
The trip wasn’t long, it just seemed that way. Actually it was just a couple of hours. The jet engines roared as the pilot put them in reverse and the thrusters quickly slowed the plane down to taxi speed.
The entire trip my mind was playing considerable scenarios over and over. My hands were sweaty and my stomach was churning so much I’d passed the in-flight meal.
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A long, long time ago, in a land.... well, it WAS a while ago, but things like this stick in your mind.
I was about twenty-three, in the Navy and stationed at a base right next to one of the premiere resort cities of the Caribbean. It was long before AIDS and all the other little "nasties" became so dauntingly prevalent, and I was - as usual - on the town and at the casinos, my regular Friday visit spots when I didn't "catch the duty" or if some poor schnook would stand it for me.
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