She screams. “I know I fucked up but I really wanted to make sure that you are the one that I want.” He whines.

“And I take it you came to your sacred conclusion? Well by all means educate me o great one!” Serena says while rolling her pretty blue eyes.

“I want you. I don’t want anyone else. I swear it will never happen again! Please forgive me!” He says as the tears start rolling.

A wicked gleam flashes in her eyes as she says,”Ok, you want forgiveness there is a price to pay for it. Are you willing to accept your punishment?”

“Yes! I swear I’ll do whatever!”

“Yes what?”

“Yes Mistress.”

She grabs him by the collar that she placed around his neck and drags him to the spare bedroom which also doubles as the playroom. He is cuffed blindfolded and placed on his knees.

“Stay still. If you move from that spot punishment is over and so are we!” She whispers in his sensitive ears.

“I promise Mistress.”

Serena is gone for what seems like an eternity as he hears water running in the shower, closet doors opening to the playtime closet. Riley hears the familiar clicking of heels on the hardwood floors and smells her perfumed body crème. He barely has time to wonder what is coming now when he is pulled up and thrown over a footstool.

“So you thought I would buy this car show lie, did you? Well since you got back and your behavior changed I have been planning this punishment. You see I may be married to you but I do remember my days as a player and I do work with some of the biggest players this side of the Mason-Dixon Line so I saw though your lie and picked up a little something yesterday when you were ringing my phone dead.”

Riley feels his clothes being cut from his body with a pair of shears leaving him naked and cold since she dropped the temperature 10 degrees. Suddenly he feels a sharp painful slap across his muscular ass.

“You will receive a stripe for every hour that you were with your whore. After each lash you will count it out and thank me for taking my time to punish you.” She whispers in his ear.

He does as bid counting each stripe that she puts across his ass and back and thanking her even as the tears rolled down his face. When she got to 36 she stops and removes his blindfold. He hears his implement of torture hit the ground with a clacking sound.

“Would you like to see what you were being punished with?” Serena asks.

“Yes Mistress I would because it didn’t feel familiar.” He sobs.

“Well there’s a good reason that it didn’t feel familiar. You see I decided that since you used a car show as your excuse you needed to be punished by parts of a car. So I went to the car parts store and bought a fan belt.” She drops the fan belt in front of him. “And I got some other things while I was there.”

She pulls him up from the stool leaving his shredded clothes behind and throws him across the foot of the bed.

“So, you fucked another woman did you? Well it’s time that you remember who the only person to fuck you is to be.” Serena growls as she spits on his ass.

She walks over to the toy chest and takes out the harness and the strap-on that he loves to use on her. It is 12 inches long and thick as a soda can. He sees what is coming and starts to squirm around to prevent Serena from entering him.

“Mistress I can’t take that! Its way to big!” He screams.

“Well you can either take this like a man or you can pack your clothes and get a hotel and a lawyer. Which is it to be?”

After a brief internal debate he comes to the conclusion that Serena is the love of his life and he would do anything to keep her.

“Well?” she asks.

“Please continue Mistress. Please be gentle though Mistress as I have never had anything that big in my ass.” He begs.

“I’ll be as easy on you as you were with me the first time you fucked me with it.”

She lubes up he cock and begins to slide it in as he puffs and cries. Serena is starting to feel sorry for him and wonder if it is indeed too much she starts to back out.

“Please no Mistress I need this! I deserve this!” he screams.

“As you wish my love.” She whispers and his heart lifts because he knows that he being to be forgiven.

Serena begins to fuck his tight little ass starting in slow short stokes and building to long, hard, fast stokes until she feels his body start to quake and she knows that his release is not far behind. She then quickly pulls out leaving him feeling empty. She takes him up onto the bed and undresses herself except for the stockings that he loves dearly. When he sees what she has left on he begins to cry quietly.

“What’s wrong my love? Are you in a lot of pain?” she asks tenderly.

“No Mistress I am realizing that I don’t deserve you and I am trying to figure out what I should do to make this up to you.” He whimpers as tears roll down his soft cheeks.

“If you finish your punishment today all will be forgiven. You must also know that it won’t be forgotten though. Your trust level has dropped and you will have to earn my trust again. Do you understand?”

“Yes Mistress.”

She places a knee on either side of his head and he can see that she is dripping wet.

“You are going to lick me until I cum screaming. If you do your job well you might be allowed to cum later today. If not it will be 3 days before you are allowed release.”

As he was about to answer her she lowered herself down on to his eager mouth to receive her reward. She knew that one of his biggest turn-ons was for her to moan and scream, so she was determined not to make a sound. He licked, nibbled, used his tongue ring, and hands trying with everything that he was to make his love enjoy his punishment. Even trying as hard as he could her body was still and no sounds came from her until she gave in.


A flood of her nectar covered his face as he licked desperate not to let any go to waste. Her orgasm made his already hard cock ooze his pre-cum and throb. She stood up on the bed and being the sadistic woman that he loved started jumping up and down so not only was his blistered ass rubbing the course duvet but he was having to watch her large breasts bounce up and down making him painfully hard.

“I think this is for me. You are not to cum with out permission. Do you understand?” She panted.

Not wanting an answer she kissed him deeply as she took him into her hot wet cunt in one swift motion. She began to ride and buck him into her frenzy knowing that he was fighting his urge to cum with every bit of his will. Knowing that he was working so hard at not cumming she reached down to play with his extra sensitive nipples. She began rubbing her nails across them and he began to shudder. She was working his big hard cock as deep as she could taking herself higher as she pinched, caressed, twisted, and slapped his nipples.


“No but you may cum when your Mistress cums. Now you will take your proper place behind me and fuck me until I say that we are cumming. And if you don’t do a good job you will not be cumming”

He took his place behind her and began to do everything in his power to please her. They were both straining for the finish line when knowing her pleasures decided that he was either about to give her the greatest pleasure or screwing up royally as he began to finger fuck her tight ass. When she began to scream and thrash in pleasure he knew it had been the right decision.

“CUM FOR ME! CUM FOR ME …..NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!” she screamed as he felt her pussy muscles contract as they milked his exploding cock for every drop that he had in him. Their orgasms lasted for what seemed like forever and both were left feeling weak. She laid her head on his sweaty chest and looked into his eyes.

“Consider this your only warning. If you think that you will be given this kind of punishment again, you’re wrong. If it ever happens again you will be divorced. I love you Riley but don’t ever think about fucking or playing with anyone else. Do you understand?”

“Yes Mistress.” He says.

“No, playtime is over. Answer me properly.”

“Yes love. I love you Serena.”

His breathing was the last thing she heard and his lips kissing her hair were the last things that she heard and felt before drifting off to sleep.

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