
Y'know how people always say you never forget your first? Well, I certainly never forgot Karen. Never will -- though God knows I tried. She wasn't exactly my first first. There had been what Lemony Snickets would call a series of unfortunate events before her. But Karen was the first girl I ever slept with as well as the first -- and so far only -- person I ever fell in love with so, in my mind, she still counts as a first.
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Lying here beside you I watch the moon play across your face as you sleep. Would that make you cringe self-consciously? I know it would. Perhaps I will tell you in the morning. I do love to make you squirm.
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Marti was gone when I woke. The only evidence that she had really been with me was the rumpled pillow beside mine, and the pleasant soreness of my body. She had really given me a work out!
Now what? I wondered. What kind of relationship were we to have? Was this just a one-night thing, an expression of intense lust? Or would it become something more lasting? I didn’t know, but I hoped I would find out soon. I had to be with her again!
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