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First Massage for Mrs. ‘M’

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It was the third week in August and a Wednesday, the slowest day of the week at our mountain resort-retreat and the bosses only day off. It was even slower because a Faith Bible Church group had booked the entire resort, and they weren't doing any extras. They had meetings in the morning, then broke up for sightseeing and shopping trips. Almost no one came in to the Spa for massages and facials, though a few had manicures and pedicures in the Gallery area.
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My Lovely Roommate

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Slamming her car door, Jessi storms into her duplex. It was a horrible day, everything that could go wrong did. First she wakes up two hours late for work. Next her car dies when she tries to leave work. And just ten minutes ago she was pulled over for doing 60mph in a 35mph zone. I should have just called in sick and slept this miserable day away, she thought.
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