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A Girl Called Mickey

Category: Anal Sex
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For as long as I can remember, I've been an ass man. Not that I fail to appreciate the beauty of a slender leg or plump breast and taut nipple. Far from it. But ever since I was a teenager, stroking my cock to the glossy images in girlie magazines, the primary object of my desire has been the soft, peachy fullness of a woman's bottom.
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Lipstick on a Pig

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"Ho ho ho" Arthur Wilson muttered in response to the "Merry Christmas" shouted out by Bud as the door closed behind him, the latest departing regular at Mickey's Tavern. This left Arthur as the last soldier still sitting at the bar. It was past six, and Arthur knew that Mickey was probably anxious to get home to his missus for Christmas Eve. While Arthur was certainly in no great rush to leave, there was no need for him to prolong Mickey's agony, so he signaled for one last one for the road.
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