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And Hubby Watched Us

Category: Lesbian Sex
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I've told you about the messing around at college and of the 3somes with Sharon. Shortly after that episode with her I met the man that eventually became my husband, Kevin. Then, apart from the occasional half joking suggestion usually made in a club by a girl of, "fancy a snog" and a couple of strongish come-ons by senior managers in the ad agency I joined after leaving university half way through my second year I had no more such experiences for many years. I then told you a rather long story.
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The Secret Gardener

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
In a few months time I was going to be 18 years old, a fit guy with nothing much to do. I had two months to kill between leaving school and going to university. Many of my friends were spending their time backpacking around the World, but I didn't fancy doing that. I decided to try and get some work experience and build up some funds so I wouldn't spend my university years as a typical poor student.
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