
This is a departure from my previous stories, and if the response is positive, I plan on turning this into a series. Its my first time with this subject matter, so let me know how I handle it. Also, if you like it and want to see more, be sure to let me know where you'd like to see the series progress. And as always, thanks for reading!
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After Winnie's mom found her way back to Marcus' house, they went almost another five minutes before she was cumming again. He asked her to stay the entire weekend, but not before a quick trip home to pick up the essentials...and by essentials; she meant slutty clothes to be fucked in.
Marcus even followed her home to make sure she came back with at least a different outfit for him to fuck her in each day and night, because it would be asinine to let her wear the same stockings three days in a row.
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Luck is a funny thing. It has a habit of rolling around when you least expect it and when it shows up it sure can be a beautiful thing. Of course what may be good luck for you may have your best friend way up shit creek without a paddle.
This story of luck and misfortune started years ago when I met Tim in college. We met at a frat party and became fast friends.
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