
Part I
It started out as one of the worst dates I'd ever had.
He was good looking enough, to be sure... tall, blonde, and decent muscles showed through the nice suit.
And he had money. Designer sunglasses hid his emerald eyes while he drove, and when he laid them down; it was on the dash of a beautiful blue Ferrari convertible.
But his arrogance was overwhelming.
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"C'mon honey, please, please, just do it!"
"I...I can't, baby...I just can't!"
"But you promised! You said you wanted to, please do it!"
"That was before, I..I always want to before but after I...I just can't..."
I looked down between my spread thighs, feeling foolish. I was begging my husband to eat my pussy after he'd just fucked me, something we'd both expressed interest in having happen in many a spoken fantasy, but which – again – he was chickening out of once he'd screwed me and left me full of cum.
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