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Swinging at Naturist Spa

Category: Group Sex
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Hi, my name's Neal, I'm 28 and my wife, Suzy, is 26. We've been married nearly three years now. We were both High School sweethearts and were going out for quite few years before we decided to tie the knot. While in school in the north , I knew that Suzy was an introvert and it took me a long time to get her to come out of her shell. I on the other hand had quite a few fantasies, even at such a young age.
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Pleasuring The Stress Away

Category: Group Sex
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"Are you feeling stressed?" "Yes," I muttered to the screen. "Is life getting on top of you?" "Yes again," I sighed. "Well I can help you – with a spiritually uplifting Aromatherapy massage." "Why not?" I asked myself, looking at the screen again before reading on. "Provided by a fully qualified Masseuse ...."
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Thirty Minutes or Free

Category: Mature
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My first two years out of high school, I attended a community college, and worked as a delivery driver for a well-known pizza delivery chain we'll call "Checkers" to protect the innocent. It was a pretty good job. Most of the drivers were needed in the evening so it didn't interfere with classes. You got paid a salary, tips and commission (to pay for gas) which averaged more than $8.00 an hour when minimum wage was closer to $4.00.
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