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Staying With Friends

Category: Fetish
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I recently traveled to London for a conference. Rather than paying the normal ridiculous prices charged for hotels in London I made contact with some old school friends and asked if I could stay with them. They readily agreed; always keen to meet up with friends from “home”. Geoff and Linda were the ideal couple; they had been going out since early in High School. They were both very good at every sport they tried, both very good academically and both very good looking.
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Running the Risk

BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It had been a rough week. Fighting with the wife had made my night life quite quiet. To top it all off she had decided to go and visit her mother for the weekend. She must have been really pissed off as she told our daughter that she could have one of her college friends spend the night. I wasn't really impressed as I was now responsible for the two of them and all their miscreant behaviors.
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