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Up The Chimney He Rose

Category: Gay Male
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A week before Christmas, I ducked into the fifth floor men's room. It served as temporary reprieve. The first among twenty or thirty things I could invent to occupy myself while avoiding the remainder of the company Holiday party two floors below. One other occupant was in the room. He barely registered on my eggnog-addled brain. Most years I managed to escape the compulsory merrymaking by being unavoidably detained somewhere else on company business. This year I was unavoidably detained in Los Angeles.
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Two Redheads and Me

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I hadn't seen my girlfriend Erin in almost a month because of our current situations, so I was feeling really excited to be with her as I walked up the steps to her place. She lived in a small rented apartment, which she shared with two house mates, Kathy, who we got along very well with, and John, who I didn't know well but who seemed nice too. The three house mates had each just found the rooms separately, but it had turned out to be a very functional living situation.
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Huge Boobs with Bad Attitude

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"These aren't on the menu buddy! Only the refills are free," snapped 19 year old Giselle Potter, as she caught yet another onlooker staring unashamedly at her gigantic teenage titties as they were molded into her skin-tight Mamma Mia's Pizza white tee shirt with the restaurant's name stretched widely across her colossal endowments.
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Face Off

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
Usually I can suppress it. I can go months without the need creeping up on me. But when it does, oh boy, you better watch out, 'cause I can't stop myself. And it don't take much to set me off. So I'm at this conference my company puts on once a year during the first week of December. It was my first time being sent as I'm the new kid in my department, but the rep who usually attends took some personal time to help with the delivery and care of his new baby.
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A Good End to The Day

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I imagine you coming home tonight, surprised how all your snow chores are done. You walk into the house and it's warm, there's a light in the kitchen, and you enter, curious about what you'll find. As you enter I turn around and smile. I've been hard at work at the stove, cooking our diner. You can tell that a soup is bubbling away, perfect for this cold winter night.
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