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Weekend Group Party

Category: Group Sex
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Mike and Gail were hosting the neighborhood party for their small group of friends. Gail, a senior High teacher was finished for the year. She was happy to be home and know that on Monday when her other friends were on the way to work she would be able to sleep late and spend the day loafing around their back yard pool. She wanted to work on her summer tan.
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Sexual Liberation

Category: Mature
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It seems that everyone wants more stories about my affair/relationship with John. Luckily there is not a shortage of encounters to write about even though our sexual relationship was quite brief, lasting not even a year. The following story takes place in Durham, NC where he lived during this time. Being the horny, middle aged woman I was, sex was not far from my mind. I knew that he, being a young man in his early twenties, was always thinking about sex. My car ride to Durham was filled with lusty thoughts that completely took over my mind and body.
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