
I lurched into my dorm room and sat heavily on my bed. Natalie looked up from her studying, and raised an eyebrow. We had only been in school for three weeks, but living together 24/7 we had already bonded as friends. She knew I was upset.
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I had just recently broken up with my boyfriend. I was sitting on my bed in my dorm room talking to my roommate, Robyn. We were discussing him and his shortcomings (I had done the breaking up because he was a jerk) and we got to talking about our sex life. Yes guys, that's right, us girls talk about this stuff too. I was telling Robyn how Mike, my ex, would never go down on me, even though he expected me to go down on him. Somehow it came out that I had never had a guy go down on me, and Robyn looked incredulous.
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Isobel Ford glanced back and forth from her stopwatch to the runners coming around the final curve. She started calling the times out to her assistant, who's own gaze was darting back and forth from her notebook to the numbers pinned on each runner's chest as the members of the girl's track team thundered down on them.
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Oh god, I was so horny.
I was watching dirty movies whenever I wasn't at school, I was masturbating for hours every night. I'd sit in the lecture hall, twirling a shiny, jet-black curl of hair, eyes not registering my pathology professor droning away. While my classmates scribbled notes furiously on either side of me, I would be concocting daydreams filled with big cocks, silk sheets, and the wild animal humping. I had been fantasizing about sex so much I was hardly paying any attention to my ten classes.
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I lurched into my dorm room and sat heavily on my bed. Natalie looked up from her studying, and raised an eyebrow. We had only been in school for three weeks, but living together 24/7 we had already bonded as friends. She knew I was upset.
"You're back early, Emma" Natalie commented. "It's not even midnight. Did Jimmy get drunk?"
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Living with Paige was pure hell for Ally. Every moment she was around was like slow, agonizing torture which Ally often likened to having dull screws driven deep into her skull while having her heart ripped violently and awkwardly from her chest by hateful vultures. Well, maybe not that bad, but it definitely sucked in the worst possible way.
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"Are you ok?"
Erin looked up in the bathroom mirror, one hand still wiping water from the back of her neck. Kailin met her eyes in the glass, her full lips quirking to the left.
Must have followed me in, Erin thought, and ducked her head, embarrassed.
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