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Beginning of a Passion

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Neeta stared out of the window of the coach, the mountain air cool against her warm face. As the wind fanned her face she felt all her troubles falling away far into the depths of the valley below. Looking towards the mountains, she fervently hoped that this holiday would revive her sagging spirits and confidence in herself.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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Music pounded around her. The club was an exclusive one, and had only the best DJ's turning on any given night. The floor literally vibrated under her feet. She looked at the bouncer that let her in without issue, then at the writhing mass of bodies visible beyond the door. Swathed in light that shifted like water, the strobes gave an interesting effect to the already interesting décor of the club.
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Between What’s Wrong and Right

Category: Lesbian Sex
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"Ladies and Gentlemen, we're about to begin our final descent to the Norfolk International Airport and will be at the gate in just about 20 minutes. Current weather at Norfolk is sunny at 84 degrees. We have enjoyed having you on board today, thanks again for flying US Airways. Cabin attendants, prepare for arrival please."
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