
There is nothing like returning to your desk from an unproductive meeting after 4 pm on a Friday afternoon before a three day weekend. After spending two hours in a conference room with boring accountants, and the only outcome was agreeing to meet next Wednesday to discuss the topic further was exhausting.
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The summer after my sophomore year of college began as a boring one. I was taking summer school classes to fulfill a few perspectives so that I could concentrate on my major courses during my last two years of school. I had a work-study job during my time in summer school so the rent wasn't a problem at the time, but once summer school was over it was different story. I had no classes to go to, no job, no friends to hang out with (everyone I knew went home and my roommates were both still in summer school and had jobs), and nothing to do that would fill that empty void—that is until one fateful day in early July.
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