
Studying. Just one of those facts of college life. Me and Becky, friends since freshman year, roommates for several months.
"Who was that girl who said 'Hi' to you when we were walking through the union?" I asked.
"Oh that was Trish. She was in my poli-sci class last semester."
"Hmm. She really lit up when she saw you," I observed.
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Disclaimer: All mine. Female loving. No violence. A bit of language. Love feedback.
University is complicated no matter the circumstances, but for Nick Kotsopoulous it was all that much harder. Leaving her family and all that she'd ever known, she traveled half way across the world for the chance of expanding her horizons by getting her doctorate in English from Yale University.
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I lurched into my dorm room and sat heavily on my bed. Natalie looked up from her studying, and raised an eyebrow. We had only been in school for three weeks, but living together 24/7 we had already bonded as friends. She knew I was upset.
"You're back early, Emma" Natalie commented. "It's not even midnight. Did Jimmy get drunk?"
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Living with Paige was pure hell for Ally. Every moment she was around was like slow, agonizing torture which Ally often likened to having dull screws driven deep into her skull while having her heart ripped violently and awkwardly from her chest by hateful vultures. Well, maybe not that bad, but it definitely sucked in the worst possible way.
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Note: The first story in this 'series' is "Danni Gets Her Wish." You don't really need to read it to understand this one, but I might write more stories that involve previous ones I've written. This story is told from Danni's roommate's perspective.
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