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Pain Relief

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Closing my office door, I sat in my desk chair, reached for the phone and dialled our number. After 3 rings I hung up, waited a few seconds, then hit the re-dial button, smiling as I remembered our agreement on this signal to let you know that I was calling. I was aware of my increased heart rate and pulse throbbing in the side of my neck, as I waited for you to pick up the handset, and suddenly you were there.
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Sin City

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
After a long drive through the desert from Fresno to Las Vegas, both you and I were nearly exhausted but excited. We had both put in a full week of work, and we needed some time away from the more mundane details of our jobs. We planned the trip to Vegas a few weeks prior in honor of our second year together, and we were both ready to usher in another year in style. Our friend Michelle, along with her new boyfriend, was supposed to help us kick off our next year together, but, after a falling out two days prior, they decided not to make the trip.
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